Chapter 61

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I go over to my closet and grab a black dress that goes above my knees, a black leather jacket and black ankle booties.

I did my makeup and straightend my hair. I walk out of my bedroom as me and Caleb headed out to the club.

We were quiet the entire drive to the club, it wasn't an awkward quiet, it was quite... Comfortable.

We met the gang by the entrance and I felt Jacob's eyes on me as we walked towards them.

"Hello Caleb." Jacon grinned at Caleb. Caleb nodded towards him. We entered the club and 'Good For You' by Selena Gomez played.

We walked to the end where there's couches and drinks.  We sat down and took a drink. I grabbed the Viniq and stood up drinking it.

Caleb looked at me while I danced, biting his lip and roaming my body. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to dance with me. His hands went to my waist and pushed me back against his chest.

I looked over to my right and saw Jacob looking at us. I felt uncomfortable so we went out with the crowd of people.

My hands go to my hair as i mess it up. His hands go down to my hips and brings me closer to his body, his cock is on my bottom and I start grinding on him.

I heard him groan so I kept doing it. I kept the Viniq in my other hand as I danced to the music that was blasting.

I'm going to have a headache tomorrow, but it's worth it. I want to spend time with Caleb before he leaves on Thursday.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck as we danced together. His lips connected with mine and I smirked into his lips.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." A very deep voice said, making me stop what I was doing.

"What are you doing here?" Caleb seethes and pulls me behind him.

"Just wanted some drinks, hook up with girls-," He nods down at me with a smirk. I scowl at him. "-and business." He finishes his sentence.

Men started coming out of no where. "We don't start this business until Sunday!" Caleb yells. I saw Maya, Austin, Rosie, Jacob, and Noah looking over at us in fear.

"Baby, I want you to go with the group. Stay together and go home, don't open the door I have a key." I stare at him in confusion.

"No, I'm not leaving you." He cups my cheeks with his hands and i out mine on top of his.

"Haizly please, protect the group." I sniffle and kiss his lips.

Why did he even get in the Mafia in the first place? My subconscious yelled. I pushed her aside and ran to the group.

"We have to go!" I yelled and we ran out the exit. We ran to our cars and they followed me to my apartment.

When we got to my apartment I locked the door and we went to my kitchen.

"Who was that?" Rosie asked trying to catch her breath.

"I'm guessing some other mafia." I replied. "We should go to bed." They nodded. The guys stayed in my old bedroom, and the girls stayed in my bedroom.

I changed in some leggings, a grey t-shirt, a black hoodie and my black hoodie. I grabbed my keys and left without telling them where I was headed.

I made it to the club where everyone was evacuated and I heard gun shots. My eyes watered and I entered the club.

The creepy guy had Caleb tied on a chair as he kept punching his face. I quietly walked toward one of his men and pulled out an extra gun.

Sean taught me how to use one of these but I forgot how to. I pointed the gun towards the guy and messed with it a little but I pulled the trigger.

My eyes widened and everyone stared back at me shocked. The guy dropped to the floor and was dead. I didn't mean to kill him! I just accidentally pulled the trigger.

Everyone pointed their guns at me and i ran behind the wall with the gun. I took in deeo breathes before going back and shooting everyone in the head.

I tried shooting another person but the gun was out of bullets. I grabbed two extra guns from the dead people on the floor and started shooting again.

Everyone was on the floor dead or just injured. I ran over to Caleb grabbing his face.

"Baby, Caleb." I sob. He's unconscious and I need to get him out of here. I take the tape off his wrists and his legs.

"Caleb! Wake up!" I sniffle and grab his face in my hands. "Baby wake up." He groans and tries to open his eyes.

"Haizly." His voice is croaky. He spits up blood and coughs. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asks and tries to get up but groans in pain.

"No, they didn't touch me, they're all dead." I sob and look at the bodies all over the floor. I wonder how i did that.

"Good girl." He chuckles and groans. "Let's get out of here." I nod and help him stand up. We get in his car and I drive to my apartment.

Everyone is looking at us and they ran over to Caleb. We brought him over to the couch and I go get the aid kit from the bathroom. 

"You went to go save him?" Rosie asks me as she stands at the doorway of the bathroom. I stand up and sigh.

"Yeah, I couldn't just leave my boyfriend with another Mafia." She raises her eyebrows and seems to be taken aback.

"I don't understand why you and him chose each other. You guys keep going back and forth, It's annoying." I clesr my throat.

I'm a little confused... my subconscious says clearly chuckling. I sigh and grip the aid box.

"How about you stay out of our relationship and focus on your own." I smirked at her and bumled shoulders with her as I left the bathroom and went over to Caleb.

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