Chapter 50

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We finally made it to my fathers house ready with weapons. Not really weapons just tooth paste, a hammer, string, screwdrivers, tape, and spray paint.

"Is this your first time doing this?" I asked as we got up the roof from the latter.

Who keeps a latter outdoors?

"No, I've done this twice with my other friend. She was heartbroken and we did it to both her ex boyfriends." I raise an eyebrow and chuckle.

"Go in first." He said and opened the window. This is my father's room, I can tell. His hats are on the wall. I remember those. I would always grab them from his head and put them in myself. He would have a Cowboys hat on and he would always say that we couldn't grab it Davies of how much he loved it.

"Ready?" Kayden asks breaking me out of my thoughts. I nod and put on a fake smile. I should be home eating my feelings and crying my eyes out.

We walked down the stairs quietly and walked in the kitchen. I grabbed the screwdriver and unscrewed the cabinets. I tried keeping them in place with a tiny bit of clear tape.

Kayden went over to the cabinet and got cookies. I got one before he even put toothpaste, and they're white sugar cookies.

"Let's go to her daughters room." He whispered to me. I nodded and we went back upstairs. We looked for sharpies and finally found some in my dad's bedroom.

He loves to draw. He draws really good, he draws with sharpies and they will come out really good. That's one thing I miss about him. He would always draw us something we would want. He drew me a tinker bell with mine and my sisters names. But my little cousin ruined it with yellow marker.

We grabbed the sharpies and drew on her dolls. She's Tristan's daughter, the one who was in with her mother to break my bothers and I's relationship with our father.

We get the hammer and go over to my fathers wife's makeup. I grabbed her lipsticks while he grabs the powdery stuff. I smirked as I chopped all the lipsticks and mixed them together and put them back on their stick.

"Is that it?" He asks. I thought about it. What am I missing? I went to my dad's closet and looked around. His jerseys, his hats, his shoes. I miss him so much.

I grabbed one of his red shirts that he's had for so many years, this used to fit me like a dress. I would always put it on whenever I would get cold or whenever he would leave for work.

I grabbed it and put it in my bag and put some of his cologne on it. Kayden looked at me weirdly but he understands.

"Okay we can leave now." I smiled. We got out through the window and climbed down.

"Ah!" I heard the little shit scream. I laugh evilly as I heard her high pitches scream. We got in his car and drove away.

"Thanks." I said smiling up at him. "I need a distraction." He nods.

"You're welcome, I'm here when you need me." He smiles and starts the car.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and glanced at me then back at the road.

"Good, I wish I could've done that when I was younger." He shakes my knee smiling.

"Well now we have a lot of junk food we have to finish." I smile. We got to my apartment and sat down eating and watching AFTER. I'm obsessed with this movie!

I'm glad Anna Todd made a movie.

"How? Why?" Kayden asked after the movie ended. "Why would be do that to a poor girl?" He asks getting up after me and going in the kitchen. I set my bowl down in the sink.

"That's what I said! I was so hurt when I read the book, and then I read the rest of the books and I was in love." I sigh and grab the chips.

"I bet." He chuckles.

"Hm, we have school tomorrow." I groan and open the bag and grab a chip.

"Its Okay, you have me to hang out with." I shrug.

"Let's go to Wendy's for lunch, Rosie, Noah, Austin, and Maya will probably be there too." He smiles and nods.

"Will they want me there." He scrunches up his nose.

"Yes, if they don't they can suck my butt." He laughs.

"I love your sense of humor." I grin up at him.

The next morning me and Kayden drove to school separately because he was going home after school. I got caught up with my work when I was in Canada.

Every time I saw Caleb, we would make eye contact but we would immediately look away. We both hang out with our friends when we're not near each other.

Me and Kayden decided to see each other for lunch instead of going with my friends to Wendy's. I got to the small cafe and saw Kayden sitting down at a booth drinking his coffee, or chocolate milk.

I sat down across from him and smiled.

"I got your coffee." He said and put my mug in front of me.

"Thanks." I took a sip of it and groaned. "I love how they make my coffee here." He chuckles.

"Well you've been coming here since you were a freshman, they know your order. And plus, your picky when it comes to coffee." We both laugh.

"How did you know I've been coming here since freshman year?" I asked and took another sip.

"Because I would always see you when I would come to study." I smiled. Whenever I needed to get out of my house so I could She time to myself. It was either this or party. But I needed some alone time and that would include reading and coffee.

"Were you stalking me?" I asked raising an eyebrow and making my mouth an 'o' shape. He chuckles.

"Maybe." I gasp and swat his arm gently. "I'm joking, I just though it was cute that the bad girl would come ere to this cute diner to have alone time with her coffee and book." He smiles. A toothy smile. He looks adorable, I wanna punch those cheeks.

I felt someones eyes on me. I turned and there was Caleb sitting down with his computer opened and a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked away immediately and I sighed, bringing my attention back to Kayden.

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