Chapter 68

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Today! Today is the day we graduate! I am so happy I get to leave this death hole. Mine and Caleb's party is tomorrow and my mom is making us wake up early to decorate and get ready, which I'm kinda excited for if I'm being honest.

I'm wearing a black dress (that my mom forced me to put on) that stops above my knees, and black pumps. I straightened my hair and curled it at the bottom, I did my makeup and put on some earrings.

This isn't my typical style but I'm trying to get used to it. I don't always wanna wear black ripped jeans with a torn t-shirt.

I wanna be and look mature for my age.

I walked out of the bathroom still trying to put the earing on when the door opens and Caleb walks in.

"You look beautiful." He says giving me a peck on the lips. I smile.

"Thanks, you look handsome." He smiles and gives me one more kiss before going in my bedroom.

"Is the ceremony gonna be outside or inside?" Caleb asks from my room.

"Inside, there's few people this year." He sighs in relief which causes me to smile. The last five years the ceremony had to be outside and it was so hot, I got sunburned.

I walk in my bedroom to see Caleb spraying cologne on himself. I grab my phone and keys, looking at myself one more time in my body length mirror.

"You look great." Caleb says reasauring me.

"Are you sure? It the earrings? It's too much isn't it? I-," he stops by grabbing both my wrists and pecking my lips.

"Baby, you look great. Don't over think this." He smiles. I mentally fan girl about him calling me baby.

"Ugh, I love you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"I love you." He replies and kissing my lips again.

"Enough of that." Kayden says coming in the room, his nose scrunched up in disgust. But I see the devilish smirk he's trying to hide. I can see right through him!

Caleb pulls away and bro hugs Kayden. They've gotten along this past month. Mostly because I told Caleb if he doesn't get along with him, we won't be doing the dirty.

"Anyway, Haizly your mom said she's already at school and she wants us to get there to take pictures before it starts." I sighs and nod.

"Why didn't she text me herself?" I asked furrowing my brows. I checked my phone and turns out she did text me.

"You need a new phone." Kayden and Caleb say at the same time. I frown at them.

"But I like it." They laughed.

"It won't even tell you when you get messages." Caleb saya grabbing my phone. "It won't even let you know who its from." I roll my eyes and grab my phone back from his hand.

"Okay, I'll get one once I'm in College." He shakes his head. "Anyway, are you riding with us?" I asked Kayden. He puts his hands in his pockets.

"No, mom is driving me." I nod.

"Okay, we'll see you there." I say once we all leave the apartment. Me and Caleb get in my car and drive to school.

My mom took dozens of pictures of the three of us. Karmen and Michelle took some of us as well. It was exhausting because all they did was flash their cameras at us.

It's like we're waiting for weeks to get on stage to get our diplomas. But in reality it was hours. Which was worse because all I can think about is when we're going to eat and when we're getting out.

Finally they called my name. I sighed and went on stage to get it. I shook hands from my old teachers who I liked, the ones I didn't I walked passed them. I'm rude, I shouldn't be acting that way, now.

It's hard. It's weird actually. Trying to be nice when I've been rude since I was 14.

They called Caleb next, then Kayden. Huge smiles plastered on their faces. This past month we've changed a lot. I'm no longer rude to my mom and sister, me and Caleb are getting to the next step in our relationship. Caleb and Kayden are finally getting along as brothers.

I've been working a lot. Marisa and Liam still haven't came back from vacation. She says they might move there, I'll miss her but she seems very happy over there.

Lucy, oh dear lord. Lucy still has a crush on me, and of course Caleb is jealous. Oh and this new guy named Noah. Yeah, Caleb was ready to punch the guy the first time he met him.

He wants us separated at all times. I like it when hes jealous, he gets possessive and protective.

But it's not like me and Noah are doing anything bad, we're great friends. And Caleb isn't going to tell me who I can and cannot  hang out with.

"That took so long." I said once we exited the school.

"It was only three hours." Caleb chuckles. "Oh, okay. Yeah it was, but it didn't feel like it." He says shrugging.

"What time does Karmen want us over for dinner?" I asked Kayden who was on his phone standing there awkwardly.

"At seven. She wants to prepare dinner early so she and my mom can get ready."

"Aren't they ready already?" Caleb asks with a stern voice. I nudge his side.

"Yeah, but we should all re-dress. I don't think you guys would like to go like.... That." He says pointing to our clothes.

I frown. "But I like this dress." Kayden looks at me with a duh expression.

"You act like you don't have any more dresses." He says raising an eyebrow. Eh I guess he has a point.

"Okay then." I turn around and walk away only to see our parents talking and laughing. Hannah looks extremely bored. My sister is talking to my aunts who are carrying balloons and flowers.

I hate being the center of attention!

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