Chapter 1

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It was only a light rain,but that would be more than enough for  So won to get spots all over her clothes.She did love rain but not today,she wasn't very thrilled about it  as she waited for her ride at the bus stop, dreading the presentation she had to do today.She had her hands over her head and kept constantly wiping the raindrops, smeared on her office file.

"Jimin is gonna kill me if I show up all wet",she mumbled to herself looking down at her office attire,a boring grey one.She was contemplating whether to run back to home and change and get her broken umbrella.Nope,she'll be late and sure Jimin would end up in jail for murder and Mr.Jay won't be very happy.And that's when suddenly the pouring stopped over her. She looked up slowly to see a part of a transparent umbrella over head and her gaze followed onto the one who held it .She couldn't  make out his face clearly,as he towered over her.She barely came upto his chest.She looked up at him and he didn't even spare a glance down at her.

As soon as the bus came,She turned around at him to thank.But he had gotten into the bus already,He didn't seem to bother about her words of thanks.She got into the bus after him and sat several seats behind him.

So won made up her mind to thank him when she gets off the bus,she just couldn't stop about it.Well,any girl would.If a guy like him,out of the blue,offered help and without a word just,ignored.It's straight out of a Kdrama.So won stole another glance at him.She could only see his side profile,plugged in red  earphones and his feet moving to the beat.She put in some effort to catch full view of his face that reflected on the rain-etched window to his left,but could only make out a cute dimple as he smiled to himself.What's the kind of music he's listening to? She slowly drifted off to a sleep which was farely obvious considering the sleepless last night that she had spend preparing for the presentation.


"Did the meeting start yet?",So won enquired adjusting the file and the drenched umbrella.Jimin was waiting for her,at the door to presentation hall with his hands in his pockets.
"Soon",He said biting his lip as So won loaded him with her bag and the file.She shook the drops off the umbrella and snuck it into the holder as Jimin reached for it only to get his hand swatted away.

"Ow,what was that for?I was only-"
"It's not mine.Someone left it in the bus"
"And you stole it!!",He managed to bring his hand over his mouth,being dramatic.
"No,No.I wanted to return.Actually-"

"What the hell are you doing here? The delegates are waiting for you.Get your a** in here",Mr Jay said popping his head out the door shout-whispering at them both.His head dissappeared again as So won brushed her suit and looked at Jimin,"How do I look?"
"Smoking hawt",said Jimin earning another hit on his arm as he followed So won into the presentation hall, whining.


"Here ,here and here",Taehyung said as he flipped the pages for Namjoon to sign.
Namjoon quietly signed them and asked,"Anything else?"
Taehyung turned the files a couple of times before shaking his head.
"We are good,Please wear work clothes Namjoonie hyung,Mr.Kim won't let me live"

"What's wrong with these?",Namjoon said pulling at his green and black hoodie and sweatpants,that had matched with sneakers of different lace colours.
"You are not working in a gas station,but the president of the Kim Brothers' enterprises.You are the sole heir of all these wealth.Heck,you could buy both Jeju and south korea",Taehyung said as he plopped onto the chair across Namjoon's desk.

"That's a bit exaggerated nevertheless I didn't ask for it",Namjoon said putting his legs up the desk, Taehyung was quick to remove the files from under his feet off the table.

"You won't get it even if you ask,Atleast come out once in a while or go to Kim family dinners on fridays"
"Weren't they on Wednesdays? Oh wait..I don't care"
"I do..Mr.Kim is eating my ears off,It won't be long till he fires me",Said Tae making a Donald trump impression of 'you are fired' for which Namjoon smiled and said,"I have nothing against anybody.I just love being alone besides Dad can't fire you,I am the president now"

"Atleast Come out for my birthday party this weekend"
"Actually I have a brilliant idea planned for it"
"What?!",Taehyung asked expectantly.
"You and me,in my apartment,wine and party"
"How many times do I have to tell you am not into you,hyung" to which Namjoon rolled his eyes and put his leg down.He turned around in his rotating chair to face the big glass window that overlooked to Seoul from his 13 th floor office room.

"Alright,I'll come",Namjoon sighed.
"I am proud of you,you possible English man",Taehyung cooed as Namjoon turned around putting his hands down on the table,"Only cause you are the only friend I have and the only one I trust"
Taehyung bowed sarcastically and said,"am honoured"
"Get your ass off the chair and work,You are still my secretary in office hours",Namjoon snarled at him as Taehyung got up,quickly bowed and ran out the door.Namjoon smiled to himself turning to the computer to check the sales this month.

"What the hell,Oppa?I told you I have a presentation today",So won shouted into her phone.She had forgot to mute her phone which rang  in the meeting with the horrible Old korean folklore parody,that she had to set as ringtone as a result of a dare she lost to her bestfriend Jin.Her brother Yoongi being the one who kept calling.

"Sh*thead,Can't find my socks",Yoongi said not giving a damn for So won or her precious presentation.
"You did the laundry this week,Idiot.Why are you asking me?",So won was losing her temper.Yes,She loved her brother to the moon and back for he's the only one she had left to call family,Their parents being long gone.

"I know but I can't find it"
"Well if you pulled your head out your a** and actually look for it,maybe you will find it",She shouted back.
"That was such a civilized conversation to walk into",Jimin said laughing as he took his place across her.
So won cut her brother off and sighed looking at the ceiling,Jimin following her gaze,"Why and dad,You could have left me a kitten instead.NO.. you had to leave a fully grown lazy idiot"

"Honestly Yoongi hyung is a kitten",Jimin said winking at her.
"Give me a good reason as to why I am still friends with you",she said throwing her head back,atleast the meeting was a success.One good thing in a day,Woonie,One good thing in a day.

A/N:Ma Homeboys and girls ,How da ya like my book so far.There's more drama yet to come.If ya're into K-drama,you will have a good read.Love you all...Vote and comment pleaju

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