Chapter 31

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After a long talk about not being near Lucy anymore we finally made it to his apartment. I can't believe Caleb is telling me to stay away from a girl because he thinks she's gay.

What the hell! Is she even gay?

"I'm gonna change." I said once we walked in the apartment. I went in the bathroom and changed in sweats and a black t-shirt. I pulled my hair in a loose ponytail and walked back in the living room.

"I'm tired and my feet hurt." He sits down on the chair and brings me to sit on his lap.

"Shouldn't have worn those heels." I raise an eyebrow and rest both my hands on his shoulders.

"I have to get used to them, and I don't like flats, those are ugly and uncomfortable." I scrunch up my nose which makes him laugh. His dimple on the side of his cheek showing and his eyes shining.

"Want me to massage your feet?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I don't like it when people touch my feet." He chuckles.

"I forgot about that." I rest my head on his shoulder and look out the huge window to see the view of the city.

"I'm hungry." I said and got off his lap, and going to the cabinet to grab a bowl and the cereal with the milk and a spoon.

"When aren't you hungry?" He jokes laughing. I grabbed the milk, put the spoon in and threw the milk at him. Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Oh my god, sorry." I joke. He gets up from the chair and grabs the milk.

"No not the milk!" I scream. He puts it back on the island and grabs the cereal. I scream and run from him. I felt the cereal fall on my head and I turned around, facing him and see him smirking.

"You fucker!" I yelled and grabbed some from the floor and threw them at him.

We both laughed. His hands went around my waist and grabbed me, sitting me into Of the island.

"We're going to Canada on Thursday." I crease my brows together and put my palms by my hips.

"Why?" His hands grip my hips.

"I have some shopping to do."

"What kind of shopping?"

"Phone cases." I crease my brows.

"Why can't they ship it themselves?" I asked and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"I don't know, but we're leaving Thursday morning." I nod and kiss his lips.

"Good, I've been wanting to go."

"And Hannah is coming along, she doesn't want you to be bored in the city while I'm doing business." I chuckle and kiss him again.

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