Chapter 19

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"Tell me what you were thinking about." I'm acting confident now, and it's weird because seconds ago I was shy.

"The way your lips felt on mine." I whispered to him, my lips moving to his neck but he stops me before mine touch his lips.

"Mm, good." He bites my neck and I'm sure as hell there's gonna be a mark there. I just remembered since I got out of school early, I can go find a job now.

"I'm gonna go look for a job." I say out of breath. He bites my skin again and I whimper.

"Let me take you." I agreed. We went down to his car and drive to the first coffee shop.

After two hours of finding a fucking job for me, I decided on an easy one. Why not be a fucking assistant? I'm going to MECS to see if they need an assistant.

"Hi welcome to MECS do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked. I shook my head. "Here to make any complaints?" I shook my head again.

"I'm here to look for a job." She smiles and nods.

"Just fill these papers out, when you're done you can come back and I'll take them to Celali." I nodded.

"Thanks." I smile. Fucking finally! I needed this, I'm tired and stressed and I also need to do my fucking homework.

Me and Caleb walked out of the building and in his car. I put on Eminem and we both sang along to the music.

When we got home I went in my bedroom and started working on the papers. I heard the stove turn on and the smell of chicken. Caleb must be cooking, he's a great chef.

Ten minutes later I finished the papers and felt proud of myself. I just need to do homework and I'm done for the fucking day. I grabbed my books and walked out and in the kitchen.

"Someones in a good mood." Caleb smirks at me. A hand towel resting on his shoulder.

"Yeah I just finished the application." He rests his elbows on the counter and smirks at me.

"Do you really want to be an assistant?" He asks furrowing his brows and turning back to the stove. "I mean, they do too much work." He's right, but it's a job. And I'm not even sure if I am gonna get in.

"Yeah I know they do so much work, but I'd rather do that than stay here and do nothing." I shrugged.

"I guess." There's something wrong with him, and I know if I ask he's gonna say nothing and I'll make him tell me but he'll just make up something and won't tell me till it's eating him up.

Fucking asshole.

"What are you even making?" I asked as I grabbed a chip that was sitting on the island next to me.

"Chilaquiles with chicken." I nodded and grabbed another chip.

My phone buzzed on the table and I grabbed it. Kayden's name popped up and I looked at Caleb, his back is turned on me.

I opened the message and sighed. I know it's probably bad timing but I would like to ask you out again. This Saturday? My sister is still sick but my mom is taking care of her.

I can't this Saturday. Me and Caleb have plans.. but I hope your sister feels better.

I wait for a response but nothing happens. I put the phone back on the counter and look at Caleb.

"Is it ready?" I asked and hopped out of the stool and stand next to him. It smells so good!

"Yeah, could you just strain the cheese?" He handed me the cheese and I grabbed the strainer.

"I hate these shits." I say as I grab a plate and start working the cheese.

"Me too, and you're the only one here who could help me finish this up." I shrug a shoulder and pout. "Oh c'mon." Caleb says laughing. He comes over to me and surprised me by biting my lip.

His hands travel to my hips to keep me in place. "The chilaquiles might burn." I wave my hand in the air and point at them.

"All they need is cheese and we're done." I turns off the stove and grabs my thighs. "Jump." I did as told and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Why don't you stay home? I'll do the working." I furrow my brows and look down at him.

"You make all this sound like we're married and you're demanding me to be a house wife." He smirks and i shake my head. "Not happening!" I slap his chest and regret doing that because he slapped my ass.

"That hurt." I crease my brows and he laughs. Ugh his laugh is adorable. His chest is rising and my cheeks flush. He sets me down on the bed and I cross my leg over the other.

"I meant for it to hurt." He winks and sits down on the headboard. It's quiet for a while. Caleb is fidgeting with his fingers while sticking both his lips out. I'm clicking my nails while staring at him.

I hope one of these days I get along with my family. My aunts and sister still aren't talking, it's been six years since they've all fought and I get frustrated because all they do is talk shit about each other.

We could never have a good holiday. We couldn't even mention names in front of one another.

My grandparent took my aunt Claudia's side, and I think it was very fucking selfish of them. That year try never said happy birthday to me, which still hurts.

They also chose my cousins over us. They always said I was gonna follow my mothers footprints on getting pregnant at fourteen, but obviously nothing fucking happened.

Instead, my cousin got his stupid whore pregnant in eighth grade. They were at his house and a month later, bam! Surprise surprise, the whore got pregnant.

I love the little fucker, but I rarely see him because my cousins his girlfriend made him stop talking to me. I was upset and angry I fought the bitch.

"I don't think you should be talking to Kayden." Caleb suddenly says, looking at me through his lashes. I told my head and look down at the mattress.

"Why?" I asked and finally met his eyes. "Why do you have something shading him?" I asked. He sighs and comes closer to me.

"Because, I just don't think he's right for you." There's something else to that. Why the hell does he keep hiding things from me? We're living together and we're best friends!

"Caleb, why don't you ever tell me what you're thinking or how you really feel?" He shook his head and kept looking down at his hands.

"I just feel like you're going to judge me." My chest hurts and I feel betrayed. I know it's hard to talk about things that could make you think that people will judge you, but Mark is my best friend, we tell each other everything.

"Why do you feel like I'm gonna judge you?" I asked getting closer to him. His eyes scan my face for a moment before looking back down. "You can tell me anything Caleb." He sighs and nods. But what he said was unexpected.

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