Chapter 38

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Nervous-Shawn Mendes

We walked in the massive house that Caleb calls 'Get Away' house. I still feel weird about this all. I'm going to ask him when we're done with our luggage's.

We walked in a room with a king sized bed on the right, a nightstand next to it with a lamp, when you go straight there's a huge balcony, on the left side of the room is the closet, a flat screen tv, a dresser and a bathroom. On the left side of the room there's a body sized mirror, which is perfect.

I looked at Caleb and put my bag down on the floor. He sits down on the bed and looks at me.

"I know what you're thinking." He says. I raise an eyebrow and walk over to him. "How the hell do I have this massive house, the plane. I'll explain everything once I get back from work." I frown.

"Why can't you just tell me now?" I asked getting irritated. I'm a very impatient person.

"Because it's better if you know when I'm out of work, I don't wanna be distracted over there. I'll do something wrong." He has a point, maybe I should just drop it until he gets back.

"Come here." He says. I get in front of him and he pulls my legs opened and makes me straddle his lap.

"You're so beautiful." He tugs a strand of hair behind my ear. I blush and chuckle underneath my breath.

"Don't say that." He frowns.

"Why?" I take a second to respond.

"Because I'm not. I'm not pretty, I've never been. People say I ugly and that maybe I should just wear makeup to cover up the ugliness." His breathing is fast and his face is red as a tomato.

"Don't let those people get to you. They're jealous because you're the beautiful one, not them. Even when you say your ugly, you know your not. Your the most beautiful and wonderful woman on earth. And I love you so much." I gasp and look deep in his eyes. "I mean it, I love you." I kiss his lips hard. My hands are on his hair and tugging at it.

"I love you too." His hands grip my hips and makes me grind into his cock. I moan and go faster.

"Let me make love to you." He whispers into my ear. He turns us around so that he's on top, taking off my shirt and my shorts.

By now our clothes have been removed and he's putting on a condom.

"We need to get you on birth control." I nodded. "Yes?" He questions.

"Yes." I breathed out. My breathing is fast and I can't keep up with it. Caleb comes down and kisses my lips.

"I love you." Before I could respond he pushes himself into me. I gasp and dig my nails onto his back. "You're tight." He groans and keeps going fast.

"I'm gonna make you cum harder than ever." He seethed. I felt the pressure underneath my stomach, I let out a loud moan.


"Let it out baby." My back arches and my head falls on the pillow. Caleb bites his bottom lip and releases himself into the condom.

"We're not done." He says chuckling. I looked at him confused.

"I thought you had to work."

"In another hour or so." I smile. His hands grip my hips and pushes my legs up, his arms going around them and dips his head down.

His tongue touched my core, sending shivers up my spine. He looks up at me and my hands go down to play with his hair. I tug at it and he groans.

"Cum, baby." My hand leaves his hair and grips the sheets. He stops and puts my hand on his hair again, then goes back down on me.

He likes it when I do that, it's adorable because he's always telling me to do it whenever we're having sex. If I don't do it he'll get mad and grip onto me.

The pressure underneath my stomach is building up and I moan. I moaned his name loud and released into his mouth.

That's disgusting. I don't like it when guys go down on me, it's weird and gross. But it feels amazing.

"Did that feel nice?" He asks, licking his lips. I nod. "Good, I'm gonna be doing that every night." His hand goes down to his length and starts moving up and down. He moans and dips his head back.

Join him, would be a great idea. But I'm too tired. He looks so perfect. His bottom lip in between his teeth, his long length, his curly hair, his hazel brown eyes.

He's just so perfect, and, I love him. And he loves me.

He releases and puts his warm liquid on my stomach. He gets onto of me, his arms holding his weight, his breathing is fast and fanning my face.

"You looked hot." I said chuckling. He looks up at me and smirks.

"I know." He kisses me again then gets up. "I'm gonna shower, wanna join?" He asks and grabs a towel. I nod and grab mine as well.

I dressed in leggings, Calebs grey t-shirt, black socks, and put my hair in a messy bun.

"Mm, I wish I can stay home and fuck you all night." Caleb says coming over to me and whispering it in my ear. I looked at my reflection on the mirror and smiled.

"Me too." I pout and turn to face him.

"I have to go, I'll be back in two hours." I nodded. He kissed me then left. I sigh and grab my phone, walking down the stairs.

"Hey girl! Wanna go shopping?" Hannah asks coming over to me. I nod. I put on my uggs and Calebs black hoodie.

"Are we going to the mall?" I asked. She nodded and drove away.

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