Chapter 8

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The rain was pouring down and thunder shook the frames with no mercy.Namjoon couldn't sleep,he tried his best.Plugged in the earphones and played music in the highest volume possible.He even pulled on two eye- masks but it wasn't helping either.His mind had already registered the climate,now there's nothing he could do.He had astraphobia,the fear of thunder and lightning,a bad memory that stuck with it only made it worse.The screams from that long gone night still send chills down his spine.A certain numbness was conquering him,his chest hurt. He tried finding safety in the bathroom,but he kept sweating.His body was shaking so bad,he hated that he was helpless.He decided to put his phobia first than his dignity as he made his way to Jungkook's room.He walked slowly grabbing onto the walls,trying not to fall.He knocked the door,"Jungkookah..Kookie".

The boy was a heavy sleeper so Namjoon prayed he wasn't asleep yet else he is doomed.Thankfully two more knock,the door opened up.Jungkook couldn't hide his shock as he saw the state Namjoon was in.He had forgot,how can he.
"Am so sorry,hyung..I didn't-",Jungkook helped Namjoon to the bed.He pulled the blankets over him.
"I'll stay awake till you fall asleep,Don't worry.Am here",Jungkook said and Namjoon nodded slightly clutching Jungkook's hand as he slowly felt comfort and fell into deep slumber.He felt safer.


So won glared at her phone.She had resorted to explain everything to Jin through text scared of his tantrum.He has seen the message last night itself,yet no reply came.He wasn't picking her calls either.She knows it's the silence before the storm.She will be relocated to Kims' enterprises today.And the chances of seeing Jin on their usual coffee date is no longer an option.She made up her mind to go visit him on weekend.The clock struck seven.She don't want to be late for the first day.Yoongi was sleeping peacefully.So won knew better than to wake him up.So she wrote a note that she was gone and left.

Kims' enterprises wasn't a joke,Everything they exaggerated on TV was true to it's words.The 15 storeyed building stood high with pride and So won sighed in awe
Jimin was sitting on the visitor's lobby,waiting for her.So won walked to him
"Hey",He said,flashing one of his eye smiles.
"Hey",So won greeted back.
"I was waiting for you,I got our ID cards,Shall we?",He asked putting the ID tag over her head.She smiled as they left to elevator.Jimin pressed 13 and they waited.So won took a deep breath,it has been 3 days since it happened.She half-expected Namjoon to throw So won and Jimin off his team but he did nothing of the sort.Them being on his team was the main reason for her anxiety.She just need to go with the flow ,things will be fine.The door opened and they stepped out to meet Taehyung,who was waiting for them.He bowed and smiled widely,"Good morning"
"Good morning",they greeted back.
"Come in",Said Taehyung as he led them in to the office.It looked far from a corporate office,more like cozy and friendly.People gazed at them,some smiling as they walked past.They took two right turns to a comparatively smaller room that occupied 8 cabins and at the end was a much larger room with glass doors,that held the board,


Taehyung walked up to the tables close to the room and gestured.The table stood facing the room and Jimin's table was opposite to hers.The tables already had their name tags on them.
"Can we switch?",So won asked as she noticed she will be facing Kim Namjoon everyday from then.Just then the door opened and Namjoon came in,his PA Jisung tagging along him.Namjoon was back in his hoodie and unmatched shoelaces.Everyone got up and bowed as he passed by,greeting him.He just nodded occasionally and his gaze eventually fell on So won.But he didn't acknowledge her and nodded curtly at Jimin,Not that So won cared.He went into his office.Taehyung smiled at the pair,"I will be there.Just call me if you need anything.They will call in for a meeting in a bit,You'll be acquainted to the work there.Good luck"
So won took her seat,studying her table,computer and the little things.She smiled,this is a good start.She raised her head a little to see Namjoon typing away something in his computer.She is gonna see that prick everyday,she sighed.

Jungkook woke up,lazily turning and tossing a bit around.He got up to sit with his eyes still closed.It's 12 in the afternoon.He wasn't a morning person,it's not like he had anything to do better even if he woke up early.He is bored out of his wits after Namjoon goes to work.And even with Namjoon,there was no fun.He would bury himself in a book,but atleast Jungkook had someone to try and get attention from.Namjoon's blanket lay on the floor,he might have kicked it down at some hour.He folded it up,more like grabbed in a bundle and headed to Namjoon's room.Namjoon usually never let anyone into his room.Not the maids,or his friends or even Jungkook.Only Taehyung had ever made it far.But noone's stopping Jungkook now that Namjoon is not present.The study is as far as Jungkook has ever made before.He pushed open the bedroom door,deposited the blanket there.Something caught his eyes,by the bedside table.

A photo frame.

He slowly took it carefully in his hands.It had been years since he saw it.He wasn't very fond of the memory.The origin of Namjoon's astraphobia,the cause of everyone's pain.He put it down as a single tear made it's way down his chin.He closed the door behind him as he left.

A/N:Back stories slowly coming out

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