Chapter 40

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"Jimin!!",So won called after him as Jimin leant down to pick up the key that had fell out of his pockets.Jimin turned around to follow So won's gaze upon his back as his shirt slipped up to reveal his bruised skin.He pulled it down quickly before So won could ask something but So won had already noticed and she advanced to him.She forced his shirt up and revealed a whole red blotch on his back,and strong angry lines of red.
"What happened?",She asked calmly,sympathezing with Jimin who tucked his shirt into his jeans.
"Nothing",Jimin said as he got into the house,So won closely following.
"Is he beating you up?",She asked.
"What! No..he is not..why would he?He loves me",Jimin looked offended.
"So won,Don't say stupid things,He loves me a lot",Jimin stopped before meeting So won' s eyes,"Doesn't he?"
Tears silently made their way down his red cheeks and So won was quick to engulf him into a hug,rubbing his back lightly.
"You don't need him",She mumbled.

So won shook out of her reverie to face Jin ranting infront of her.He was concerned at the same thing as well.
"-and what did he gain?7 stitches..Why'd he even..aah"
"I don't understand,Jin."
"We never understood in the past,I have least expectations now"
"We need to talk to Jimin",So won concluded sealing it with a sip off her coffee cup.
"Alright,I need to get home before Oppa leaves.I'll see you",So won got up and Jin followed suit.
"Are you sure you don't wanna move in with me?",Jin asked casually.
"I don't know to be honest.Can't we all stay together?Why do I have to choose between you and him always",So won whined.Jin couldn't help but laugh.
"But unlike your boyfriend,your best friend is understanding and not the jealous kind,So it's alright"
"Yeah,Go stay with him",Jin said,"But do call me at times,he still could be a serial killer in disguise for all I know"
So won laughed clinging onto Jin's arms.

"am packed and ready to go",Yoongi said as he tiredly fell over the couch.Shinyu was struggling to zip her bag and when she did,she threw open Yoongi's to check.
"What in the-",she cut her words short as she saw pitch black.Everything,from Yoongi's hat to boxers were black.Even the laces of his shorts were black.
"Are we going for a gothic vacation?",Shinyu threw her hands into the air.
Yoongi cared even less.Shinyu overturned the suitcase at once.
"Hey that took hours",Yoongi whined.
"pfft,You could have just taken one if all of those look same.Am gonna grab those I bought you",She announced as she left to their room.
"Not the pink!!",Yoongi called out behind Shinyu.

Taehyung willed himself to get out of the bed and checked his face in the mirror.His eyes were swollen and had bags under them.His hair looked like he has been just out in the storm.He sighed heavily as he patted his hair.His eyes fell onto the abandoned phone.Namjoon and So won had kept calling,even Kwan Ji at times.But it drained off battery at some point and had been dead since.His mother informed him Namjoon had been to see him when he was asleep.He didn't care to call back.Even his usual nagging mom had forgot her routine and kept checking on him.He must be terrible.His eyes fell onto the framed photo on his bedside table.His favourite person shared the space with him.The photo was taken when they went for the Jinju firework festival.Jimin looked cute in his oversized sweater,his eyes dissapearing as a radiant smile emanated off him.Taehyung loves to see that fairy tinted smile.Taehyung had his hands wrapped around Jimin,engulfing the little mochi.Taehyung's lips curved into a smile but then the reality kicked in.The same person who spread warmth through him had stood opposite to him in the garden,just after pushing him off when Taehyung tried to hug had said,"Let's call it off,this won't work"

Jimin had none of those fairy qualities when he said that,he sounded so emotionless.Taehyung initially had thought it was a joke and even cheered Jimin for his excellent method acting but his smile faltered soon after.He looked into the frame again.He remembered his wish as he let the lantern into the air.He had wished for Jimin's happiness and if it's the wish coming true and it required Taehyung out of Jimin's life,So be it.When has Taehyung ever placed himself prior to anyone.Taehyung opened the drawer to place the frame inside and shut it,just like how he did it with his memories.

Jin had to do two rounds to the supermarket that day.He had forgotten milk and eggs the first time.Jin's mother said she'll make do but Jin wanted those.He cursed his memory as he parked the car.His eyes locked onto a familiar car in the next lane.Jimin is here,maybe him forgetting milk and egg was fate.Jin's eyes scanned over the shelves to locate Jimin.Two turns and he was standing by the meat section.

"Park f**king Jimin",Jin mumbled as he advanced to him.Jimin looked up in alarm as he spotted Jin.
"Hyung",he said.
"Where the hell have you been?",Jin shouted not caring that they were in public.
"Calm down,I went to visit my brother",Jimin said,cautiously looking around.
"Come with me,I need to talk",Jin said as he grabbed Jimin's upper arms only to have Jimin flinch and pull it away.
Jin turned around in alarm,"What's wrong"
Following Jimin's silence,Jin pulled him closer,and folded Jimin's loose sleeves after pulling off the coat in a swift motion.He knows this marks,he has seen this when he saved him last time.
"Hyo min",Jin breathed and it send alarm in Jimin's brain.He pulled his hand away and pushed Jin lightly.
"Leave me alone,hyung"
"You let him in again,Jimin.After everything?",Jin couldn't believe his eyes.
It was not just about Taehyung anymore,Jin knew it.

Jimin didn't say anything as he sped out of there leaving Jin alone in the aisle.

A/n: Well...

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