Chapter 54

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My mom, Lily, called saying she wanted to see me. Caleb took me to get my car after school and he's following me to my mothers house. She also wants to see him.

I knocked on her door and she opened it right away. "Come in." We both entered and looked around the living room. She changed it again. It looks better now.

"Cara's in the kitchen, I'll be back." My mom says before going into the restroom. We enter the kitchen and see Cara and my aunt, Lupita, drinking coffee.

"Hey baby sister." I roll my eyes and scoff playfully.

"Shut up." I said and sat down across from her and Caleb sat down next to me.

"Hello future brother in law." She smirks at the both of us. My eyes widened and Caleb stiffened.

"Cara shut up." I throw a chip at her.

"What? It's true isn't it?" She asked looking directly as Caleb. Caleb looks at me and smiled.

"Why are you guys doing this?" I asked confused. They both looked at each other smirking. I threw my hands in the air in annoyance.

My mom comes back in the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

"Okay why is everyone so smiley?" I asked chuckling. Caleb grabs my hand that's on the table and looks directly at me.

"Because your actually getting along with your family." I roll my eyes and look at Cara and my mom.

"I'm sorry if I ever made you guys feel bad. I'm trying to change, and it's working. I'll try to stop drinking and smoking." My mom and Cara get up from their chairs and hug me.

"That's good to hear." They sat back down. Okay this isn't what I was expecting. I expected crying and saying that they love me and that they're proud that I'm finally changing.

Even though I went to a party last night but that's not the point. The point is that they're all hiding something from me.

"Anyways, why'd you call us here?" I asked my mom.

"Well we just wanted to see you guys. We missed having you guys here." My aunt says smiling at the both of us.

"I miss it here too." I said and looked around. The kitchen hasn't changed a bit, and I'm wondering if they've changed my old bedroom.

"I want coffee." I said and got up and walking over to the stove. I grabbed a mug and poured the steam in water in it.

"Do you love Caleb?" Cara whispers to me. I looked at her and smiled.

"Of course I do, he's the very first person who I had sex with, who I lived with, and basically shared everything with. I mean besides you but not everything." She shrugs and a frown.

"Yeah I wish we could've been like the old days." I nodded and put the coffee in then the sugar and then the milk. I tasted it and it tasted good like always.

I turned around and saw Caleb and my aunt and mother talking and laughing.

An hour later we're still at my moms and this is Calebs second cup of coffee and my third cup of coffee. He's laughing with them while I'm enjoying this moment.

"And what about your mom? Is she still with your step dad?" My mom asks and I choked on my coffee.

"Mom! That's personal."

"No no, it's okay." Caleb says reassuring me. "She's actually dating Haizly's best friends mother." Their eyes went wide. My moms face is complete shock while my sisters is full with sadness and my aunts has a frown.

"And it's okay, I mean she's in love." Hes nlt Okay with it. He's trying to hide his emotions. I know it.

The girls faces change immediately and recover with a smile. "That's Good to hear." Cara says smiling.

"Yeah." I look up at Caleb and smile.

"Are you Okay?" I whispered to his ear.

"Yes, your family is awesome." I chuckled.

"I know." He kisses my cheek and goes back to talking to the girls.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Cara asks. I looked at Caleb shocked and waited for his answer.

"A month."

"Are you guys thinking about marriage?" My aunt says.

"No." I said rather fast. Caleb looks down at me and frowned. "I mean, not right now. But we might get married in the future." Caleb still looked sad.

Was he planning something? I wish he could tell me though, he always keeps his thoughts in his head. And I hate that he won't tell me!

"Um, we should get going." I said and got up.

"Wait, we need to schedule your graduate party, both of yours." My mom says making me sit back down on the chair. Me and Caleb looked at each other before I sat back down.

We've decided that we should make both our parties in my moms backyard, invite people we like. Which is no one for me.

We're decorating the backyard in the morning before we have to get ready and before people arrive.

Now, after two long hours of planning, me and Caleb finally made it to my apartment.

"Do you not want to get married now?" Caleb asks closing the door behind him and coming in the kitchen after me.

"I do, maybe." He smiles. "But isn't it a bit too early? I mean I'm still going to NYU, and I need to focus on that. And if we're thinking on getting married then we'll have to think about what day to schedule the salons, my dress, your suit, the church, it's too much. I'd rather slow down." He nods and sits down on the stool.

"Okay, I'll wait. But we're getting engaged!" He yells and goes in the bathroom. I roll my eyes and go to my room to get my study books and my glasses and changed in leggings and my dad's red t-shirt.

I love the smell. It reminds me of him. And now I feel like crying.

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