Chapter 56

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Taehyung woke up to people talking and laughing loud in the living room.There's only a sunday in a week and who decided to take the peaceful time off him.He turned around lazily in bed and saw Jimin wasn't near him.He got up and called out as he walked out,scratching his tummy.
"Jiminah..Eomma..",He rubbed his eyes and came to a halt to face a pair of distinctly familiar faces.His eyes scanned  Jimin sitting on the couch's arm by them,radiant as ever.Jihyun trying his best to muffle his laughter.
"Yah..Go wear a shirt,You can't come out to meet your in-laws for the first time like this",Mrs.Kim scolded Taehyung flinging a wash cloth at him.Taehyung's eyes widened in realization.Then it was all chaos.He bowed repeatedly and announced to be back after putting on a shirt only to scramble back to apologize and also to apologize for forgetting to apolgize,stubbed his toe at the table.
"Taehyungiee,relax",Jimin said as Taehyung nursed his toe sitting hunched up on the floor.Mrs.Park gets to Taehyung before Jimin does.
"Are you okay,Son?",Mrs.Park gently asked.
"He will be fine,Let's talk about the marriage",Mrs.Kim waved Taehyung's pain away as she turned around at Mr.Park.


Namjoon can feel it inside him,that uneasiness.The image of In young crying in Jungkook's arms wasn't a very good image.They have been in love for a couple of years now and Namjoon had promised In young that he will get them out of this engagement.Why would his father rush the wedding all of a sudden?He needs to see his father,he needs to know why.But the thought of So won still at the back of his mind gave him no peace.His eyes shifted to his phone on the passenger seat as it started ringing.The screen flashed 'Uncle'.
"Uncle,What the-"
"I know,I know..I heard.Jungkook called me just now"
"Why is he rushing?He promised two years and now all of a sudden, a month?-"
"Calm down,Namjoon.I am heading to your father's right now."
"I am heading there too"
"Look,Namu.You being there only escalates the situation.I am not going to stand and watch you two bicker back and forth"
"But Uncle-"
"I know..So won..I promised you,I'll do anything in my power to change your father's mind.Just go back home now,Go see So won"
Namjoon sighed and breathed out a shaky 'okay'.

Once the call was cut,Namjoon's mind was blank.Namjoon was never a rebel,he had simply did whatever his father had asked to do in the past.But not anymore,he can't now with his love at stake.He knows very well In young wouldn't say a word against her father so it was all on him.He had promised her.Namjoom swerved the car to his right,Jin's home is somewhere close.

Mrs.Kim had gone for her sunday meetups while Jin was busy cooking.So won was bundled up on the couch,TV running on some random comedy series.Although her gaze was fixed on the screen,she had no idea what the characters were talking about.She threw her head back into the arm rest to gaze up at Jin moving around in the kitchen.The calling bell went off,Both of their heads turned at the door.
"I'll get it",So won said before Jin put the pan onto the stove.So won dragged herself to the door.

"So won!",Namjoon's voice startled her,she wasn't expecting him to be the guest.She stared up at him like she had seen a ghost.Namjoon immediately cupped her face,"Are you okay?What happened?"
So won was lost for a moment.She just stood there not saying anything as Jin appeared behind her holding up a spatula.Last nights events flooded her mind in a quick wind and She stumbled few steps backward,Namjoon noticed.
"So won,what happened yesterday?Are you sick?",Namjoon trailed over to So won once again.So won send a glance at Jin,mostly as a plea for help but Jin was frozen for his own good.Namjoon's worried gaze didnot tary.
"You shouldn't be here",So won finally spoke.
"Why?",Namjoon looked at Jin,who had forgot he could move,and back at So won.So won looked very tired and close to collapsing any minute.
"You need to leave",So won said,walking back to the couch.
"Why are you avoiding me?",Namjoon made an attempt to take So won's hand who quickly turned and shook him off.
"Leave me alone,Namjoon"
"So won,what's wrong?"
"Just..Just get out of my life"
So won better be joking cause that words was hammering against Namjoon's heart ready to break it down.
"So won..please",Namjoon helplessly breathed.
"We are done,Namjoon",was So won's last words before she stormed off the hall to upstairs.The door upstairs rattled against the frames.Namjoon's eyes were still fixed onto the spot where she had stood earlier.Jin sighed and said,"Am sorry,you need to leave,Namjoon"
Namjoon took few seconds to bring himself together.He turned around at Jin,"What happened,hyung?"
Jin was indeed shocked Namjoon was addressing him as hyung but there were more important things.
"I wish I could tell you but I can't even if I know",Jin said and Namjoon nodded.
"Maybe she needs some time.She can't just throw me away like that,right?",
Maybe getting a confirmation from Jin meant a lot more than Namjoon would like to admit.Afterall he had known her for so long.
"Right",Jin said,not trusting his own words.
Namjoon nodded.


"So mom and dad couldn't wait,We are getting married in two weeks before Mom and Dad have to leave",Jimin's voice boomed through the speaker.
"That's just amazing,Jimin",Jin said in between his toast.
"So I need you guys to help me..I know shit about weddings"
"Don't fear when am here",Jin said before looking at So won,gesturing to atleast look excited.
"We will help you out",So won followed Jin.
"That's great,Wonnie.cause I wanted to ask you something"
To the duo's surprise the front door swung open and Jimin was standing with a million dollar smile.
"Will you be my Maid of honour or Best man,I don't really..Will you be my most special person after Taehyungie?"
So won and Jin's mouth fell open and So won's face turned into a wide smile before she jumped off the stool to hug Jimin.And a sulky  yet happy Jin followed.

"Be your best man?",Namjoon looked up at Taehyung to find a trace of lie but no,the guy was genuinely happy and smiling wide.

A/n:Sorry...took too long to update..well,I wasnt in my best condition..What's new but Vmin getting married ya'all and wahhh ..oh,sorry.Namwon breaking up too...Didn't proofread so sorry for any mistakes..

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