Chapter 54

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Namjoon had already walked around the park thrice with his phone pressed against his ear dialling the same number over and over again.No response came and it's been nearly an hour.She did say she was already here,then why can't he find her? He dropped message to Taehyung and Jimin,and they doesn't seem to know where she is either.Not at Jin's or not at her home.The more the time inched away, the more anxious he got and he was lost on what to do.He didn't know where to go.Maybe she got tired and might have went to look for him at the apartment.Namjoon prayed that he is right as he got into his car.


The alley was dark and if she could drop onto her knees and cry,no one would notice.Noone will know her pain and the world crumbling at her feet.Her phone kept ringing and she knows the callers,yet she didn't want to respond.Instead she thinks.. She remembers every bit of that conversation,she can hear the old man's words running around her head.Maybe a So won few months back wouldn't have felt the same if someone told her those words,but now she would.Her feet dragged over the ground,eyes glassy and heart breaking.She needed Jin.The alley ended at Jin's home and how she got there by herself was a mystery.She could almost make out his silhouette through the windows upstairs,moving around.He was close yet he seemed so far away.But what would she tell him if she sees him,what reply has she reserved when he questions the blank look on her face.A deep breath was all it took,So won slumped against the wall of the alley,dropped down to hug her knees and let herself break.Once it started,it didn't stop.Fresh beads followed the last one shamelessly running down the same lanes.So won brought a hand over her heart to clench her shirt there,it hurts so bad.

"It's up to you to decide,So won sshi"

The words felt like someone was whispering down her ears constantly,It seemed like the end.Ha! Remember So won when you promised yourself you wouldn't open up your heart to anyone so that noone can hurt you and you let that dimpled guy walk in?You forgot the promise,you had sworn over your life,now it's taking it's toll over you.The bitter truth left her hurt and lost.
" sorry",Her words came shaky and painful.
Never once the thought crossed her mind to choose.But if it came to that,she'd choose him over and over again over herself.
Her phone had fell silent and notification of the texts she received crowded her lock screen.She swiped it open and dialled Jin's number.

So won could hear Jin's voice louder from the windows,worry and concern etched in his soft voice.
"Am outside",is all she said.And everything else was a blur as she watched Jin jogging outside,his eyes travelling around before finally spotting her.He helped her up with his left arm and lead her in.Mrs.Kim was already asleep.Good!So won thought.She had no idea what exolanation she'd give to Aunt.Cosied up in Jin's bed,So won raised her hand to hold her pinkie out.Jin who had thought the interrogation could wait till tomorrow looked down at her.

"Pro..promise me you'd never ask..ask what happened...Promise?",she hicoughed the words out.
Her hand shook in mid air trying to find stability as tears fled down her cheeks.It hurt Jin like hell,He brought his hand to hook her pinkie,bringing it stable and twisted to press his thumb against hers.
"I promise"
"Can I hug you?",So won looked up at him and a million thoughts ran in his head,each worse than the other.He promised but he wanted to know and  only one might know the answer for it.For now those thoughts are not valid as he moved closer to So won,letting her clutch his shirt as he wrapped his arm around her.She shook lightly and Jin didn't mind as tears stained his shirt.

"Hyung,So won is at Jin Hyung's home",Taehyung said,relief evident in his voice.
"Why is she there?She told me she was waiting at the park"
"I don't know,Hyung texted Jiminie just now."
"Is she okay?Why isn't she picking up her phone?"
"Oh,He said her phone isn't working.She might have waited long and went to Jin hyung's.Don't worry hyung,Everything is fine"
But everything doesn't seem fine.Namjoon can feel that.He considered leaving the apartment to go check on her.But Jungkook insisted it is too late to barge into Jin's neighbourhood,let alone whether Jin would let him in at all.Why is he feeling so uneasy?Maybe he is being his overthinking self!

Seokjin stayed by his bestfriend,she had cuddled up to his chest on his left side of the bed.So won had stopped crying a while ago and her laboured breath had became softer.
"You okay?",Jin asked and So won nodded.A silence hung and Jin brought his hand up to run through So won's hair.
"Things are gonna change,Jin",So won said and his hands stopped.
"I..I am letting him go"
"What!You love him Wonnie"
"I do..",So won chuckled painfully,"But I'll let him go now"
Jin sighed,his mouth was sealed onto the promise.He knows why So won made him promise.If Jin asks her something she'd tell him for sure.She wouldn't be able to stop herself from telling him anything  and it was rather easy to put the task onto Jin to not ask.Jin wouldn't ask,he loved her too much to break any promises.He loved her too much,even to let go off  his first love,although he had to lament in the pain of that lost love from seven years ago.Back then and even now,he put his bestfriend first.

"Did Namjoon say anything?",He asked twisting the words a bit.He just needs to know if the rich guy has to do anything with his friend's tears.So won shook her head,"I was so stupid,Jin.When I became okay after coming to Seoul,I dreamt ,I tried to fly and even fooled myself I could love",She let out a laugh again,"Why did you let me off,Jin?Why didn't you love me like you loved  her?Why didn't I love you like Namjoon?We could have been in our little world forever..No worries heartbreaks"
"So won,what are you saying!"
"Don't you think so?You,me,Oppa and Shinyu Eonnie..Like when we were children..Everyone wanted us to fall in love and get married but we were the goofy duo ",So won breathed in shaking.

"Shall we sleep,Wonnie.It's late"
So won hummed as a reply and adjusted herself down onto the pillow.Jin was about to get off when So won got hold of his arm.
"I always talk about how Oppa lost so many things cause of me.But you did too..Am sorry,Jin.I never wanted to be anyone's burden but-"
Jin interrupted her by planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Don't think too much.I didn't lose anything.I have you  and that's what matters"
Jin turned around to leave.
"Do you miss her?Eunji?"
Jin stood frozen.

A/n:Haha at all those people who thought Jin loved So won.Sorry!! Had to say it despite it being a sad chapter..
Someone opened the Pandora's box and things are come out now...Love you all for reading my story

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