Chapter 6

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So won waited for Jimin's car to pull over Infront of her home.Jimin wore a blue suit with a striped blue-white tie to go with it.He had a pin of falcon,she remembered Jin had gifted him.His newly dyed blond hair was slicked back leaving So won in awe,almost thinking her friend looked hot.She chuckled as she walked to him.
"You look handsome",She said as he opened the door for her.So won had wore a red gown that ended just above her ankles.High heels that lifted her up bit.Both of those borrowed from Shinyu.Her hair was in an elegant knot from where a strand of curl fell on her shoulders,a slight blush on her face and all cosmetics Shinyu mercilessly dabbed onto her.
"Why,you look pretty yourself",Jimin chuckled as he got in and started the engine.So won ranted on about how she hadn't told Jin about any of these yet and that made her feel guilty.Jimin tried to calm her down as he drove to meet Hoseok,who was waiting for them at the Hotel with the Kim delegates for the Business dinner.

So won held onto Jimin to prevent herself from tripping, walking over to the table they were assigned to.Kim Namjoon and the cute secretary was sitting along with Hoseok as they walked in.Both of them bowed slightly at Namjoon and Hoseok.Namjoon looked hot as ever,So won hated thinking that to herself.He had a gold rimmed glasses added to his elegant attire.He nodded slightly.Her eyes moved onto his secretary,who looked the most casual of them all.But he was cute nevertheless as he smiled.
"Allow me",He said getting up to help.So won was gonna thank him but she learnt in amusement that he was talking to Jimin.He looked whipped.Both of them sat down and Hoseok and Namjoon returned to their  previous conversation.Taehyung ordered food for them all.

Soon they started to dig in.So won tried to not lose control over her favourite food.She was more concentrated on who will take the last gimbap rather than Namjoon's plan for increasing the sales.
"What do you think about it,Miss.So won?",Namjoon asked out of the blue.She was alarmed and had no idea what he was talking about.She coughed before regaining composure and sent a glance at Jimin.Jimin did something with his face which only confused So won more.Everyone had their eyes on So won.
"I think she'd agree with me if I say that we should concentrate more on areas where we have profit now and once we get a stability there,then we can move on to other regions rather than..yeah",Jimin said in a single breath,attempting to save his friend.So won nodded along with it.

"Woah,that's a cool idea",Taehyung said, his eyes literally shining at Jimin.Namjoon wasn't the one to let go.
"I didn't think Miss.So won needed a spokesperson",He said taking the last gimbap and stuffing it into his mouth.Oh,the game is on,This is really on.

So won mumbled,"Look who's speaking"
"You said something"
"I'm pretty sure I didn't",So won said.
"So Miss.So won,How far does your knowledge goes in programming?",Namjoon found pleasure in teasing her for some unknown reason.
"I wouldn't say expert but close,it was my favourite subject",So won said proudly.
"She's one of the best",Hoseok said giving off a father like vibe.
"Oh,Taehyung..Put Park and Min in my team for the project.Let's  see what they can do",Namjoon said and Taehyung nodded mentally noting to speak to the head of department.So won went back to her dessert and she could almost see Namjoon stealing glances at her.Does he want to die now?This is frustrating.

Soon the dinner was over and they walked out to the front.Jimin had left with Taehyung in the front.Hoseok was in the washroom.So won decided to wait for Hoseok since she need someone to help her walk in these damned high heels.Namjoon slid his hands in his pocket as he came to stand beside So won.He moved his right arm up making space for So won to hook her hands,So won stared up at him as he raised his eye brows.She slowly wrapped her arm around his hand as he walked her out.
This felt nice,He could be an arse hole but he is a gentleman indeed.

"Thankyou",She said sliding her hands off before heading to get into her car.
"You wouldn't be so thankful after you are under me",Namjoon smirked as he walked off.Sure,Namjoon didn't mean any harm and no,not any dirty thoughts.But that's all ever passed in So won's head.She shook her head.He only meant working under him,Idiot.Jimin who had also heard it,came alarmed.
"You need to apologize to him"
"why? ",So won snapped at Jimin.
"He's gonna make our lives a hell hole,come on Wonnie"
"I didn't do anything to apologize,I don't care"
"But I do..please don't destroy this for me"
"Ya,Jiminah..Don't make me look bad here",So won exploded as she got into the car.Jimin followed suit.
"Look,if you could just apologize-"
"I am Min Yoongi's sister Min So won,We never apologize even if it's our mistake"
"Waah,what a family trait,we are apologizing nevertheless",Jimin said, fighting off So won as he picked up his phone to dial Taehyung.Yup,that happened.They had exchanged numbers cause there's a lot to talk about 'Gwanju project'.You know...

"We are heading to the President's home",Jimin announced as he swerved into the highway.
"We are his employees.Mr.President it is"

A/n:Who love double updates.I know I do.

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