Chapter 68

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Namjoon finished yet another photoshoot with parents from both sides and In young.She was the exact 'happiness on cue' kind of girl but he could swear even the happiness she is trying too much to pose is wearing off.Su man and Shil dam were talking to Lee hee min,In young's father.In young's mother was an elegant lady,she exchanged fewer words with Yeon Ja every now and then.Just when Namjoon bid his byes,his mother called him up.
"Drop me off at home,Namjoon",She said,"If I spend another hour listening to the fortune the alliance could bring in,I'll end up out of sanity,Why do men treat weddings like buisness!!"
Namjoon lightly smiled as he offered her his hand to lead her out.Namjoon expected the car ride to be silent but Yeon ja had plenty of concerns.
"Soo Jung called me yesterday,I am worried",Yeon ja huffed,looking outside the windows.Namjoon was indeed worried as to why Jungkook's Dad made a call all of a sudden.

"Joon",Yeon ja's voice came soft and Namjoon hunmed as a response.
"Are you okay?"
Namjoon wanted to give an honest reply but he wasn't sure himself.But he nodded nevertheless.
"Soo Jung told me Jungkook and In young are in love..Did you know?"
Namjoon nodded again and held his silence.
"Shouldn't we call this off,Joon?",Yeon ja stopped beating around the bushes.
"Uncle said he will take care of it and convince Dad,I trust him"
"It's already too late..Besides I don't think Shil dam is helping",Yeon ja said,rubbing her forehead.
"Why do you think so?",Namjoon finally took his eyes off the streets and turned his attention to his mother.
"Because Soo Jung had met with Shil dam asking him to stop the wedding but he says Shil dam declined"
"That's ridiculous!!",Namjoon spat out.
"I'd rather believe my brother rather than my husband's brother,Don't you think?",Yeon ja scoffed and Namjoon had to agree,she has a point.
"Maybe Soo Jung uncle is mistaken-"
"Oh you do love Shil dam more than all of us combined",Yeon ja shook her head,laughing.

So won's phone was ringing the third time and Jungkook  had been interrupted again.So won mumbled angrily as she turned it off and threw if off on the bed.
Jimin tilted his head in question and So won answered,"It's Jin..I can't involve him and Rachel in this"
"But he is gonna get involved,you know that",Jimin said rubbing his neck.
"We are not going to tell him",She raised a finger to point at the both and they immediately nodded.
"Okay,So Maybe he did get the files eventually",Jungkook continued.
"Alright so accessing his PC is the only other way we have",So won said,"and that's gonna be risky"
"I'll do that",Jimin volunteered.
"Look,So won..You can't walk into his office just like that,Jungkook has nothing to do with him but I do..The Gwanju project,Every tasks are to be submitted to him.I can walk in without suspicions"
"They know you are still her friend,though"
"And I am still their employee too",Jimin finished as if it settled everything.
Noone spoke for a while after that and indeed it was settled.Jungkook shifted in his seat to face So won,"This sunday it's Noona's memorial service..."
So won bit her lips and sighed,"We'll bring her justice,Jungkook"

"Mom,I am here",Namjoon called out to the vacant room and seconds later,Yeon ja walked in,"I didn't know you'd actually agree to my suggestion"
Yeon ja was happier than words could explain,Namjoon had agreed to her proposal to stay over till the day the Memorial services will be held.Namjoon greeted his Dad and Uncle in the study and they were equally happy he was home.Namjoon didn't stay too long for the chats that'd turn soon to business weddings and shared profits instead he left to his room.Last time he was in this room,he was happy.He was talking to his mother about a certain someone and planning a meeting between them And now he wasn't happy anymore.Namjoon realized in wonder that noone really cared if he was genuinely happy as long as he put on a smiling face and answers he is fine.There used to be one,but that's the story of the past and Namjoon had learned to not live in the past.He'd never again wish for someone's presence when it rains.
"Joon",Namjoon's mother had come to check upon him.
"Yeah Mom",He said as he settled his bags in the room.
"Do you want me to get something to eat?"
"I am fine,I just need to sleep a bit.I am not going into work till Sunday",He said lazily as he climbed up his bed and Yeon ja smiled.
"Can I ask you something,my dear?"
"Yeah Mom"
"It's been 15 years and a mother still doesn't have closure",Yeon ja sat by Namjoon and Namjoon shifted his head to lie on her lap.Yeon ja absent mindedly ran her hands through his hair and continued,"I didn't ask you all these years cause you were suffering from the trauma as well..But it hurts,it hurts not knowing why..and how"
Namjoon knew the territory Yeon ja was taking him into is unpleasant but in all honesty,he needs the truth too,a closure like she said.He looked up at his mother to show her it's fine and so she continued,"Tell me about the night,Joon"

