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Jungkook took a breath as he bend down to hold his knees,sweat dripped off his face.He shook his head to have them fly and straightened back up,he had enough work out for the morning.He unplugged his headphones and stuffed it into his pocket as he made his way to the campus,humming to himself.The cool breeze was detaching his sweat-dripped hair off his forehead,he ran a hand and shook his hair a bit harshly.His phone rang and he immediately smiled when he  saw the caller.
"Hello,Ms.In young ssi.Do tell me why you need me so early?"
He waited as In young giggled and answered,"Tell me when you are picking me up,I'd need to tell my manager"
"Okay,I'll be waiting.Love you"
"Not so quick-",He interrupted before she cut the phone.
"I have a recording Kookie",In Young whined and Jungkook had no strength to not give up.He sighed and said,"Alright,Make up for it when we meet"
"Aish,this boy"


"Why not?"
"Cause I already added some",Jimin pulled at his hair,snarling at his husband who had a full spoon  of salt and the pack  on the other hand.
"You didn't,Jimin",Taehyung said as he dumped the spoon full of salt into the soup and Jimin literally lost his mind.He bit his lips hard and breathed heavily.He proceeded to grab the pack and spoon off Taehyung's hand and shouted,"Get out of my Kitchen"
"Get out!!",Jimin can't handle it anymore.
"Woah,woah,woah..Why are you two fighting?",Jin said as he let Rachel enter before him into the apartment.The fighting duo didn't speak but stared at each other angrily.Jin helped Rachel take off her coat,carefully off the 7 months pregnant stomach and watched as Taehyung aggressively take off his apron and threw it in Jimin's face and walked out.He didn't forget to slam the door,causing their toddler to wake up startled.

"What happened?",Rachel asked,letting her eyes follow Taehyung to his room.
"He was being a pain in the ass",Jimin shrugged as he chucked the apron away and turned the heat down.
"He is always a pain in your ass",Jin chuckled winking and Rachel slapped his arms.
"No way,I top",Jimin stuck a tongue out.
Jin rubbed his hands and whined at Rachel.
"Let us cook,Go feed Jihoo.I think he woke up",Rachel said as she patted Jimin and directed him out of the kitchen.
"Make up with Taehyung while you are at it",Jin added,cringing as he tasted the soup.
"I'll talk to him when he is ready to listen",Jimin did a mock salute and threw the apron over the counter and exited.

Jungkook looked around at the room as his eyes scanned the most weirdly put together crowd.Jin and Rachel was still in the kitchen,chatting merrily away waiting for the turkey to be done and staring into oven at times.Jimin was playing with little Jihoo and Eunhee as they ran around the apartment giggling against Jimin's funny threats of catching them.Yoongi was talking with In young about a new track Yoongi was working on for their album.Shinyu had her head thrown back to the sofa headrest as Taehyung complained about "Husbands that doesn't care".Hoseok sat listening to Taehyung's rant as he dozed off at times,it's too past his bed time.The intercom went alive announcing the new visitors.

"Fashionably late",Jimin mumbled under his breath as he opened the door to reveal a mud-drenched Namjoon and So won.Jimin's mouth fell open and everyone stopped abruptly.Even the kids stopped running.Yoongi got off too quickly making him too dizzy to only sit back.
"Don't ask",So won said before anyone could pose a question.
"Am sorry",Namjoon called out as So won pushed past Jimin to get herself out of her wet clothes.
"See,All husbands are douchebags",Taehyung announced falling back into his seat,sending a meaningful glance at Jimin,who huffed.
"Why is my sister-"
"The car broke down and I insisted we could walk cause the weather was so nice and-"
"Oh,romantic boy",Jungkook chuckled.
"Didn't end well,Kookie.Some idiot splashed mud all over us",Namjoon gestured onto his shirt.Jin chuckled earning a nudge to his ribs from Rachel.Namjoon knocked lightly on the door but So won didn't answer.
"Wonnie,please open",He said knocking again.
"So the lesson we learn today is never get married",Taehyung said to In young all of a sudden and Jungkook's eyes widened immediately.


