Chapter 50

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A/n:It's chapter 50!!
*Throws confetti and chocolates
Thankyou for all the support,the vites and the comments..Ya'all know I love you right?
Writing is my only escape and you guys are helping me loads

So won's back was stiff and she had forgot how she used to sit normally.Shil dam didn't sense the discomfort but Namjoon obviously did and he brought his hand to gently lay on her knees to help her relax.So won smiled nervously at him.
"And your brother is ?",Shil dam asked casually.
"He is a music producer in FOP,Mr.Kim"
Shil dam nodded,he pointed his fork at So won and remembered,"I have been there before"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah..haha..not to sing,we have a share there",Shil dam laughed.
So won grimaced as she nodded.This was very uncomfortable,not that Shil dam said or did anything to make her feel so.But he was very intimidating,so much that it made Yoongi's savageness look puny.Mostly he asked questions about So won's family,her education and so.If it wasn't for Namjoon sitting by her,she would have thought she'd been getting interviewed for a job.

Shil dam also spoke about Namjoon,he was very fond of Namjoon indeed.This lifted up the awkwardness.So won wanted to hear more about little Namu running around the estate and breaking almost everything in the house.
"Oh do you remember Namu,Hyung bought that painting of Seo hyu Seonsaengnim winning the auction and you broke it the next day"

"Wait,Seo hyu teacher?"
"Yes yes"
"Let's not share those stories,please",Namjoon dabbed his napkin over his lips as Shil dam chuckled,"It cost hyung a fortune to collect all the pieces and our sweet namu here broke half of it"
So won's mouth turned into round shape as she tilted her head disbelievingly at Namjoon.Namjoon shook his head at his uncle,"Atleast you guys are bonding over my misfortune"
"that we are",Shil dam laughed and So won joined in.

When Namjoon went to get the driver and Shil dam waited with So won,Shil dam decided it was the best moment to speak.
"I see he is very much in love"
Up close,Shil dam doesn't look younger,his face held tired lines of age,marks origining from his eyes.So won didn't know what to reply to that.
"and you love him just the same",
So won and Shil dam turned their heads towards Namjoon who was sharing few words with a gentleman by the entrance.He looked so happy which in turn made him look very boyish.
"I do",So won said as she kept her gaze fixed.
"Take care of him,he had lost enough.I don't want him to lose you too",Shil dam brought his hands infront of him to hold them together.So won nodded,"I don't plan to leave"
Namjoon waved them over with a deep dimpled smile and So won realized that by each second that passed, she loves this human being to alarming levels.


"Should you go?",Namjoon asked as he laid on the bed,his eyes fixed on So won, who was moving around the room,packing.
"My brother is coming back in two days Namjoon.Don't be silly",So won said stuffing a pair of jeans into her bag.
"Can't you stay here forever?"
"Woah!!You don't hold back at all,Joon."
"Don't go",Namjoon snatched So won's hand and pouted.Puppy eyes might work,you know.So won patted his head and gave him a mock smile.
"Ooh,Look at me ..I am convinced"
Namjoon's smile dropped in a moment and he shuffled to his feet,getting out of the bed and left.

So won couldn't help but huff and follow him.
"Joon,don't be unreasonable..You know I have to go",So won watched Namjoon pick up  a random magazine and settle onto the couch.So won went and stood behind him,leaning over to hook her hands around his head,her head over his shoulder.Namjoon was being salty for no apparent reason at all.

"Shouldn't have believed,first they are like I love you,act like they care and say ' I don't like you being alone' and leaves me alone..What a joke,who am I anyway",Namjoon mumbled just enough for So won to hear and So won hid a sly smile as she tipped Namjoon's chin up from behind to look up at her.She leant down to capture his  soft lips upside down sliding hers softly between his.Namjoon was taken aback and his senses forgot to react and when they did,he knelt down on the couch to turn around and held So won's face as he kissed properly,eagerly bringing her onto lay over him.
"Don't leave",He whispered into the kiss.

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