Chapter 22

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I looked at Caleb. I don't know what to say, my mouth won't function and neither would my brain. I feel like my head is spinning.

"Are you Okay? You look pale." Caleb creases his brows and I shake my head.

"I'm fine. S-so, are you basically asking me out?" I smirk and lean on my elbows.

"Not basically, and not just asking you out, I want you to be mine." He leans closer to me and whispers in my ear, "to be my girlfriend." My eyes meet his, his eyes looking down at my lips.

"Yes." I said after what felt like minutes but actually was seconds. His lips collide with mine as he kisses me, hard. My arms wrap around his neck and bring him close to me, his hands grip my hips and makes me straddle his lap.

"I don't feel like having sex right now." I said breathlessly. I pecked his lips and he smiled.

"That's fine with me." His British accent makes me fall for him even more! My hands play with his hair and he grunts.

"If you keep doing that I'm gonna take you right here." I look at the mattress and slide my hand on it, smirking at Caleb.

"Here? Lay me down and fuck me, hard?" He nods.

"Harder than ever." He smiles up at me, his hand gripping my butt. I whimper and get off of him and round the bed.

"Let's watch a movie?" I suggested. He nods and we go out to the living room. We decided on Coco and made popcorn and grabbed chips. Calebs  hand kept gripping my thigh but I didn't push it away, I liked it there, like if it were to belong there.

Caleb and I would glance at each other every now and then, smiling. Im glad that we're dating now instead of just fucking. I would always want him to make me his, claim me, but he never did until now. I turned my head to face him.

"Why did you ask me out now?" He looks at me. "Why now instead of before?" I asked. He clears his throat and turns his whole body to me.

"I just felt like you didn't like me. You just wanted to fuck with me. So I left it to that, until I got Christina and felt weird. I thought that she was gonna change my mind about you, but it didn't, it just made me imagine you and I together." My head goes to the crook of his neck and I kiss him.

"I lowkey knew you liked me." I giggled. He pulled his head back and furrowed his brows.

"How?" I chuckled and pulled my legs to my chest.

"Well first of all, you don't let me see Kayden, second you're always with me, you're protective, possessive, a-," He shushed me with his finger pressing on my lips.

"You sound like you don't like it."

"I don't." I lied. I do like it, very much, I just don't want to admit it to him because that'll mean that he wins.

"Wait, you never told me who the hell told you I was with Kayden." His smile fades and he clears his throat. He's always doing this, looking down at the floor and staying quiet for a little. After what seemed like forever, he looked up at me.

"Christina told me." I furrowed my brows.

"You still talk to her?" My face turns into a frown, but creased my brows instead. I couldn't let anyone see me weak, even though Caleb has seen every emotion in me. He shakes his head fast.

"No, she just texted me saying that you were with him." I nodded. Maybe I should just leave it to here, I need to trust him if we're gonna be in a relationship.

The movie ended and we went to his bedroom to sleep. But I couldn't sleep, I had many thoughts in my mind that I didn't have answers to. When me and Kayden were on the beach, I think I saw Karmen and what I assume is Kayden's mother on the beach. Maybe I should keep this from Caleb for a little.

The next morning I wake up to my alarm. I groaned and shut it off, while turning to face Caleb but was very hard because his arm feels like thousands of rocks on my waist.

When I finally turned to face him, I smiled. His lips are slightly parted, his eyes are shut with a his brows creasing. My hand goes to his hair and pushes it out of his face.

He groans and pulls me closer. "Let me sleep." He buried his face on my chest and I chuckled while playing with his curls.

"Caleb, it's six am, we need to get up." He did a buzzing with his lips and felt weird on my chest. Goosebumps rises in me and I shifted. "Oh c'mon, we're gonna be late." He puts his head back on the pillow and pulls me on top of him. I got a great idea to wake him up.

I got off of him and in the kitchen, grabbing a pan and a spatula and going back in the bedroom. I slammed the spatula on the pan hard but he didn't budge.

"You motherfucker." I groan and walk out the room. I put the stuff back in its place and decided to change. I changed in a yellow long sleeve crop top, black ripped jeans, and my black vans.

I curled my hair and put it in an up and down. With the up I did a little bun with it and decided to wear a choker. I applied some makeup, it's just mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, eyebrows, and eyeshadow.

I walked in Calebs room and lied down next to him. I checked the time on my phone and it read six;forty. I don't take that long! Do I?

"Mark? Wake up!" I slapped his chest. After attempting to wake the fucker up, I gave up and got up, opening the door, and closing it. That got him to run in the living room.

"That's what I fucking thought. Get your ass ready, you have twenty minutes." He gasps.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I have to shower!" He says running in the bathroom. I raise my hands in the air and run after him.

"I tried to wake you up countless of times! I even banged the spatula against the fucking pan!" He takes off his clothes and gets in the shower.

"What? No you didn't. I would've woken up." I face palmed my face and crossed my arms over my chest.

After Caleb  got ready and put on black joggers, black vans, a yellow t-shirt. He said he wanted to match with me. He even attempted to curl his hair, but was he didn't want to do it anymore after he burned himself.

"Have I told you how hot you look?" Caleb asks after we get out of his car and he slaps my ass. I look around and notice we're the only people out here.

"Yes you've been telling me that since this morning." I smacked his arm away and he grinned. His hand snaked around my waist and we walked in the school.

In lunch I met up with the group by Calebs car. We decided to go to Wendy's, again. Calebs arm goes around my shoulders and Noah and Rosie kept looking at the both of us.

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