Chapter 24

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When So won woke up,Namjoon had already left.Truth to be told,she was alarmed at first when she figured out that she was in Namjoon's room.Yesterday night's happenings came back to her slowly and she pulled the blanket over her.Her cheeks painted pink as a blush crept up her face.She smiled to herself,tracing her fingers slowly over her lips.So won sat straight up realizing what she had done.Gosh!What has she done?She picked her phone up real quick and texted Jin.

What is this feeling I have..
Like something running
around in my stomach
and my heart races?

She waited and the reply came soon.She bit her lips,anticipating and the text read.

Take an antacid,it's probably
gastritis,Did you eat something

So won stared at Jin's reply for a good couple of minutes and finally  chose to ignore him.He forwarded the query to Jimin as she got down to get to the kitchen.On the counter sat a note that said,
'Food in the oven,I'll come early'

So won's smile couldn't possibly get any bigger,she radiated the energy of a newly-wed waiting for her husband to be honest.She kept counting the hours till he got home and it felt like decade,ages.Nothing she tried was able to distract her,She just kept feeling uneasy and even with a swollen leg,pranced around.She packed up her bags and decided to wait for Namjoon.

Namjoon walked into a silent suite.So won was no where to be seen but as he walked further in,he saw the small bundle of a person curled into the couch.His dimples went deeper as he smiled.But there was no time to stand there and admire,as they had to leave to reach before midnight.Namjoom woke her up.
"you are back",It was more of an exclamation than a statement.She sat up as Namjoon proceeded to get his things.There wasn't much of a conversation except for Namjoon asking how her leg was and if she could walk now.So won kept revising how she should ask about the kiss,but that'd bring his astraphobia as a topic too.She just doesn't know how to make a conversation without being awkward about it.Namjoon helped her up and let her wait in the car as he checked them out.

So won swiped through her phone to see Jin's text that read,

'Did it work?'

She shook her head in disbelief as she swiped into Jimin's chat.Jimin was typing.Namjoon got into the car.
"Shall we?",he asked and So won nodded without looking up.It was then Namjoon noticed So won wasn't wearing her seatbelt.So won was took offgaurd as Namjoon suddenly leaned over her.Her eyes faltered as she took a breath in at Namjoon's proximity.His dimples so close to her lips,his chin jutted out cutely as he concentrated.He quickly buckled her up.So won felt something run around in her stomach,like butterflies.Her heart raced and her lips turned into a thin line as her eyes read what Jimin send.

'I'd say you are in love :-P'

So won's phone slipped and fell with a thud.She made no attempt to retrieve it and Namjoon calmly did it for her.Namjoon was clearly confused at So won's expression.
"Are you okay?",Namjoon asked.So won forcefull nodded and it felt like too much effort.So won wanted to bang her head against the dashboard because of all the things and scenarios her head kept thinking.She should already stop this.She tried her best to not look at Namjoon,for he made it even harder.She knew this cause the way she wanted to hold Namjoon's hands that were on the wheel just to quench her thirsty of curiosity to see whether her hands would fit perfect his was really weird.She leaned back throwing her head and without a word,Namjoon activated the reclainer so that she could lie down properly.
"Sleep",He said as she looked at him confusedly.
Excuse me,Mr.Namjoon.You just can't take away my sleep and say 'Sleep',She thought to herself.

Eventually she did though and when Namjoon pulled up near a rest room,he sighed looking at her.She looked awkward,yet beautiful.Annoying yet adorable.Namjoon pulled his lips back to frown as he realized how cheesy he sounded.This is so unlike him,But that's what he felt.Like he could write a whole song about 'Spring day' after watching a leaf falling in a park.Namjoon shook his head vigorously at his thoughts.What even??

By the time they got back to Seoul,night had fallen.Like promised,Jin was there to pick her up.She unbuckeld her seat belts and cleared her throat.This is very easy So won,You have went through this piece a million times.
"Namjoon",she said grabbing his attention.Namjoon hummed as he turned around at her.So won took a deep breath and she needed to do this quick,before Jin gets impatient and decides to check in.Namjoon tilted his head letting her know that she has been staring for a while now.
"Oh..Um,ab-about last night..I mean the kiss",She quickly corrected before it goes into astraphobia part.
"Oh",Namjoon's mouth made a perfect 'O' as his gaze turned to an impatient Jin.
"It's just a mistake,Leave it",He said,his voice cold.

A mistake? A freaking mistake? So won wanted to ask,But he kissed her like he meant it.So won was certainly angry and hurt so instead on mulling over Namjoon  She got mentally ready for Jin's tantrum the moment he realize she is hurt.And it came.Namjoon sat in his car as he watched Jin lowering himself to get So won on for a piggy back.Jin kept scolding her,but the care was very evident.Once So won was back in his car,Jin walked back to Namjoon to get So won's bag.
"You have successfully destroyed her,Mr.God of destruction",Jin huffed as he picked up the bag and left.Namjoon sat as the Jin's car set off.He couldn't get a glimpse of So won and Maybe that's why he missed the pain in her eyes.

A/N:Hey so I uploaded again.I have a break

Soooo A mistake he says,Thoughts?

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