Chapter 4

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So won was getting stress free finally and forgetting about the dimpled stranger.She danced letting herself drown to the beats as Jin just
weirdly flapped his hands around,it's not that he can't dance but he just chose to dance that way.She doesn't mind neither is she embarassed.She is rather used to his strange dancing styles by now.Soon she was dancing with a stranger,a hyper kid who introduced himself as Jungkook.He was fun to be around with,although he flirted with her asking if she came with someone to which So won claimed Jin to be her date.Other than that Jungkook was okay.

"Excuse me",Namjoon said as he tapped at So won's shoulder over the crowd.It was only a pure intention to get her attention in a loud club gone wrong.As she turned around,his hand caught strangled in her dress straps.He retracted his hands ,alarmed bringing the strap along with him.So won clutched her dress quickly,to keep it from falling.She was horrified to see Namjoon who bore an identical expression with the broken strap in her hands.Before Namjoon could open his mouth,a heavy punch landed on his face.The unexpected blow had him on the floor,the crowd cleared right away forming a circle around them.Jin was mad as So won tried to pull him off from the fight.Namjoon,now alert,dodged Jin's punches and tackled Jin instead, who fell flat.Now,Namjoon wasn't the one to fight but he returns the favor and so he did.So won was trying to pull Namjoon off Jin,but was failing immensly.She was shouting at the top of her lungs.Jungkook and Taehyung struggled through the crowd and pulled the both apart.Jin was aimlessly flinging his arms at Namjoon,his lips bleeding.

Jin was shouting obscenities but thankfully it got drowned as the crowd got louder, counting down to New year,ignoring the fight.So won send a sharp glare at Namjoon's side,trying to get Jin calm down.Taehyung quickly mumbled something to Jungkook who clicked his tongue and dragged Namjoon away.Taehyung followed them muttering a quick,'I'll be back' to So won.

So won took Jin to the counter and got him ice pack ,his side of face was bruised.So won couldn't quite see if they were turning purple under the shimmering disco lights,and if they were, Jin is gonna turn Hulk on anyone who did that to his face.

"Let's get you home",So won told a still enraged Jin who mumbled something under his breath about killing someone,but nodded.He took off his jacket and made So won wear it,who was holding onto her straps.

"Hey,Excuse really sorry",Taehyung had came through the crowd towards the now exiting couple.
"You were with that jerk,right?",So won said pointing a finger at Taehyung accusingly,keeping her other hand on Jin's wrist.
"There had been a misunderstanding",Taehyung bowed,"He..My friend was trying to get your attention"
"By pulling her dress?!",Jin asked pressing the tissue deep into his nose.
"No,No...He's not that kind of person,It was an honest mistake.He actually wanted to apologize to you",Taehyung said.

"Me?",Jin looked surprised.
"Not you",Taehyung sighed and turned to So won,"You"
So won didn't say anything as Taehyung pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it over to her.She took it cautiosly,keeping her eyes still on Taehyung.
"He was very worried after last time he acted rude,He didn't mean to.He mistook you for someone else.Trust me,he was talking about apologizing to you these past days",Taehyung smiled a little hoping this would set things straight.
"Are you his spoke person or something? Can't the jerk talk for himself!",Jin asked from behind So won,throwing his head back to stop the bleeding which had
actually stopped,if not Jin over acting.

"Do take him to hospital and my number is on the card if you need anything", Taehyung bowed,"'am sorry for what happened"
with that he was gone.
"Did you hear that?",Jin said throwing a disgusted glance at Taehyung.
So won didn't say anything as she snucked the card into her purse and took Jin's arms.


"Way to mess up,hyung",Taehyung said as he picked up Namjoon's call.
"I didn't mean to -"
"pull out her straps,I know I know",Taehyung said plopping onto the couch tiredly.
Namjoon kept quiet and Taehyung sighed,"Don't even think of apologizing again.I  did on your behalf ."
"Thankyou Tae"
"What can I do?! Picking up the pieces you break,fixing your - Hyung,Did you just hang up? Hyung? Hyung?? the disrespect -"


"Happy new year",Jimin cheerfully exclaimed as So won dragged herself into their shared cabin.She waved lazily at Jimin.
"Seems like someone's new year is not so happy",Jimin snickered.He had known what had happened last night.So won had called him to drop Jin at his home while Yoongi picked her up.And Jimin is never gonna have her peace about it.So won sank into her chair with her hands over her face.
"It was a mistake",So won sighed.
"You think so?"
"He looked horrified,But Jin got hyper",So won said as she started tidying up her table.
Jimin's lips turned thin as he leaned into his seat.
"Maybe you could apologize",he said making sure he kept a distance in case she started throwing arms at him.
"I have had enough of that,Let's just start a new year,shall we?",So won straightened up,soon to be distracted by Lee Ji.
"Mr.Jay wants you two in his office",She said.Both of them jolted off their seat almost instantly.
"Oh,I forgot to tell you.. Jay was very happy with our work and ideas and he said he'll let us work,this time in a priority project",Jimin said,his smile widening by each word.
"And you are telling me this now!!!!",So won slapped at Jimin's arms making him flinch.
"I forgot,am sorry...But hey,Cheers to us",He said,his smile still managing to hold in place.
So won was over the moon when she said,"Cheers to us"

"Guys,The office",Lee Ji interrupted the happy couple and both of them rushed.
When they entered the office,So won noticed someone sitting opposite to Mr.Jay.Jay smiled widely as he saw his favourite employees walk in.

"well well well,Look who's here!!"

He shot out of his seat and went behind So won and Jimin,putting each arm on their shoulders.
"I want you to meet my champs",Mr.Jay's loud self announced and the chair  turned around to reveal who their Boss' guest was.And no,he wasn't a good news.
"That's my best buddy,Namjoon"

"YOU!!!",So won exclaimed as Namjoon's mouth fell open.

A/N:Short chapter but worth it.It's been long since I wrote this.Hope you loved it.See ya soon

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