Chapter 84

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The next morning when I wake up, I look over my shoulder to see Caleb's face on my neck. His breathing was soft and slow, his arms was wrapped around my waist tightly.

Then the dream came flooding back in my mind. It felt so real. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. Seeing Caleb on the floor in a pool of his own blood. A bullet in his head while the man just stood there looking at us. I didnt get a glance at him, I was too focused on Caleb.

I heard him sigh from behind me, and it tickled my neck.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks nuzzling his head deeper in my neck.

"For about ten minutes or so." I shrug then turn around to face him. I scan his face, his eyebrows are slightly furrowed, his lips are pursed and lightly pink.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirks without opening his eyes. I scoff and swat his chest, but his hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. Squealing, my face lands on his chest.

"How am I going to take a picture if you just randomly pulled me to you?" I teased with a small pout. "My phone is behind me." He groans and leans his head up from the pillow to peck my lips.

I sighed, putting some of his hair away from his face. Him doing the same, although he keeps his large hand on my cheek.

"Caleb," I pause, looking down before continuing. "About the mafia." He sighs. Clearly he doesn't want to talk about this. His face says it all.

"You said you would leave the mafia for me." He rubs his eyes, looking else where but me. "I mean, now that we're back together, I was thinking that maybe you should consider not being in it any more." His eyes finally meet mine.

"Haizly, I can't just get out of the mafia. If I do this, I won't have protection. There are men out there who try killing me, and without the protection, I'm dead." My heart sank.


"And this is why you should think about your future before you do anything dumb, like this." I tried moving away from him but his hand around my wrist stopped me.

"I know I should've. But I was in a horrible place and you know that. Don't use any of my past agasint me." I furrow my brows.

"Caleb I wasn't. All I said was to think before you do something." He sighs and let's go of my wrist. He gets up and walks in the closet. I stand to my feet, grabbing a hoodie and putting it on. It's actually chilly in here. I looked out the window and saw that it was raining.

Such a beautiful day, but of course Caleb and I are arguing.

"I said I know. I regret joining this fucking circus. But now I can't go back." He says as he walks out of the closet, wearing a black hoodie with black joggers.

"Where are you going?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow.

"No where. I thought going on a run was a good idea this morning, but I checked the weather and it's going to be cold today and tomorrow." Sighing, he walks over to the bed and sits down, motioning with his finger to go to him.

I do and he sits me on his lap.

"I can promise you that I will keep you safe and sound, have my heart. But I can't promise that I can get out of this." Tears welled up in my eyes.

I know he can't get out. But this whole thing scares me. Not one thing in my life have I been so scared of, except for this. I guess I just have to accept it. It's not like he's going to listen to me.

He's a stubborn asshole.

"I love you, Haizly Rose Vasquez." Caleb mumbles into my hait. I sniffle and rub his back.

"I love you Caleb James Scott." I chuckle and pull away. I peck his lips one more time before getting and grabbing his hand.

"Hey do you know if Eric an-,"

"Nope." Caleb interrupts me. I pout.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." He shrugs.

"I want this day to spend with you, not my pregnant sister and her boyfriend. Seriously, that girl has some hormones." He raises his eyebrows which makes me chuckle.

"I can't believe she's pregnant." I say shaking my head and putting my hands on my hips.

"I can." Caleb chuckles. I swat his chest then put my hand back on my hip.

"I'm going to make breakfast." He says as he walks out of the bedroom.

"What are you making?!"

"Cereal!" He replies back. Seriously, he is making cereal? I thought he was going to make some pancakes like he usually does. Wait. . . cereal?

"Don't touch my frosted flakes!" I yell as I run in the kitchen. I see Caleb grabbing some bowls and I look at the island to see two different cereals.

"Jeez babe, I know you don't like to share but don't scream it." I blushed and batted my lashes innocently before sitting down on the stool.

"Sorry, I'm just so in love with my flakes." He shakes his head but doesn't say anything.

He handed me a bowl and spoon before sitting down next to me.


"What are you wearing for the wedding?" I ask Caleb as I rummage through the racks of dresses. He hums and feels the silk of the dress.

"Maybe some joggers? I dont know, they don't really tell me anything." I stop rummaging and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Don't tell me you feel bad for me." I sigh. "Haiz, baby, it's my fault for not keeping contact with them. I'll just wear whatever." I go on my toes to peck his perfect pink lips.

"I love you so much." I say, my lips still connected with his.

"And I love you." I smile and kiss him again before looking for a dress.

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