Chapter 51

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After school I'd thought to drop off and say hi to Tristan. I haven't spoken to him since that day I though was him who was trying to kill me.

I got off my car and knocked on his door. He opened it with his shirt off and a beer in hand.

"Hey Tris." I grinned up at him as I pushed past him and walked in the house, only to see men looking me up and down.

"Haizly, not now." Tristan said looking annoyed. Bad timing.

"I will be back, as for now, I can't give you anymore until you have the money." I heard the very familiar husky voice. I turned around slowly and looked at Caleb.



"What are you doing here? Do you guys know each other?" He asks looking at me and Tristan.

"Yes, he's my... lover." That was the first thing coming out of my mouth. I wasn't thinking. Oh my god what is he going to think of me. What is Tristan thinking? Ugh, I'm so stupid!

"Your lover?" Caleb asks pushing his hair back with his hand. I loved it when he did that.

"Y-yeah." I said lowly.

"Haizly, please go to the room." Tristan said looking at Caleb like if he were about to kill him. I crease my brows together.

"You get your drugs from him?" I asked turning around to face Tristan.

"Well I didn't know who he was, all I knew was that he was selling them and that he's a Mafia Leader!" Tristan yells at me.

I sigh and look back at Caleb. I glared at him and walked away and out the door.

"Haizly!" Caleb says running after me. I turned around to face him as he bumped into me.

"Why did you have to do this? Why did you break up with me? I thought we were good? And you staying away from me because your the Big Bad Mafia Leader doesn't change anything! I love you and I know you love me too! I feel safer when I'm with you! I fall in love with you everyday and I can't imagine being without you." I'm a sobbing mess by the end of my speech.

Caleb looks down at me with teary eyes.

"Haizly, we have to stay away from each other." He cries. "Please."

"Why?" I sniffle. "Why can't we just be together and this together? Live all this." My voice cracks. He took a moment k reply, and I wasn't expecting that.

"Because Russian Mafia know about you. And if I stay away from they'll  leave you alone. He will target me not you. That's why we need to stay away from each other." I cry harder.

Stupid fucking Mafia! Ruined our relationship. I guess we do need this time apart. I won't like the Mafia knowing who I am. Although I know they're going to know, me and Caleb always run back to each other. I know we're going to end up together.

I nod, wiping my eyes. "Okay." I sniffle and turn around and get in my car. I drive to my apartment which I still have to sign the lease.

When I got there I signed the lease, went grocery shopping with Kayden because I don't know what to get.

Now that I have my own apartment I want to have things I will need. I'm going to use Calebs old room as mine, and for my bedroom I'm leaving it Incase anyone sleeps over, like Kayden.

He helped me re-decorate my bedroom before I had to go to work. I told Marisa about my trip to Canada and about Caleb and I. I didn't go into too much detail but I told her.

Tristan said he wasn't going to get his drugs from Caleb anymore because he 'broke my heart' and let me walk away. Although he doesn't know the real reason, and I know he's not buying it from Caleb because we dated and he thinks it's awkward.

Work was stressful as always, Celali had stacks of papers on my desk waiting for me. I had a lot of meetings to schedule for her, when I needed to get her coffee or tea. The woman is stressful!

After work Marisa invited me to go meet her fiancé at a fancy restaurant. He's nice, gentle, clean, neat. He's perfect for Marisa, she's always so cheeky.

Then after that I went back to my apartment and made myself dinner. I did school work, while eating. And I was having doubts about just stopping and not graduate because of how stressful it is to have good grades just to graduate. I face timed Cara and she helped me through that.

And I got my work done, but now the day just seems so lonely without Caleb.

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