Chapter 9

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Me and Caleb walked around the park, we got bored being on those swings. I looked up at Caleb and see him take a swing of the cigarette. He blows out and looks down at me.

"Why are you even friends with him anyways?" He asks taking another swing. I sigh and shrug, wrapping my arms around myself. It's too damn cold here.

"I don't know, I guess he's just nice to me. But don't worry, we're not gonna be friends anymore." He stops in his tracks and I stop in front of him. He takes one more swing before tossing it to the ground and stepping on it.

"Why not? That was so easy." He says sounding so proud of himself.

"It's not because of you." I correct. He frowns down at me. "He's just annoying." I shrug. He looks unconvinced by my sudden words.

"Did you fuck him?" He asks, hurt lacing through his voice. I looked up at him and his fists were clenching as well as his jaw.

"Only once, yesterday. But it doesn't mean anything. He has a girlfriend and all I do is fuck around." I grin at him to make him believe me. When I grin anything is possible.

His arms wrap around my shoulder as mine wrap around his waist. He knows about my nightmares. He knows about my childhood life. He's very understanding in this because his father was an abusive alcoholic as well.

"Your squishing me." I mumble into his chest. He laughs which makes me smile. His laugh is soothing, and I like it.

Woah woah woah! What the fuck is going on with me? First it was Kayden now Caleb? I'm still wondering why Caleb is being possessive over me. But I won't ask him because I know it might turn into an argument.

"You wanna go get coffee?" He asks not breaking the hug. I nodded and checked the time on my phone. Lunch was over ten minutes ago. We went back to the table and Maya and Austin were making out while Rosie and Noah were laughing at something on Rosie's phone.

"Let's go get coffee?" Caleb asked the crew. Austin parted from Maya and looked up at us.

"Nah me and Maya are going over to mines." He says while Maya blushed. I don't think I've ever seen her blush before. After all these years. It's been what, three years?

"We are?" Maya whispers. Or so she think she does because we all heard it.

"Yeah, c'mon." Sunshine grabs Maya's hand walks towards Austin's house. Austin lives right across from the park, his house is really nice.

"What about you guys?" Caleb asks at Rosie and Noah.

"No, we're gonna stay here." Caleb nods without a single word and we get in his car. As I get in I put on Eminem. I sang along to every song. Caleb would take a few glances at me and smile.

When we got there I sit down on the booth I was in two days ago with, Kayden. I ordered the same drink as last time while Caleb  got an original coffee.

"Do you think dating your best friends is weird?" Mark asks randomly. I look up at him through my lashes and tilt my head.

"No, why?" He shrugs.

"Just asking." The barista brought over our drinks and left. The bell for the door rung and I looked up, locking eyes with Kayden. Fuck.

"Fuck." Mark reads my mind. I clear my throat and act like if I didn't see him, but he comes over to our table.

"Hello Caleb, Haizly. Haizly could I speak to you for a minute?" He asks and glaring at Caleb. I look at Kayden and shook my head. There is nothing to talk about really. He has a girlfriend, we slept together, I somehow got hurt. And that's it.

"She can't." Caleb says coldly. I silently thank Caleb . "She doesn't want to speak to you so you can leave." Kayden sighs and leaves.

Ugh thank god! I didn't want to speak to him. I look up and Caleb was looking at me. Through me actually. I furrow my brows and took a sip of my coffee.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Did you grow feelings for him or something?" He asks. I choke on my coffee then swallow it. I started laughing.

"Grow feelings for him?" I laugh again. "Sure

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