Chapter 63

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"You don't have any right to stop me"
"You are not going with a beggar,everything I built upon is not going  to ruins just because you love a slum kid"
"How dare you"

It had gotten easier for So won,She had thought the absence of Jimin and Taehyung would negatively influence her mood but it didn't.She rides the bus every morning,gets to office,gets her job done,have lunch with Kwan Ji,sometimes meet ups with Jin or Rachel and another day,repeat.And at home,she kept herself distracted.Shinyu had a worst case of Nausea and she'd throw up every now and then.She was tired and Yoongi and So won took turns to stay with her but it still fell short and finally her step-mother convinced Yoongi to let Shinyu to stay with her.Yoongi,like a small kid,tried to justify and reason with whatever excuses he brought up to make Shinyu stay only to finally give in to his mother-in-law.It's true neither of the Min siblings had any knowledge about pregnancy or the health aspects.So won watched Shinyu leave with teary eyes that she hid well and promised,she'd visit whenever she could.Taehyung and Jimin were back from their break anyway.She was fine.

Namjoon never acknowledged So won's existence.He wouldn't show up at office,Unless there was a meeting.Most of the times his status read 'work from home'.Few times So won had skype calls with him,yes.But they strictly kept it professional.If anything So won felt like he hated her and she'd like it that way.

And one fine day,something happened,something none of them ever thought.So won had finished up the day's work and was about to leave for her shopping with Rachel and Jin,which she had no interest in but the duo insisted and she agreed because she hoped to get something for Shinyu's upcoming birthday.It wasn't a very common sight to see Namjoon's uncle with his sunken face walk in.He called So won in as soon as he came.Shil dam gestured her to sit as he took Namjoon's seat.He looked at So won and clearly showcased his helplessness.He pushed a file infront of her and nodded at her. So won took her time and sighed before opening the file and the world came to an instant stop.

"I am so sorry",was all that he said.So won nodded her head and smiled.She got up to leave and stumbled on her way out,trying to contain her tears.The whole room had gone silent.Jimin was the first one to reach her,"What happened,So won?"
So won didn't say anything but pushed the file towards Jimin.Jimin opened it up to read the sheet.His eyes jolted up when she saw the signature at the right corner.It was unmistakeably Namjoon's.Taehyung ran his eyes through the document to look at Shil dam who had followed So won out.
"Uncle,this can't be true",He said gesturing at the file.

"am sorry,I tried to stop him.But he wouldn't listen.Am sorry So won ...that he wants you off the project"
A collective gasp went around the room,some started mumbling to each other about what happened,some failed to heed.
So won nodded,a single tear sliding down her cheeks and forced a smile,"That's fine,Mr.Kim"
So won turned around at Jimin,"Congrats,Jimin.You are the new project leader"
Jimin threw the file onto the floor off Taehyung's hands.
"Am not staying if you are not",He said,his voice determined.
"You will.I don't want to let Mr.Jay down"
"We started it together,we can't do it without you",Jimin said and Kwan Ji nodded along.Taehyung already had his phone out.

"I am gonna call hyung and ask",He said as he dialled only to be cut by So won.
"Don't..ha!This is not how I expected my farewell would be like.This is way too quick",So won let out a painful chuckle as she proceeded to her table,picking up the file.She clicked her pen to sign the consent but Taehyung  stopped her.
"You are not signing it until he tells you in person",Taehyung strictly said.
"Yeah,he is right.Go home now,So won.We will sort this out tomorrow",Jae suk looked worried as he tried to comfort her.Jimin led her out bowing to Shil dam before he left.The room had gone silent again.


"So won,stop!",Shil dam had chased the duo and stopped them by the threashold.
Jimin and So won turned around in confusion to see him panting.
"I want to speak with you So won..alone",He send a glance at Jimin.Jimin bowed at Shil dam and moved but So won got hold of his hand.
"Please,So won",Shil dam plead.
So won's eyes literally begged Jimin but he took her hands off,"I'll wait by the car"


Jimin walked out in time to meet Rachel and Jin get out of their car.Rachel was slapping Jin's biceps asking him to stop his dad joke rants.
"Hey,where's wonnie?",Jin asked as soon as he spotted.
"She is ..something happened,hyung",Jimin bit his lips and sighed heavily.
"Where is she?",Rachel sounded more concerned that Jin was.
"She is inside,speaking with Namjoon hyung's uncle"
"Uncle who?"
"Kim Shil dam",Jimin was confused as Rachel immediately pushed past Jimin and ran past the gate,ignoring the gaurd's protest.Jimin exchanged a glance with Jin before following but Jin got immediately stopped by the gaurds.

"The last nail on the coffin,dear",Shil dam smiled patting lightly on So won's head and she stood frozen.
"I did what you wanted,Leave me alone",So won spat out.
"Ow,I won' sorry,I can't until you completely disappear",He slid his hand over to her hands and So won pushed him away and just in time Rachel came in between them.
"Stay away from her"


So Shil dam was the real villain

first:Close your mouth
second:say sorry to Namjoon's dad..he is actually a sweetheart
third:Go be embarassed at the times you adored Shil dam
fourth:say all hail the author
Fifth:Idk dont kill the author

also one of my friend kinda figured who the villain is but poor one,she denied her own idea later...

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