Chapter 42

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I walked back in the room with the towel around my body, Hannah is sitting on the bed with her thumbs clicking the screen fast.

"So what should I wear?" I asked going to my suitcase and opening it.

"You have bad taste in clothes, so let's go to my room and look for clothes." I sigh but follow her. She is right, I have ripped jeans with the same colored shirts.

We walked in her room, it is very bright in here. It's so pink and white! I hate it but love it at the same time.

"Here wear this." She handed me an outfit and told me to go change in my room. I ran to the room before anyone could see me with the towel wrapped around me.

I looked at the outfit and this isn't bad. It's a white off shoulder crop top shirt, black ugh waisted jeans, and she told me to put on my black vans.

I curled my hair and did my makeup. I grabbed my phone and before I grabbed the door handle, Caleb walked in with a grin.

"You look hot." He roams my body and bites his lip. I blush and grab his arm.

"Okay stop, let's go before we end up in bed. Although I would love that." I chuckle. He kisses my lips and grips my butt.

"Hm, later babe." I swat his chest gently and walk out the door. I texted Hannah saying thanks.

We got to the CINEMA and got the tickets for the movie. It took a while for the movie start because of the fucking previews.

"Did you like it?" Caleb asks once we walked out of the movie room. I scrunch up my nose.

"I thought Emma and Hairy were gonna end up together." I pout.

"It's just a movie." I swat his arm.

"I don't care if it was just a movie. I've been wanting to watch it for the longest time ever." He chuckles.

"Okay, okay." He laughs. "Let's go eat dinner." His hand goes to the my lower back.

We decided on Red Lobster for dinner, I can't eat shrimp. I'm allergic to it, and I don't like the smell of it either. It's gross.

Caleb grabs my hand from across the table and smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." I blush. "And I have a surprise for you after we eat." I gasp.

"What is it? Is it a puppy?" I asked excited already. I really hope it's a puppy! I've been wanting one for a long time. I mean I have one and I love him so very much, but I want another. Especially because Cara claimed Coco.

"You'll just have to see." He smirks. Te food finally came and we started eating.

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