Chapter 51

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Namjoon decided to be very generous by booking "Seoul's beats" for the night.Although it started as just the five of them going out for a drink,but soon Jihyun and Jin got added to the group and Somehow Kwanji had also got the wind of it,inviting their team.Jimin had everyone he loved in the same room and he could literally burst of happiness.Taehyung was all red in face as So won questioned how he proposed,A very amused Namjoon sitting by.Jihyun and already tipsy Jungkook was making friends with each other.Jimin's eyes travelled around and fell over a lone figure by the bar counter,hunched over and nursing a drink.He was rotating the drink between his hands.
"What happened to Jin hyung?",Jimin mumbled to himself as he made his way to the said man.

"You don't look happy that am engaged",Jimin stated,clambering onto the stool by Jin.Jin looked as if he was knocked off from a reverie.He scratched his head and smoothed his hair.
"Am happy for you ofcourse",Jin said before downing the alcohol in one stretch.
"Woah ho..slow down Hyung,What's bothering you?"
Jin hesitated and let out a breath,He turned around in his seat to send a glance at So won,who was now picking on Jihyun,asking about his girlfriend or something,Jimin couldn't quiet catch it.
"Don't tell me it's - ",Jimin shook his head at Jin and Jin hung his head,Jimin knew it's exactly that.
"But you told me you were over it,It's been 7 years hyung",Jimin leaned over to whisper in case anyone heard.Not that anyone would over the loud music.But prevention is always better.
"I am over it Jimin,It's that-"
"What hyung?"
"Rachel kissed me today"

"Oh",was the only response Jimin came up with.An awkward silence lingered between the two and Jin slowly shuffled off his seat and swung his coat over.
"Am sorry Jimin,I can't stay.I have so much in my mind right now",Jin said and Jimin nodded.Jin gave him a half hug,congratulating again.But just when he was half way out the door,So won came around.
"Are you leaving,Jin?"
"Yeah,mom's alone home",Jin quickly lied .
"Oh okay",So won stopped,"Are you okay,Jin?"
Jin said nothing and proceeded to leave.Something was wrong,So won didn't need  sixth sense to realize that.So won extended her hand to grab at Jin's coat.

"What's wrong?",her voice was low and very comforting.Like telling her would make everything wrong in the world right.Jin looked at her and at Namjoon who was watching them from a distance.
"Your boyfriend is watching,let me go",Jin's voice held danger.So won turned around to see Namjoon,who held her gaze without looking away.
"Did you guys get into a fight?",So won asked unsurely,She didn't see the duo make a conversation at all.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow,Let me go now",Jin said again.
"I'll see you tomorrow"
"You are not there just to pick me up and drop me off.You are my bestfriend,Tell me what's worrying you?"
"You are!!"
"Hyung!",Jimin warned but by then the club had gone silent.Jin didn't neccessarily shout at her,but the lack of a big crowd meant most people can see what goes on around.So won gently released Jin's jacket and Namjoon bolted to So won's side.
"Jin..",So won's voice was dangerously low.
Jin slightly swayed and left the club.Jimin looked at So won before he went running after Jin.


"Jin hyung,Hyung-",Jimin called out as he chased after Jin but Jin was already in his car.Jimin latched onto the window.
"What happened hyung?",Jimin asked.
"I..I am just tired,I'll apologize to her later",Jin had calmed down pretty quick.
"But don't drive,you are drunk",Jimin protested as Jin turned the key.
"Am fine,Jimin.Go enjoy your party,Tell her I said sorry and will pick her up in the morning",Jin said.
"But hyung you can't drive"
"Am okay",Jin slightly pushed  Jimin's arms off the window before taking off despite his protests.
"Did the prick leave?"
It was So won who came just in time to lose him.
"He said he will pick you up,don't take what he said to heart.He was tipsy",Jimin said taking off his coat to put it over So won,who was freezing.
"What got his knickers in a twist?"
"Work stress",Jimin lied hoping she would believe it and she did.


When the duo walked in,Taehyung was quick to claim Jimin for dancing.The others were already on the floor.So won made her way to Namjoon sitting with Jungkook,who was very drunk.He was stumblimg over words when So won took a seat opposite to Namjoon.Jungkook's eyes lightened up pretty quickly when he saw So won.He turned his gaze at Namjoon,"Hyungiee..thank me"
"Everything fine?",Namjoon asked as he extended his hands to So won and So won took it nodding.
"Joonie Hyungiee~,thank me",Jungkook insisted.
"Why?",Namjoon said as his thumb traced circles on So won's skin on the back of her hand.
"Cause I...I mean...I brought you together"
"You?!I didn't know you had a role in our story",Namjoon laughed,his free hand tousseling Jungkook's hair.So won could sense that something was going south,something wasn't right.She can't quiet put a finger on it,Was it Jin?Or Jungkook? Or Jimin?

"I had a role,alright.Noona,didn't you tell him?"
Oh God!! It's Jungkook indeed,So won bit her lips.
"Tell me what?",Namjoon was still smiling at his cousin.
"Let's go home,shall we?",So won cut in but Jungkook was too drunk to listen.
"I .want .my .credit,I am the reason Noona came running to youuu,Hyung"
So won prayed with all she got that Jungkook stop right then,she took her hand from Namjoon's to poke slightly at Jungkook.

"How?",Namjoon asked,calmly.The smile was no more there.
"Didn't I ..didn't I tell So won noona...about... about Yun ah Noona aaaand she was all Joonie deserves  love.I mean reaaaally,till then she was like prick Namjoon,then boom",
With that 'boom',So won saw something in Namjoon's eyes,something she hasn't seen when she gazed the stars in his eyes before.His hands clutched at the table's edge.

"You knew about my sister?",Namjoon asked.
"Do..I get moi credit?"
Jungkook's question went ignored and So won nodded slowly at Namjoon.

"Was this all out of pity?"

So won's phone rang loudly but both of them ignored it.

A/n:So elenafjames said its weird everyone is happy,now you see were right..
So let me conclude this chappy

-Did Jin love So won or is it something else
-Is this the rocky part of Namwon's story
You know his sister is a sensitive topic to him,he wanted to tell her im confidence once but now...ah,am so worried for So won.

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