Chapter 13

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My hips swayed to the music as Calebs hand rests on my thighs, keeping me steady. The whole night Jacob kept staring at me while drinking his drink.

"Wanna go somewhere else?" Caleb whispers to me. I nod, my head leaning back on his chest.

We went to his car and drive to his house. His hand resting on my thigh and caressing it.

"I found an apartment, I just have to sign the lease. It's a nice apartment, you'll like it there." I smile. The way he says that I'll like it sends shivers down my spine.

When we got to his house-old house, we ran upstairs to his bedroom and made out. My hands tugging at the strands of his shirt. He lifts it up his head and tosses it to the floor.

"You look hot today." He says into my mouth. I blush and smile, lifting my dress up and over my head.

"You do too." I bite his lip and get off of him.

"You need to get on birth control." He says laying on his elbows. I haven't even thought of that. I always thought birth control would make you gain weight. Maybe I should consider it? Since I'm always fucking around.

"Maybe." I shrugged and got back on him. His hands moving up my thighs.

"Maybe? You are, I don't want kids." That somehow hurt my feelings, but I masked it with a smirk.

"What makes you think we're having kids?" His cheeks flush in embarrassment and pulls my head down to kiss him.

"I didn't mean it like that." I roll my eyes and kiss his neck.

"Sure, sure." He laughs and turns us around. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand while the other took my panties off.

His hand gets under me as a shiver runs up my spine and butterflies erupt in my stomach. Curse these feelings!

"Already wet." He breathes. His finger slides in me, making me whimper. My mouth is opened and my eyes are screwed shut.

He stops and takes off his pants, putting on a condom and sliding into me. I gasped and arched my head back on the pillow.

"You're tight." He groans, moving his hips faster, the bed squeaking. I hope no one hears us downstairs, that would be embarrassing. I'm sure they could though, but they just don't say anything.

We have to talk to Hannah and tell her not to tell anyone, especially her parents. Calebs mother has always shipped us, she's always saying we're gonna get together.

She also thinks that I should start accepting my past, just like Caleb, but it isn't that easy. Everyone expects me to just let it go and move on, but I can't! It's too hard!

"Come for me baby." His hands grip my hips, kissing my neck. A moan escapes my mouth as his lips kept kissing my earlobe and under.

"Are you coming?" He asks, breathing in my ear. I felt my stomach tighten as I'm having an orgasm. My legs wrap around his torso and bring her down even more. My head falls on the pillow and my back arches, repeating his name as I come undone.

"You look fucking hot." He breathes. His hands grip my hips again, turning us around. "Make me come." I smirk and move my hips side to side.

His hands move up to my breasts and massages them. "I'm coming." He groans, his head dipping down on the pillow. I smirk and kept riding him, this time faster. His leg muscles tighten as he finally comes, both our breaths heavy and our foreheads sweaty.

I pull my lip ring in between my teeth as I try to catch up with my breathing.

"You're so good, but we need to get you on that shit so I can actually feel you." He says getting up and putting on his boxers. I grab his t-shirt and put it over my head.

"I'm not a big fan of birth control though." I pout as I sit up and grab his pipe.

"And your just gonna plan on using condoms? What if one of them breaks and you get pregnant?" He asks, anger in his voice.

"Well then I guess I'll have to accept it." I shrugged. He angrily sighs and runs his hand through his messy hair.

"No, no! You can't get pregnant! You're too young! We're too young! I need you on that shit right now." I seem to be taken aback. What the hell does he think? That we're gonna end up together? He can't make decisions for me! I'm old enough, and if I don't want that shit in my body, then I won't have it.

"Caleb don't you think you're taking this way too far? It's just birth control." He glared at me.

"Exactly! Just birth control." He sighs and sits on the bed. "I just get worried that you'll get pregnant with a random guy and he won't want you guys." My eyebrows crease together, putting my hand on Calebs shoulder.

"That's not gonna happen. It won't happen." He looks up at me through his lashes.

"What makes you so sure?" He sounds so broken. And I feel guilty for making him upset, but he can't be making decisions for me whenever he wants.

"Caleb, lets please not talk about this. I'm hungover and I just had sex with you. I'm really tired." He sighs and nods.

"You're right. Do you want water? Ibuprofen?" He asks. I shake my head and lay down on his comfortable bed, and he lied down next to me.

"Have you talked to Kayden?" He asks, his fingers caressing the small infinity tattoo on my wrist.

"No, I don't plan on talking to him." He hums.

"Could I ask you a question?" He asks. My eyes are heavy, and I'm gonna fall asleep any moment now. His voice sounds so distant as I fall to sleep very quick.

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