"Alright,Tell me why I am doing this again?",Kwan Ji  asked as the duo stood infront of the 10 th floor elevator of Kims' enterprises where Shil dam's office is.
"It's for a good cause and didn't you say,you need So won back",Jimin replied.
"Okay,Okay...Yeah so,We are gonna die"
"No we are not"
"Go through the plan again"
"So you go and let him know he needs to host the meetings now that Namjoon hyung is not in office.And you set a time with him and let me know.When he calls for the meeting,I'll get into his office and yeah-"
"Okay,question!! Wouldn't he ask where you are?"
"I am supposed to be on leave today,Taehyung thinks am on leave too so I'll pass"
"What if Someone from Shil dam's office tips you off?"
"Let's just say I didn't know we had a meeting and came to submit important papers"
"Jimin,this is all too twisted.Why don't we just hit the fire alarm and they'll all run out and you could easily do what you want",Kwan Ji suggested.
"They cut off the electricity if there is a fire,I can't access his computer then ",Jimin looked around as his voice went hushed.
"Come on Kwan Ji..Go now"

Jimin watched as Kwan Ji take deep breaths and walk in.Minutes later,he witnessed a nervous Kwan Ji and Shil dam setting off to the 13 th floor for the meeting.Jimin didn't waste a single minute as he requested Shil dam's assistant for a meeting under Mr.Jay's name.He was asked to wait in the lobby outside Shil dam's office with bated breath.Kwan Ji has given him 20 minutes up top.He waited for the blind sight of the assistant and made into Shil dam's office.He quickly connected his USB before using his hacker skills into work.Once when he located the mails in the spam folder he made sure to print them out and when he was about to enter another folder,something else caught his attention.A disk that's non-accessible.He lowered onto the ground and tried to open it.A few attempts later,the confidential file laid open shamelessly revealing it's contents to Jimin.Jimin gasped and started the transfer to USB and waited.

Kwan ji's call  flickered onto his phone.He picked it up immediately.
"He's coming up,Jimin"
"Shit,shit..",He breathed,"Stop him "
"He has left Jimin,get out of there",
"I can't now..It's-"
"Shall I hit the fire alarm?"
"No..No,am done",Jimin raised his head a bit to check the progress.97%
He saw Shil dam at the end of the aisle.He quickly rounded the table once when finished.Transfer complete and Shil dam entered the room simultaneously.
"Mr.Park",He said calmly and Jimin bowed.
"What a pleasure.I thought you were on leave and was expecting Mr.Jay"
"I filled in for him,I had some files that needs your signature",Jimin kept his cool as he pushed the files for him to see and Shil dam took it and read through the papers to sign.Once when that was done,Jimin immediately bid farewell only to be stopped by Shil dam.

"Mr.Park,I think this belong to you",Shil dam said as he raised up a USB from the table where Jimin sat.Jimin mentally cursed himself for not stuffing it into his pocket.He bowed apologetically and extended his hands.
"Maybe I'll just keep this and see what you have inside"
Jimin panicked and it was evident on his face ,he stuttered,"It's's just..Project from big data,Sir"
"I'll be thrilled to know,Why don't you come to collect this later ..maybe evening?"
"Thankyou for your work,Mr.Park.You can take your leave"

A/n:Havent proofread but damn the tension.JIMIN messed up...

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