Chapter 46

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding head. I didn't drink that much last night, but wine fucks you up bad sometimes.

I groan and get out of bed and going in the bathroom to take a shower. After I showered I changed into a maroon knitted sweater, black jeans that are ripped on the knees, and black ankle booties. I pulled my hair in a messy bun and put on my glasses.

I've decided that I should put my glasses back on, I can't see shit without them. I took them off in sophomore year when I looked whack and like a nerd.

So I took them off, but I would still wear them whenever I read a book or something. And that's daily, sometimes.

"Look at you." I heard Caleb say walking behind me and wrapping me in his arms.

"What? Looking innocent?" I smirked. He turned me around and kissed my lips.

"You've never been innocent." I blush.

"Anyways, I have a meeting with the Mafia this morning, I will be back in two hours. Eric and Hannah are at the mall if you wanna join them. But please, do not open the door unless my men are in the room with you." I nodded and kissed his lips.

"Okay." He pecked my nose before leaving. I sigh and make myself a coffee, toast, and get on the stool to continue reading the same story I've been reading since the eighth grade.

AFTER by Anna Todd.

I grabbed my mug of coffee but before I could take a sip of it, the doorbell rang. I groaned and got off the stool and went in the living room, to open the door.

"Haizly." A guy said startling me. I gasped and turned to the guy behind me. His hand is in his suit and an earpiece in his ear. I don't think I've ever seen him before.

He goes to the door and opens it. I went behind him to see who it was and it was a man in a black suit, black gelled  hair, and an eyebrow raised.

"Hello, I'm Valentino, is Caleb here?" He asked with a smirk. They guy in front of me pulled his hand out of his pocket and scooted away to let the man outside enter the house.

Who is he? What does he want with Caleb? And why does he look so much like him?

"Please, do come in. Caleb is in a meeting right now, he will return in an hour." The guy says. Caleb looking guy nods and enters the house and looks around.

"Wow, Caleb does make good business." I furrow my brows in confusion. I left him in the living room as I went back to the kitchen and continued to read my book, but the man followed.

"I'm Valentino, you must be Haizly?" He smirks at me as he goes behind the island and grabs an apple.

"Yeah, Who are you?" I asked looking at him through my lashes.

"I just said my name is Va-," I cut him off.

"No, who in general are you? What do you want from Caleb? How do you know him? Why do you want him?" I asked a little annoyed because of how the way he's looking at me up and down.

"I'm his father, I need him for business, and I forgot the rest." He shrugs and takes a bite from his apple. My eyes widened and my breathing hitched.

Calebs father? Why does he want to see him now? He's never been in his life, only probably to beat him up and make him feel bad.

I shouldn't even be talking to this man, he's done horrible stuff to Caleb.

I grabbed my mug and book and headed upstairs to my bedroom. I could feel his eye on me and shivers ran up my spine in disgust.

I set my mug and book down on the nightstand as I pulled my phone from my pocket to call Caleb.

He picked up on the first ring. "Babe, what's up?" He asks. I sit down on the bed and sigh. "Baby, you okay?"

"Your father is here." My voice cracks. He stayed silent for a moment before responding.

"Go in our bedroom and don't come out until I find you." He's angry. "And what did I say about opening the door if Sean isn't there?"

"Caleb he's the one who opened the door, he let him in." I know I just tatted him out, I shouldn't have. Now Sean is gonna get in trouble.

"What?" He seethed. "Just, don't come out... okay?"


"I love you, I'll be home soon."

"Love you." I hung up the phone and sighed. I hope he gets here sooner.

I grab my book and open to the chapter I'm still on. Poor Noah, he deserves better. But at least Tessa and Hardin get to be together, even if it's all fake... to him.

I heard the door open and close aggressively and footsteps stomping on the floor. Angry Caleb isn't always a good thing.

I heard talking and decided to hear, I'd rather let the men talk. Their voices are so loud I can't focus on the book, all I hear is, 'why,' 'when' 'how' 'fuck you' and 'you piece of shit.'

Maybe I should go down and control Caleb before he gets in trouble. I grab my mug and walk downstairs and in the kitchen.

"Why don't you think? This could do so much damage to my my life! Not just mine, Haizly's too! She's my girlfriend!" He seethed. I walk in the kitchen slowly and look up at Caleb.

What could do so much damage to our lives? They both look so worried, Caleb looks like he's about to punch his fa- Valentino any second.

I put my mug down on the counter and tap Calebs shoulder. He turns around to face me and hugs me.

"I told you to stay in the room until I got you." He whispers in my ear, his breathing is hard.

"I just wanted to check up on you. You guys were screaming loudly, what's wrong?" I asked and broke the hug to look back at Valentino. His face shows no emotion but his body is shaking.

"This son of a bitch bombed the Italians Mafia and now they're coming for me!" Caleb got out of my grip and went forward Valentino.

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