Chapter 42

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"Why here,Namjoon?",That was So won's first question when they entered the lift that took them to the top of Namsan tower.Namjoon kept quiet although So won kept prodding,by this time she should be knowing.The elevator opened up to a circular lobby.So won instantly forgot her bickering and abandoned Namjoon to run towards the glass.

"Oh!!",She breathed as she set her gaze onto the night view of the whole of Seoul.She rounded the circular room to get a better view.Shimmering lights decorated Seoul,the reflections falling over the Han river.The bridge was  lighted up too.Everyday she falls more and more in love with Seoul,Mind you..she did miss Daegu and their home back there,but Seoul had a different effect on her.She built her dreams and life in Seoul.Her thoughts wandered off as Namjoon stood close to her.She sighed before speaking,her eyes still fixed onto that world past the glass.

"Why here?",She asked again.
Namjoon turned around to lean on the railing between them and the glass,facing So won.She didn't meet his eyes.Despite of that Namjoon had his eyes fixed on So won,"I wanted to share the best things in my life with you.I love  sightseeing,capturing views,just places...taking morning walks,hiking..I used to think how'd it feel to have someone by me to share that happiness I felt."
He continued,"I wanted someone to share everything,not just this view.Life,love..You know? it even has a love lock bridge the other side ..I even wanna do such cringy cute stuff too...with you"
Namjoon stopped and chuckled.So won's lips curved into a smile but she still didn't look up at him.She gazed longingly at the scenery,her heart aching lightly cause of the thoughts in her head.It feels good to be loved,just her.

Namjoon was seriously startled with the words and the tone it carried.It sounded so genuine, hurtful and sappy.When he met her eyes,tears brimmed.Namjoon was about to lean forward to get her into his hug in alarm,but she moved to the side,her eyes again scanning the night beauty of Seoul.

"I have been here,once...I came with Appa,Oppa and Jin...This lobby wasn't opened then,but we saw it from the railings down,this view...He raised me up on his shoulders so that I'd be on top of the world,"So won let out a shaky laugh.
"I didn't have to be on his shoulders to feel that,I just had to stand by him...
It was english class,when I saw Oppa dash into my class.He didn't say anything when he dragged me out of there... Everything felt like an illusion...That white hospital walls,that horrible beeping off the machine that died soon,Jin running off to me...everything.I..I didn't cry,Namjoon.Even when I saw them,lifeless and never to return back to me...I was angry..They betrayed me,told me we would be together.When I got home Mom's Jjajangmyeon was cold,I still finished it all..silly.. But I wanted to remember how it tasted,to savour it..I wanted to remember it all..",She continued,"When I slept,I imagined it's all a dream and I'll walk into the kitchen, shielding my eyes from my parents sharing a morning kiss"

So won's lips  turned into a  smile,"Oppa lost all his life for me,he gave up every dreams away for me.And even Jin... his love and friendship...It brought me back from that numbness,He'd never leave my side.Stupid me even doubted his love,was it pity? Is he sad that am an orphan now? I know it's wrong... Life is good now but I miss Mom and Dad.I'd imagine in vain how I'd tell them that I had fallen in love too..My Dad would sulk you know... that his baby girl loves some guy now and I'd want to tell him that he will still be my number one...I'd want to introduce you to them and have a dinner together,You would have loved mom's cooking"

So won took a shaky breath again.Tears rolled out one after the other,And Namjoon full well knew this is the first time she had actually cried about her parents.He moved closer to her and catching herself So won said,
"Ah..Why am I saying all sorry,I just..I just feel weird that you love me...I just feel strange that you want to share the best of  your world with me,I'm just-"

Her sentence was cut as Namjoon pulled her closer to land his lips on her,He lifted her up to sit on the rails as his hands snaked around her hips.Their lips weren't moving or passionately dominating like their previous times.Namjoon's lips just sat on top of hers,but firmly.Still somehow he tasted the saltiness of her tears.How come most times one of them ended up crying when they kissed.So won pulled Namjoon closer as she broke the kiss to gently lay her head on his chest sideways,catching Seoul in her glory.They didn't know for how long they stood there like that,but neither of them wanted to let go.Namjoon ran his hands through her hair and planted a kiss on the crop.

So won looked up at him and smiled.She pecked on his lips before getting off the rails.
"Cha..Enough emo for today,let's go to that love lock bridge and do cute couple shit",She said locking her hands with Namjoon and dragging him along.

Jin had been calling into So won's phone for the past few hours now but So won had left her phone in the car.He was frustrated and he doesn't know what he could do.He needed to tell So won about what Jihyun told him,he needed to solve this right this time.He is not dumb to go to Hyo min's and confront him head on.That would do him no good.He threw his phone onto the bed.

A/n:Did ya like it?
Also What does Jin know?
Should he go alone to Hyo min?

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