The dinner has commenced and the whole party huddled in the back garden to hear Hoseok rant about the new dog he got and how it is an epitome of sadness.Yoongi was away from the crowd,pacing the lane up and down with a dozing Eunhee on his shoulders and singing lightly.Noone dared to make a comment about his singing abilities,Nope,we are gonna survive the night.Once Hoseok was done,Jin started singing out of no-where cause he was reminded of his own demised pets.Some song named "Tonight",Rachel,with stars in her eyes,gazed at him.In young was on Jungkook's shoulders,closing her eyes and letting Jin's voice calm her chaotic mind.Jungkook wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled closer.

Jimin and Taehyung sat close,only because their son,Jihoo was lying across both their laps,counting the stars intently.Let's face it,he can't count over 17.
"Where's Sowon ?",Shinyu looked at Namjoon,suddenly remembering that So won had gone for a while to the washroom.
"She is feeling nauseous",Namjoon said,shrugging.Rachel got up a bit too quick,"Why?"
"It's probably the turkey",Namjoon said.
"And you are sitting here?",Jimin demanded.
"I went to check on her,she gave me the b word"
"Baby?",Shinyu perked up and the rest laughed along.
"You don't think she is pregnant,do you?",It was Shinyu who raised her thoughts and everyone froze.
Rache counted off her fingers,"Could be"

They all looked at Namjoon and he bit his lips in shock.He made gestures that noone was able to decipher but then So won came back and the gang fell silent again.
"Hey,Joonie..Can we leave?I don't feel good"
"What happened?"
"I feel like throwing up"
Namjoon's mouth went an 'O' and he froze.
"Take my car",Taehyung threw his car key at Namjoon and he failed to catch as it hit against his chest and fell.
"Will you be okay?",Rachel asked as Namjoon bend down to pick up the key.
"I just need to lie down.Don't worry about me,See you guys ",So won waved slightly as she exited.
"Don't freak out",Hoseok warned and Namjoon  swallowed.


It's been a full hour since Namjoon and So won had come home.Namjoon paced back and forth in the room while So won laid on bed,scrolling down her phone.She slightly raised her head and asked,"What's wrong ?"
Namjoon stopped and turned to face her.So won continued to stare at him and Namjoon struggled over words.
"You can tell me",He finally said and So won furrowed her eyebrows and frowned.
"Tell you what?"
Namjoon scratched his head and sighed.It was clear that he was restless,So won sat up when Namjoon sat by her side.
"What's wrong?"
Namjoon let out a breath and took So won's hand in his.By this time So won was more alarmed than confused.She waited for Namjoon to talk.
"You can just tell me,I won't freak out"
"What..am I supposed to say?"
"Look",Namjoon shifted closer,"I can be a good Dad.Remember the day I did baby sitting for Eunhee and Jihoo,You even said am good with kids.And they love me.I am positive Jin hyung's baby will love me too.You don't have to be scared..I mean the one time I almost dropped Eunhee was cause I never held babies before,but I improved a lot over years,now I can hold both Eunhee and Jihoo.Also-"
"Namjoon",So won cut in,"What are you trying to say?"
"You can tell me if you are pregnant"
"What!!",So won's mouth fell wide open
"I am ready"
"Who said am pregnant?"
"The guys said..You..you are not?"
So won but her lips and shook her head,"It's just an upset stomach,Joon"
"Oh",Namjoon clearly tooked taken aback and a bit sad.He let out a hollow laugh.He stood back and pocketed his hands.Silence fell between them and Namjoon awkwardly stepped away.
"Ah,Don't worry.I just..Let's get to sleep",Namjoon waved his hands and turned around only to be grabbed by So won.
"Do you want a baby?"
"uh...I..Can we have one?",Namjoon didn't meet So won's eyes.He had a feeling So won wasn't on the same page.So won sighed and threw her hands in the air,"I thought you'd never ask"
"Ofcourse Joonie."
Namjoon jumped over So won who ducked away and laughed,"Not today,I still don't feel good.I might throw up"
Namjoon scooted over to her and pulled her into his hug,"Tomorrow then"
So won let out a laugh and nodded into his shirt,inhaling the familiar comforting scent.
"Tomorrow it is"

A/n:Did you miss So won and the gang.I did a lot.I promised Someone I'd write an extra.Here it is..Love you all..Stay safe,ill update the others soon too...Please please please leave comments..Did you love it?

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