Chapter 25

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The next morning I wake up to the sun hitting my face, groaning as I mentally curse at Caleb for, again, not putting curtains on the huge window. I check the time and see that it's ten am.

I get up and go to the living room, but see Hannah and Karmen. I am wearing Caleb's t-shirt and panties under. I run toy bedroom and change in leggings and a shirt of mine.

I walk back to the living room and greet them. "How have you been?" Karmen asked smiling.

"I've been good." I lied. Karmen shook her head.

"Caleb told me you've been having nightmares. That they get worse each night?" I sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Yeah." My voice sounded faint, barely hear-able. Karmen sits down next to me on the couch and rubs my back.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know it's very hard, you don't have to, but just know that I'm here for you." My eyes tear up and I hugged her. A real hug, and I'm surprised by my actions.

I have been becoming soft, and how the hell does that happen?

Caleb comes out of the kitchen and I wipe my eyes. He's holding a plate and handed it to Hannah. Hannah is obsessed with sandwiches and chips. She's adorable.

I haven't said happy birthday to her because, of course, I forgot or I just had something going on. She turned sixteen last week.

The entire morning me and Karmen have talked. Hannah and Mark were getting a brother/sister bond. It was quite cute.

Karmen baked a cake and it tasted amazing. She said that was her first time doing it from scratch, and I was impressed. I've baked, I loved baking, but whenever I would make cakes or cookies no one would ever eat them. So I stopped.

Caleb is in his bedroom and I'm in mine. I'm studying for the test we have tomorrow for math. If I fail, I won't graduate.

And I'm stressed and nervous. I hate big tests like these! They ruin you. And I also start MECS tomorrow after school. I'm nervous for that, but I shouldn't.

"Need help?" Caleb asks walking in my bedroom. I sigh and nod. He comes over to me and grabs my paper. He roams through it and puts it back on my desk. He helps me with the equations and helped me understand better.

I hate math and this is why I don't fucking know shit!

"Thanks." I hugged him then parted, putting a strand of hair behind my ear as I collect my papers.

"No problem." He sits on the edge of my bed and looks at me. "Let's go out on a date next weekend." I look at him through my lashes and blush. Maybe I am turning soft.

"Next weekend?" He nods. I sit next to him on my bed. Okay, that feels so weird. Caleb asking me out on a date. I've never been on a date. Unless you count inviting a boy to a movie. He was my childhood crush, we got into high school and bam! Those feelings vanished.

"Yeah." I smile. He kissed me and after that we left to his bedroom. I had a nightmare, not the usual nightmares I get every night. This one was horrible.

"Caleb where are you going?" I asked, getting up from the couch.

"They're coming for me. You're staying with Hannah, she's coming." I furrow my brows.

"Who's coming for you?" I'm scared and shocked. Who could possibly be coming for Caleb? He's a great guy.

"Raphael." Who's Raphael and why does he want my husband?

"Haizly we have to go!" Hannah came in the living room, rushing me to get out of the living room.

"Haizly, I love you so much. If something happens, I want you to be in charge. Here." He gave me his crossed necklace and kissed me, hard, then left outside.

"Where are we-," I was gonna say but heard gun shots. I felt like my heart stopped and my breathing hitched. I turned around and ran out the door, only to see a terrifying sight.

Caleb is dead on the ground.

I gasp for air as I try to control it. I cough and hold onto my neck. What was that? Why did I dream that? Where's Caleb? I got up from the bed and into the kitchen. There he was cooking.

"Caleb!" I yell wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Woah did something happen?" He asks laughing but kissing me back. He holds the spatula in one hand while the other rests on my waist.

"I had a horrible dream." I say into his chest. His arms tighten around me and brings me close to his chest. I never wanna leave this spot, he smells so good.

"Are they the same dreams?" I shake my head. "Wanna talk about it?" I nod. I sit down on the stool and he leans on his elbows across from me.

I told him everything I dreamed about. The way his face would change in some specific parts. Like Raphael and guns and death. I told him that we were married and that cheered him up.

"Don't worry, nothings going to happen, I promise." He hugs me side to side and I almost fall off the stool. We both laugh.

I check the time, it read 6:58. "We need to get ready." I get off the stool and in the bathroom to take a shower. After I showered and Caleb showered, I dressed in light jeans, knee-high boots, a black shirt with a leather jacket. I left my hair down straight and applied some makeup.

Caleb wore black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with his black converse. He looks hot!

We got to school late, of course, and went to second period. Ever since I moved in with Caleb, my nightmares have disappeared. I may get them once in a while but not rarely. Caleb confronts me in the way that no one else does.

My sister only lets me cry on her shoulder, rubbing my back and telling me it will get better.

But with Caleb, it's a lot different. He's more calm with me, and that's what I want, calmness and let me explain everything.

I could with my sister but I feel like she judges, she tells me what she thinks and how she feels about it. But I don't want that, I need understanding.

Calebs the only person who could do that.

And the test was dreadful, I Alamo's skipped class but Caleb reminded me about graduating in three months. Ugh stupid tests, who the fuck invented those things? Curse them!

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