Chapter 33

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Unfortunately Keisha was with them the whole evening and to avoid being in her presence anymore,So won resorted to her room,saying she was tired before giving a glare at Namjoon that clearly meant 'go to your room'.So won decided to go and look for Namjoon once the night settles in and Keisha would leave him alone.She spend the time going through the photos they took and cropping Keisha away from them,which was indeed difficult cause that girl was very good at photobombing.Even with all of that she couldn't take her eyes off Namjoon.But the feeling of loneliness was imminent.She stared at the dark ceiling with nothing but  blank thoughts and sighed.She wanted to see Namjoon ,like he could make it better.He was right there but she missed him.She put on a jacket on and left to get something to eat and bring something to Namjoon too.But as she got close to the entrance of the restuarant,she saw Namjoon and Keisha laughing over something and as quick as she judged,she turned around.
"Pabo..So won Pabo",she told herself,her tears pricking her eyes.

Her phone rang suddenly  alerting her of her brother's existence.
"Oppa",So won said,trying to fake usual.
"So wonahh..Is everything fine?",Yoongi asked and So won felt weird that Yoongi sounded worried.

"am fine oppa,what happened?"
Yoongi fell silent and So won kept calling him.Yoongi sighed and said,"I had a dream that you are not well."
So won laughed almost immediately.How silly can her brother get?
"Ah,Jinja Oppa...I'll be back tomorrow,Stop worrying"
Yoongi hummed and silence fell.

"I feel so alone sometimes",So won said thoughtlessly.Maybe Yoongi should know how she feels.

"Don't worry,I feel so alone too,Wonnie",Yoongi said and So won didn't feel any better.He went on about it for the next 10 minutes about how lonely he felt and maybe that lie was why she lost it.So she decided to let it out,he won't remember anyways.So she spoke over his voice.

"Do you think it's okay to say that oppa,You have Shinyu Eonnie.She loves you like her life depends on it.I have never seen you sad after she came.She was always there for you,oppa.Don't lie oppa,so that you can make me feel better about my loneliness.Am I not the loner here,oppa?I am not saying you all don't take care of me ..but ..but I just..I have everyone but I still feel empty,I feel like am the last resort,last choice of everything...everyone.I know it's not right but that's how I feel.I am sorry",So won cut the phone and she didn't know why that escalated quickly but it's something that was there.She felt sorry although there was no reason.It hurt,hurt so bad.

She walked aimlessly to the shore where a Yatch had been pulled up.She sat on the wood board by it.It was very dark except for the moonlight blurred by the dark clouds.The sound of the waves lapping over the land every now and then.It was calm and yet her mind was in chaos.She fought back her tears,why is it so silly?

Namjoon had been knocking at So won's door for a while now but no answer came.Keisha had held him up asking him to share how he met So won and how love happened.They laughed over how Keisha had planned to get So won jealous over him.He tried his luck and turned the knob.The door opened and So won was no where to be found.Namjoon went back to his own room to see if she is there and she wasn't.He was getting worried as he kept calling her phone and no answer came.Namjoon ran upto the reception and the girl informed him So won leaving the restaurant earlier to the beach.His eyes scanned the deserted areas as he ran and he stopped suddenly listening to So won's phone's ringtone coming from distance.

Namjoon spotted So won by the yatch,ignoring her phone that was on the board beside.Namjoon walked upto her and silently took a seat next to her,breathing heavily.
"You got me worried",Namjoon breathed and So won didn't say anything.
"Don't come here alone,You should have called me"
"You seemed busy",So won mumbled.
"Oh,that..Keisha was-",Namjoon stopped as he saw So won's face,now that the clouds moved and the light shone on her face.He immediately knelt opposite to her on the sand.
"Why,what happened?",Namjoon asked as So won let out silent tears.She just couldn't stop it.New ones followed as soon as the old ones left her chin.Namjoon cupped her face into his hands.His thumbs slightly wiped away the tears from her cheeks.He couldn't read her even as he looked into her eyes,the blue crystal ones.

"Baby,what happened?",Namjoon asked and he,himself didn't notice the name he called her.So won shook her head slowly.
"Is it me?am so sorry",Namjoon apologized cause a part of him told him that he was the one who hurt her.
"It's not you,It's me..the way I am-",So won stopped to catch breath as more tears came down.Namjoon didn't understand why he was so hurt seeing her cry and he promised himself that he would do whatever it takes to make her happy.He stood up and pressed her face against his shirt.So won brought her hands up to grip his shirt at the sides.

"I told you I don't like being lonely",So won's sound came muffled.Namjoon looked down at her and pulled her back to face him.
"am sorry baby,I won't ever let you be alone anymore,okay?",He said to which she nodded.Namjoon had seen her cry before,but never this vulnerable.They sat together for god knows how many hours until So won fell asleep on his shoulders.Namjoon pocketed their phones and slowly picked her up in bridal style.

Namjoon set her down slowly on her bed,tucked her in and leant down to leave a kiss on her forehead.When he turned around to leave,So won grabbed onto his side of the shorts.
"You said you won't leave",She said sleepily.
"I am not",Namjoon said and So won let go of his shorts and moved to the side,making space for him on the bed.Namjoon got into the bed with her and she immediately latched onto him.
"Bear me for tonight",she said,her voice so low.
"Give me a chance for every night",Namjoon said as his hand travelled through her hair slowly,the other hand pulling the blanket over them.

A/n:I am very sick and have a huge ass headache along with fever.And am not supposed to look at phone but I got really bored,lying on bed for the whole day doing nothing.I wanna go home so bad...Ah,but anyways..Hows the story

To the one who send death threats for keisha in my dm...hehe,got you

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