Chapter 44

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The entire night we kept having sex, I feel sore and tired, but I have to wake up. I'm hungry and I need a shower.

I pulled the sheets off my body and and got up and grabbed a towel. After I showered I changed in light jeans, a white crop top, with Calebs blue hoodie. I pulled my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

"Look who just woke up." I heard Hannah say from the living room. I followed her voice and saw her sitting down on the couch with a box of steamed rice from Tasty Asia.

"Did you get me some?" I asked pointing to the rice box.

"Yeah, it's in the kitchen."

"Thanks." I smile and run to the kitchen and grab the box and a fork. "Where are the guys?" I asked once I went back in the living room and sat down on the couch across from her.

"Business." I scoff and and eat my rice. "I heard you two last night. You guys didn't let me sleep, you guys kept going and going." I gasped and choked on the rice.

"Sorry." She laughed.

"It's okay, now what happened last night?" She smirked raising an eyebrow.

"Well the movie was okay, I thought Emma and Hairy were gonna end up together but I guess not." I pout.

"Spoiler alerts!" She yells throwing her hands in the air.

"I'm sorry, I thought you weren't interested in watching that movie." I defend myself.

"What makes you think I wasn't interested?" She chuckled.

"Well maybe because it's about drugs, fights, bad boy and bad girl stuff." She shrugs.

"You have a point. I really am not interested in watching that movie." I threw my hands in the air.

"Anyways, after that we went to Red Lobster, then we went to walk around the river and then... he gave me a promise ring!" She squealed and got up, jumping up and down. I decided to join her, it feels weird in my point of view, but at least I'm giving this a try.

"Oh my god, let me see." I showed her my hand and she roamed her fingers on the ring. It's not that big but not too small. It's just perfect.

"Lucky." She pouts.

"Hannah, you're sixteen." I chuckle and put my hands in my pocket.

"And? Your nineteen."

"Huge difference. I'm older." She rolls her eyes playfully and smiles.

"Do you think Eric likes me?" She asks as we walk in the kitchen. I look at her over my shoulder.

"I don't know, I don't even know when someone likes me." She eyes my ring ten looks back at my eyes. "Okay except for Caleb." I blushed.

"Except for me what?" I heard Caleb ask as he walked in the kitchen. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my neck.

"Nothing, how was 'business'." I air quoted with my fingers. Caleb sighs and goes over to the fridge.

"Okay, uncle Roberto showed up to the meeting." I turned around to face him and was amazed. He was wearing a black suit! With a navy blue tie and dress shoes. Ugh he looks hot.

"Who's 'Uncle Roberto'?" I asked the both of them.

"Crystals father." I scrunch up my nose.

"Ugh, that girl? She's annoying."

"I know, her dad can't stand her sometimes. You can tell." Hannah smiles at me. "Anyways, I'm gonna go shower." She says and leaves the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" Caleb asks pushing me on the counter and kissing my lips.

"Good, although I wish I would've woken up to you cuddling me after the night you gave me a promise ring." I touch my ring and smile. His thumb and index finger go under my chin to bring my face up to meet his.

"I would've, but I had a meeting I completely forgot about, so I had to leave." I sigh and nod.

Being a mafia leader isn't easy I guess. I'm just scared that Caleb will get hurt, like the dream I had.

The dream I had! Oh my god! It all clicks. He's my mafia man! But the dream I had of him getting shot doesn't make sense. I don't wanna find out what it meant. Or means.

"Hey." Caleb says. I didn't notice I was crying, his fingers brushed my cheekbones and his face looked pained.

"Do you really want me to cuddle you that bad?" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I just remembered about the dream. This all clicks." He sighs and sits me on the counter. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you." I sniffle and cup his face with my hands.

"Baby, nothings going to happen. I have everything under control. Plus, everyone loves me." He grins. I roll my eyes playfully and hug him.

"I hope so." I pull away and get off the counter. I enter the living room and and grab my box of rice but only to be dropped by Caleb scaring me.

"Really Caleb!" I scream and crouch down.

"Sorry babe." He laughs.

"I was really craving that rice." Something wet and runny ran down my legs. I gasp and stood up. Oh no! I think I just got my period.

"What?" Caleb stops laughing and looks at me with wide eyes.

"I think I just got my period." I swallow the lump in my throat and look at him embarrassed.

"Ew." I glared at him and tried going up the stairs. His hand goes to my waist and I slap it off.

"Don't touch!" I finally walked up the stairs and in our bedroom. I grabbed an underwear, pants, and a pad I packed.

I walked in the bathroom and changed. I hate periods, I hate them with a passion! I don't understand why girls have to have all the pain!

I walked back out into our bedroom and saw Caleb sitting down at the edge of the bed, looking down.

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