Chapter 14

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Jin and So won were celebrating their friendship anniversary which was really a thing for them,both being the dumb and the dumber.It has been 20 years and that does deserve one whole day with each other.They already missed each other so bad,cause of their schedules.Jin was trying to eat the jelly that was placed on his nose,without touching it.So won was laughing out loud at her best friend's vigorous head shaking.Jin pouted as the Jelly slid down his nose and onto the floor.
"Give me one more chance"said Jin as he extended his hand to get another Jelly to only have So won swat it away.He had already wasted a good number of those.
"Admit it,You lost"
"Fine",Jin snapped.So won threw her hands over Jin's shoulders dragging him into the nearest store.They got matching friendship bracelets,Jin being the one who kept insisting.

"am hungry~",Jin whined,looking around for a restuarant.So won stayed close to Jin as he led them to a chinese restaurant close by through the crowd.Jin helped So won take off her coat and pulled the chair for her.But these are gestures So won is used to.Jin's eyes were about to pop out as it ran a marathon on the menu card.So won sneaked his photos,giggling profusely and that alerted the occupants at the right end.

"Why is this place so crowded?",Namjoon was saying when he heard that familiar annoying sound.His eyes landed on a happy So won.His eyes soon darted to her companion,who just looked like an idiot.Namjoon knew him,the guy from the club,her boyfriend.He was trying too much make her laugh which was working.Taehyung followed his gaze.
Taehyung waved at So won,"So"

"Tae,don't",But Namjoon's plea went unheard as So won greeted him back.She quickly got up and made her way to them,dragging Jin along.Jin recognized them easily,since he still have nightmares about his beautiful face getting bruises.So he made a good point to ignore him.Namjoon didn't acknowledge So won at all.
"Taehyung,This is Jin and Jin,this is my new buddy Taetae and this is Namjoon,my boss"
Jin shook hands with Taehyung who was grinning from ear to ear.
"Ahem,so that's why you left early",Taehyung nudged her shoulder playfully.
"It's our anniversary",So won smiled.
"Oh Congrats",Taehyung excitedly said.
"What happened to you,Namjoon?",So won asked aa she noticed he looked grim.Namjoon just shrugged.He raised his head to look at Jin,"am sorry for that unfortunate event".
Jin and So won were clearly surprised,unlike Taehyung who knew it was coming the moment he spotted Jin with So won.Jin nodded curtly.So won urged him to say something.
"Am sorry too",he said.Namjoon nodded too.Then there was this awkward silence.
"We'll let you get back to your date now",Namjoon said,wanting to avoid the duo.
"Oh,we are not-",So won began.
"'twas nice meeting you",Jin cut in and dragged So won back to seat.

Namjoon didn't know what was making him so uncomfortable.He tried to block out So won and her laughter to try and concentrate on what Taehyung was saying.He failed everytime.Namjoon got up all of a sudden,"Let's go,Tae"
"But am not done yet",Taehyung spoke with a mouth full of food.Namjoon put his hands in his pockets,waiting for Taehyung to get up.
"Why all of a sudden?"
"Are you jealous?"
Namjoon whipped his head around at Taehyung.
"Why-why would I be jealous?"
"that I can eat a truck load and still won't put on weight"
"Oh ...that,yeah",Namjoon practically took a breath of relief.
"Were you expecting something else?",Taehyung wasn't a fool either.Namjoon's eyes went to that stupid table for a split second.
"am leaving",Namjoon said as he walked out,Taehyung quickly following shouting for him to wait.

So won and Jin were oblivious to it,She was surprised that they were gone without telling her.Their day only got better,as they went for the town carnival and ice skating thereafter.An extravagant dinner on Jin's card lightened up the day more.Night fell and Jin decided to walk So won home.

"Don't invite me in,okay?",Jin warned her.So won laughed cause she knew why he said that.Yoongi would be damn annoying asking them why they are not dating yet and similar awkward things.
So won hooked her hands with Jin.She was very happy.
"That what is his name?your boss"
"um yeah,He looked so uncomfortable"
"Ofcourse he would,You guys fought-"
Jin rounded at her,standing infront of her,"No he couldn't keep his eyes off you".So won didn't know what to say to that,She was just as surprised.
"I'd say he was jealous",said Jin.
"Oh!! But why?"
"My bet is he thought we are dating"
"Shove off,Jin.Am pretty sure he 's angry that I took a leave and is chilling around with my friend"
Jin just shrugged,that could be right too.They resumed walking and So won kept swinging their hands back and forth.
"Remember back in school,You told girls who proposed you 'Better luck next time peasants'?",So won laughed.
"Gosh!! I was so so wrong..I should have said 'Better luck next life,peasants'",He joked and So won hit his shoulder,shoving him off the side walk.
"Alright,I have one -"
"No,Jin..please don't"
"Why did Coffee file a police report?"
"Cause it got mugged",The ending and starting of Windshield wiper laughter a
So won face-palmed,"20 years of this shit"
"And more to come",Jin said as he swung his arms around So won and more dad jokes followed.

A/N:I personally loved this one.Don't you love their friendship??I didnt proof read, forgive me

And "Winter bear",I am still crying about it.So beautiful

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