Chapter 8

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I sat down at the couch on the corner of Tristan's house and tried to control my shaky hands and my breathing.

"It's okay, the cops are on their way." Tristan says hanging up the phone and sitting next to me.

"I can't go back there." I mumble. Why am I being such a pussy? I would've beat the guys ass even if he had a fucking bat in his hand.

"It's okay, you can stay here. But I called your mom and she's coming over to pick you up." I sigh and nodded. I put my face on my hands and rubbed it.

"Haizly!" My mom pounded on the door. I gasp and get up, looking over at Tristan. I go over to the door and open it, only to have my moms shaking arms wrap around me.

"Are you Okay? What happened? Did you see who it was?" She asks looking at my face for any damage.

"No mom, I didn't see who it was. And yeah I'm... can we go?" I asked. She nodded and we got to her car. I thanked Tristan for his help before we left.

My head leaned up on the window, watching the small building pass by. When we got home, the cops were there.

Fucking great.

We got out and immediately the cops started questioning me. "Get the fuck away from me!" I yell the girl cop who seems to be taken aback. I don't wanna talk to anyone, all I want to do is sleep and not think about this shit.

"I would like to ask you some questions." She said holding up her notepad. I glared at her, but she of course wasn't scared.

"I'm not in the mood." I said harshly and tried to walk inside but her voice stopped me.

"If you could tell us what you saw it would really help us." I sighed in frustration and turned to face her.

"Fine; He was about 6'2, black sweater that had a Nike logo on the left side, black jeans, a black bandana, white adidas shoes, with a silver bat." Now that I realize it, Tristan has the same clothes. It couldn't possibly be him could it? No it couldn't. There's too much going on and I just need rest.

I walked away and in the house going down to my bedroom and slamming my door shut. Can't these people leave me the fuck alone? Since when do they care about me? If they cared about that, why wouldn't they stop my drunk beat father from hurting his own family? This is a cruel world.

The next day at school was even worse. People asked me about what happened and how it happened. Why would they talk to me? They know how I'm bad and suddenly they care for me after all I've done. I'm still not changing.

I'm looking for Kayden but I can't find him anywhere. I mean he's never been this late to class before. I walked in an empty classroom to get my mind off things, but regret doing so as I saw Kayden and some girl about to kiss.

I speed walked out of the class and heard Kayden call out my name. I walked even further and the bell rung signaling us for lunch.

"Hey Haizly." I heard Calebs voice call for me. I turned and sat down at my usual table with everyone.

"Where were you yesterday? You didn't come to school and wouldn't answer your phone." I sigh and rest my head on my palm.

"I was out of town taking care of business." Caleb smirks and nudges my rub with his elbow.

"You got pot?" He asks. I shake my head and lean my head on his shoulder.

"No, I went to go visit my grandma." He nods. His hand goes under my chin and and pulls my to kiss him.

I feel hurt for how I saw Kayden about to kiss that girl in the classroom. The way my chest started to hurt as I saw him leaning into her.

I felt like crying, what the hell is that boy doing to me? I'm the bad girl and I'm not supposed to cry over a guy! Someone who of course just used me.

I wonder if this is how guys feel when I leave them. Eh no they don't, they can suck it up, just like how I can. I hope.

"Let's go get lunch." Rosie says getting off the table and grabbing Noah's hand pulling him next to her.

I'm confused. Are they dating? Did I really miss everything yesterday? Should've came to school.

Caleb puts his hand on my waist and we walked outside and in his car. We got to Dominos and ordered a large pizza.

"So are they dating?" I asked Maya who was sitting next to me. She holds up one finger as she chews and swallows her food.

"No, but they're getting there. They're just fucking for now." She whispered the last thing and continued eating her slice. I sigh and look at Caleb who was eating his slice of pizza while staring off into space. His jawline visible and smooth.

"You know, it's uncomfortable when you watch me eat." Caleb says, smirking at me. I blush and look down at my feet.

"Sorry, your jawline is hot." He laughs, his chest rising up and down.

"Your hot too." I blush and get off the table. "Where you going?" He asks and gets off the table too. We're at the park and there's no one here.

Me and Caleb went to the swings and sat down, rocking back and forth.

"So what's this thing going on between you and Castillo?" Caleb asks, an eyebrow raised and a straight plain face. I sigh and put both my palms on my knees.

"Nothing, why?" He gave me that look he gives me when's he knows I'm lying. Damn this guy knows me too damn well.

"We're just talking." I shrugged and looked down at my feet again. I do this way too much, I look up to meet his eyes and see anger flashing through him.

"I don't want you talking to him." He demands. I feel like the air got sucked out of my lungs as I looked back at Caleb. His face holds hurt and anger at the same time.

"Why? We're friends." He shakes his head repeatedly and kneels in front of me.

"No, you're not gonna be 'friends' with him. He's not good, and I know I'm not good Wait her but you don't know him that well." I'm so confused. Why suddenly is Mark possessive and demanding over me?

We're just friends, friends who fuck. And Kayden, well Kayden is a peace of shit. I shouldn't have gone to him in the first place. I could've called Caleb, but Caleb sometimes isn't that understanding.

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