Chapter 38

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Jin was standing up front inviting the guests along with Shinyu's father.Shinyu's Stepmother and Jimin were guiding the guests to their seats.
Namjoon walked in with Taehyung late,curtly nodding to Jin as they passed.His eyes scanned the hall in search of So won but she was no where to be seen.Taehyung reassured she will be coming out with the bride.Jimin sat them at their seats and didn't stay too long to make a conversation.Taehyung told himself it's because he's busy. It didn't take too long for Yoongi to make an entrance,he was wearing a dark grey single breasted Jacket and he had a matching vest with a tie completing his look.His hair was parted by the side to be slicked back,which was something Yoongi never thought he'd be daring enough to do.Finally all the guests had arrived and the hall fell silent as Yoongi's friend Adora started playing the piano.

Everyone's head turned to the entrance as two small kids,a wing bearer and the flower girl made entrance.The crowd practically melted as they waddled down the isle.Next followed the braidsmaids and the groomsmen hand in hand.Namjoon couldn't wait to set his eyes on his girl.So won hooked her hands with Jin with a lavender-white bouquet locked between her two hands.Her hair was braided to one side with loose curls and lavenders decorating it.Jin had a matching vest with her.His smile was charming as ever.Two people behind Namjoon gossiped how well the duo looked together and they should just get married next.Namjoon felt his heart fall into his stomach and before he could think of something to say,Taehyung gently patted on his back.So won hugged her brother before parting her way to stand along with the bridesmaids.

Everyone's attention once again was pulled to the entrance as someone announced the entry of bride,well Everyone except Namjoon.He refused to keep his eyes off So won.So won spotted him rather quickly and smiled at him.Namjoon's lips parted in amusement.She was indeed beautiful.Her gaze turned onto her brother to catch his reaction to Shinyu.Yoongi was fumbling upon his coat buttons too much as Shinyu's father led her in.People collectively sighed at her beauty,even with the veil covering her face,it was undeniable.Yoongi looked mesmerized and bore an expression So won had never witnessed in the past 23 years.Who could blame him? Shinyu could put cleopatra to Shame,that was his own comment.Yoongi smiled,his lips doing a thing.There was something content about the way he did it.

Shinyu planted a kiss on her father's cheek and Yoongi extended his hand to her,She stepped up holding onto it.The ceremony began and not once So won took her eyes of the couple.She wanted to capture the moment,she wanted to write it into her memories forever.By the time wedding vows were done,Yoongi's being too short but perfect,So won was in tears.
Yoongi lifted the veil off Shinyu's face and kissed her.Jin whistled as everyone cheered the newly-weds.

Now it was more clear that Jimin was deliberately avoiding Taehyung and Namjoon couldn't answer Taehyung as he kept asking.He resorted to ask So won once she joins them,but that took forever.She did come once to have a small talk but She seemed very busy with Jin.The dinner was progressing as everyone just finished having a good laugh about Jin's wits after his speech was done which was mainly about how much respect and love he deserves because he is the almighty behind this union.Yoongi's bottom teeth were seen in this auspicious occasion and Jin was held credit for.So won followed Jin and that was a great lot of pressure.She cleared her throat as she straightened up the paper Jin passed her.

She began,"First of all,Let me tell you am not a very emotional person,Even if I am at times,I don't show it,Just like my brother...urgh...So this is gonna be real awkward",She laughed nervously.She directed her gaze at the crumbled paper,"Oppa and I lost our parents when I was 12,he was only 14 then.Life changed and I was scared,it was just me and him against the world.You all know how I've been then,something I don't wanna dwell on...When we moved to Jin's home two days later for a month,I remember Oppa coming to me one night..he told me that I need not worry cause he is gonna be my rock.And he was,from then to now..He made sure I had everything,everyone.We gazed the stars from that small one bed room apartment.I had seen him struggle but he never let me know.Maybe the realization ..that I only have him came too late,I remember when that happened.I was scared that I'll lose him,I still am...",So won took a deep breath and channelled her concentration to her brother ,"Oppa,we didn't think we'd make it this far,did we?..And Sae Eonnie,I cannot say am unlucky as long as I have you,I didn't know people could be selfless untill I saw the Kims' household..Jin,Uncle,Aunt and ofcourse you Shinyu Eonnie..I can't decide which one of you is blessed really...Maybe it's me...You are both better than the other,you are both my world.Thankyou Oppa,Thankyou Eonnie..I hope God have his love and grace upon you forever and ...I don't know..I love you,Mom and Dad would be so happy"
So won finished,a single tear running down her face.Shinyu was the first one to reach her and engulf into a hug.Jin tried to lighten up the mood throwing lame jokes.Yoongi pulled his little sister into a hug,which is very rare to radiate off him.

Taehyung sniffed and Jimin wiped off his beads of tears.Namjoon couldn't see anything but So won,his heart ached.He wanted to part through the crowd to pull her into his warmth.He stayed,this was her family,her moment..Let her be.She is his' anyway.

So won's eyes landed on Yoongi and Shinyu awkwardly swaying to the music,Shinyu leading them.Jin noticed his partner's attention was not on him anymore.
"Hey",He said,gaining it back.
"Am just happy",She said.
"You know,you might wanna dance with the rich boy.He looks like he wanna murder me",Jin laughed as both of them turned their heads at Namjoon standing alone.Taehyung was no where to be seen,So was Jimin.So won assumed they might be doing some cute coupley shit,she might as well.Jin let her go and tilted his head at Namjoon to take over.Now,Namjoon wasn't a very good dancer but he would be crazy to miss out on anything that has to do with So won.

"People might think it weird that you are dancing with your boss",Namjoon said as he placed a hand on her waist and the other taking in hers.So won put her hand on his shoulder,he was very tall for her.
"Wanna let the world know,it's something more?",She asked back.
"Why,So that we can have our own day just like this?"
Okay,Hold up.What's that supposed to mean,Like a wedding someday with the dimpled giant.That sounds...wonderful.
"You zone out a lot",Namjoon's voice brought her back.
"I'll consider the offer someday",So won said as she twirled slightly around his hand to come back to her position back.
"I'd love the feeling to stand at the end of isle anticipating your arrival",Namjoon said,leaning a bit down.
"Oh,aren't you so cheesy today?",So won playfully swatted his arm.
"Let's just go official,okay? I wanna take you to places,go on dates,Hold hands in public and kiss-"
"woah,calm down my daughter,But I'd like that"
"But before that there's something I need to ask you,Namjoon",So won stopped dancing to look up at him.
"What?",Namjoon said and So won cleared up her thoughts,she needs to do it proper.So won took his hands and lead him out of the hall to the back garden.
Namjoon helped her to hold the gown up as they made their way.So won turned around to face him.This is it.The truth about In young.But Instead her eyes fell on the dark figure on the garden bench,hunched up and shaking.


A/n:So what happened to Vmin?

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