Chapter 60

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Third Person's Pov

Hannah finally left after her mom yelled at her in front of Haizly and Caleb

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Hannah finally left after her mom yelled at her in front of Haizly and Caleb.

Haizly decided that she should now talk to Caleb about Brazil. She took in a deep breath and walked in his bedroom where he was on his bed typing on his phone.

"Caleb?" She said softly as she sat down on the bed. "Could I talk to you?" She asked nervously. Caleb turned off his phone and stood up to face her.

"This morning I saw a paper on your counter saying that your flight is ready. Are you going to Brazil?" She asked creasing her brows. Caleb looks down at her and sighs.

"I am, but only for a month. I'll be back next month for graduation." Haizlys eyes tear up. She doesn't want him to leave. She's lost him twice sne doesn't want to lose him again.

"Why are you going?" She asked sniffling. He sits down next to her on the bed and wipes her eyes.

"It's for business, but I will be here next month. We can call and text each other." She shakes her head and wraps her arms around his neck.

"I don't want you to leave." She says sobbing on his neck. Caleb rhbs her back and sighs.

"I won't leave forever, I promise." He kissed her neck and pulled away. "I'll be back, I'm just going to be there for a month. I'll be back." He kisses her lips once more before hugging again.

She wipes her eyes and nods. "Okay, but call me everyday." Caleb nods.

That night Haizly went home to shower and study, while Caleb was at home finishing business through the phone.

There was a knock on the door and Haizly went to go open it. There was Kayden with a frown.

"Hey." Haizly said smiling up at him.

"Hi, could I come in?" He asks and Haizly opens the door wide for him to enter.

They both go in the kitchen and sit on the stools.

"Nice house." Kayden smiles looking everywhere.

"Thanks." She blushed. "So what's up?" She chuckles nervously. Kayden looks at her and sighs.

"That day we went out with my friends, why'd you leave?" He asks, sadness in his voice. Haizly smirks and tilts her head.

"That girl you were with didn't want me there and niehter did your friends. So why stay somehwere your not wanted?" The smirk never left her face.

Kayden frowned and felt sorry for her.

"Is that why you left and didn't tell me anything?"

"Well I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to come along with me. You had plans." He sighs and bows his head.

"I'm sorry, again." Haizly shakes her head.

"Does that girl make you happy?" She asked raising an eyebrow and smirking. He blushed and hid his face with his hands.

"Yeah, we're going out on a date this weekend to celebrate our two weeks anniversary." Haizly nods. She amd Caleb never celebrated their first month being girlfriend and boyfriend now that she noticed.

It's about to be two months since they first started dating, but Caleb isn't going to be here.

"Oh, nice." She chuckled. The door opened and in came in Caleb. He looked at Kayden and back at Haizly.

"Caleb, what are you doing here?" She asks getting off the stool and going over to Caleb.

"Maya and Austin invited us to the club. Yet again Jacob is going with us. What is he doing here?" Caleb asks nodding towards Kayden. Haizly let's out a deep sigh before replying.

"We're just talking." Calen takes a deep breath before looking down at Haizly.

I need to calm down. I don't want to ruin this with her. Caleb tells himself.

"Anyways, do you want to go?" Haizly looks over at Kayden.

"I'm leaving, um see you tomorrow at the coffee shop at school at seven." Kayden says before he left the apartment.

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