Chapter 7

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Taehyung waited for the pair by the gate,he had send Jimin the location.They should have been there by now.He kept ignoring his mom's calls,It was already past his curfew.Finally headlights flashed infront of him,his face lit up as he saw Jimin get down from the car.Jimin had an identical happiness.Jimin helped So won out,who looked like she definitely didn't want to be there.

"What is so important that you had to follow us home?",Taehyung chuckled.
"She wanted to apologize",Jimin said and So won huffed loudly.Taehyung didn't really understand why So won wanted to apologize but he lead them in anyway.One thing he was sure was that there was going to be a lot more drama.Taehyung opened the door and stepped aside letting the two in.So won took off her heels,clutching it in her hands.This is the last time she would wear high heels.Her train of  thoughts were pulled to stop when he heard Jimin's "Woah~".

Her gaze followed Jimin's to witness the humongous habitat infront of them.Magnificient would still be an underrated word.So won clutched Jimin's coat as they walked in,scared she might get lost in this gigantic place.Taehyung couldn't help giggling as he saw the pair's round eyes.The floor was made of Mahogany and the furniture looked like people spend a life time working on them.A grand chandelier hanging in the midst didn't help the case either.

Taehyung walked further in and knocked on a door.Someone said,"Come in".
So won and Jimin followed Taehyung in.What So won next saw promised to haunt her forever.Namjoon was sitting on the couch cross-legged in his shorts that ended just above his mid-thigh exposing the tendons that shaped his legs.His sleeveless Tee hugged loosely over him.He had black rimmed rectangular glasses on,his eyes fixed on a book.So won so wanted to focus on something else but her mind wandered onto Namjoon's biceps at times.She was forced to concentrate as Jimin bowed a little,pulling So won along with him.

Namjoon raised his head a little and glanced from So won to Jimin to Taehyung and back to So won.He wordlessly went back to his book ignoring their presence.Jimin nudged lightly at So won,who smirked.She decided she'd just apologize and leave quick, get it over with.Her voice sounded alien to herself as she spoke.

"umm..I didn't know you,um..Mr.president came to apologize that day"
No reaction .
"My friend acted quite rude,am sorry",So won said, trying to calm her nerves.She passed a glance at both Jimin and Taehyung and shrugged.That's all she could do.Jimin cleared his throat so he could add to it but then Namjoon's gaze landed onto So won.He casually folded the page to mark his progress and stood up tossing the book slightly to the side.The smirk on his face seemed like he had decided the victory would be his before even delivering his comment.

"So,It's didn't know who I am at first and now that you know am rich and well,your soon-to- be boss ..You came here all the way running,apologizing"

"Yaah,...Who do you think you are?! This asshole",So won's rage had finally reined free,she but her lips in frustration and rubbed her temples.Everyone present was shocked, especially Namjoon.His mouth hung open as he saw the girl infront of him huff and stand her ground unlike all those people who knew him.Taehyung face-palmed,regretting bringing them in but there was nothing he could do to diffuse the tension.Jimin had came in between the raging counterparts and smiled awkwardly,"Uh..This has been nothing but pleasure..We will be leaving",He said as he ushered So won out the door but she did a double-take and walked over to Namjoon.Namjoon sure looked intimidating but she pointed her finger upto his nose and said,"If you are a rich ass,keep it where it belongs and -"
Jimin was quick to stop So won from yelling more profanities.Namjoon sure looked angry.He send a glance at Taehyung before closing his eyes.

"When I open my eyes,I want both of these people out of my sight"

Jimin pulled So won hard,closing her mouth with his hand.Namjoon heard muffled sounds leaving the room and a girlie scream following it.Probably So won had bit into Jimin's hand.

Once out in the hall way,Jimin shook his hands in pain as So won stomped her feet angrily.
"Who does he think he is?",She mumbled angrily.
"I feel pity for you",She shot at Taehyung.
"Woah,woah,woah",Someone shouted as  a door to their left opened up and a shirtless Jungkook, just out of bath,water dripping on his toned abs came out with a towel around his waist.His face lit up as he spotted So won.
" are that noona,So something?"
"So won",So won said frustration straining her face.
"And you mister?",He aimed at Jimin,who quickly shielded himself behind So won for no apparent reason.

"Jimin,my friend",So won held Jimin's hand starting to walk away and stopped,"Where's the damn door?"
Jungkook wasn't going let everything go so fast.He was curious and he wanted to know what had happened.Taehyung filled him in real quick and Jungkook's mouth turned into a perfect 'O' before smiling widely exposing his Bunny teeth.He got hold of So won's hand and proceeded to Namjoon's room.She was trying to resist him but hell,he was strong.
"What the - Leave me,Jungkook"
"'am sorry.Hyung can be so so stubborn .Let's settle this",He said as he opened the room.Oh, the peacemaker.

"Have they gone,Tae?",Namjoon asked as he heard the door open,his eyes still closed, standing exactly where they left him.
"Ah...hyung,She came to apologize and how can you act like that?",Jungkook said,settling himself on the couch.Namjoon's eyes shot open.He was startled as he registered the duo were back and soon turned into his cocky side,"Oh,really.Then go ahead,apologize"
"Not anymore",So won snapped right back at him.

"Arrogant",Namjoon mumbled just enough for So won to hear.She walked upto him,her head barely reaching his shoulder.He sure looked intimidating but she wasn't going to back off.Jimin tried to calm the situation but was shoved away by So won and fell over Jungkook.Taehyung helped him up quickly before Jungkook could say something stupid.

So won said,"You owe me an apology"
"I doubt that",Namjoon said in equal annoyance.
"I am not apologizing to a brainless giant"
Namjoon's face etched shock,"Are you referring to me?"
So won pretended to look around,"I don't see any other giants around here"
Namjoon glared and looked ahead of him.

"I hear a voice but can't see nobody,Shorty",Namjoon shrugged in victory.And that certainly ticked off So won.She wasn't short,she was the tallest of her class.Namjoon was the one who's just really tall,giant-like to be exact.She dropped her high-heels against the floor and clambered onto the coffee-table and came above him  bit.Namjoon was taken back by the sudden motion.
"You make me mad",she said in frustration,her veins throbbing in her head.He was really a headache.
"You make me laugh in a joker",Namjoon said rolled his eyes,his lips doing a thing.His chin jutted out as though he is restraining himself from saying things.So won's brain ticked off to rant,"Gosh!! is that supposed to be funny?? You are lame"
"Your friend almost laughed"
"Jimin laughs at just about everything"
"Get down,you'll get hurt"
"The hell I will..wait,what?"
"Get down",Namjoon said calmly and So won was taken aback this time.She stood there staring at him and both of them noticed at some point, Namjoon had held her upper arms,to prevent her from falling.He moved his hands away as she got down with the help of Jimin.Her heart was beating against her chest.She was supposed to be angry at him.She turned to bow at Jungkook and Taehyung slightly.
"Let's go",So won held Jimin's hand and with Jimin bowing at them,they were gone.Namjoon said nothing as Jungkook got to him.
"Call her back before she walks out the door",He said dramatically.
"You watch too much Kdrama",Taehyung sighed as he left too.Namjoon's gaze landed on to her abandoned shoes and soon retreated to his room.He wanted to know why his stomach did a somersault.

A/N: Well,that's that

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