Chapter 25

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So won hadn't been to office for a week now and Namjoon was restless.Noone around in the office seem to be concerned and he just couldn't take it and decided to ask Jimin.
"Why is Miss.Min on leave?",Namjoon asked,trying to sound as formal as possible.
"Oh..She is sick,Jaesuk Hyung did approve her leave",Jimin said.Manager is the one to do leave approvals,so it was obvious he didn't know but she is the project leader,ofcourse someone has to let him know.He wanted to see her,Alright she is not his and all that but what's wrong in wanting to see her.That's fair.

"When will she be returning?",Namjoon asked grabbing Jimin's attention off the computer once again.
"I don't know yet,but am gonna see her tonight,I'll ask"
Namjoon just nodded,how does he make it proffesional that he wanted to see her too.But her home mustn't be that far.It's on his morning walk routes,he thought to himself as he remembered their first encounter.No.No,he is not going to look like a creep and he will wait.But she is sick.Is it her leg or she just doesn't want to see him because of the Kiss,Stop thinking Namjoon.

And like promised Jimin went to see a sad bundle on So won's bed.He climbed up the bed to shuffle close to her.
"Since you won't answer my questions in text,I came to get an answer in person",Jimin said simulatneously trying to get the blanket off her.And when he did,So won looked awful.Jimin was honestly shocked.
"So you are in love?",Jimin chuckled.Being there in her position in the past made it easier for him.So won groaned angrily.

So won turned around against him.And in that moment her door blasted for a second time because of Jin's incoming.
"What's going on?",He said as he too jumped onto her bed.
"You pricks",So won said as she tried to get off and drag the blanket along.
But Jin was quick to grab her back into bed.
"Our So won here is in love",Jimin cooed.So won slapped away Jimin's hand as he pinched her cheeks.
"am not",So won retaliated.
"Jinja!!",Jin's eyes were about to pop out.
"Lemme guess,Namjoon?",Jin said shrugging.Both So won and Jimin was surprised at Jin's guess,who calmly unwrapped a chocolate bar and started stuffing into his mouth.

"How do you know,hyung?",Jimin was the one who asked.
"Ah,Seen her for 20 years now,Never seen her giving puppy eyes to anyone",Jin said as a matter of fact.
"AM NOT IN LOVE",So won said as she swung an arm at Jin,which Jimin caught and smiled wickedly.
"So the fights were all sexual tension",He joked gaining a slap from Jin,only cause he was laughing too hard.And for the second time,So won tried to escape them but only to be pulled back in between her bestfriends.She threw her head back to the wall.

"So ? What's going on?",Jimin asked calmly,hooking his hands with So won and Jin taking her other hand.
"I am not in love but I don't know,I just-",So won said as she leaned her head against Jimin's shoulder.
"Personally I don't like him very much,But if you are happy I am..And I get to be your children's godfather.Plus the best man-",Jin stopped only cause he was about to choke on a large chunk of chocolate.

"You two are taking it pretty well",So won couldn't help but be surprised.
"Ofcourse friends notice these things faster and you are too naive to accept that you do"
"I don't love him Jiminah",So won hung her head.
"Then what's with all the sad face and a week long leave?",Jimin retorted.
"I am sick",So won said pouting her lips.Jin tapped on her nose and said,"Lying..Tell us what's wrong"
So won thought to herself debating the pros and cons of letting the Jinmin duo know.

Life long teasing? yes
At ease? Maybe
embarassment? Yes
Closure? less likely

So far the cons weighed but she needed to get it off her chest.She would have chose Kwan Ji or Lee hi better but yeah whatever.
"We kissed",She mumbled almost inaudible but the duo didn't miss it one bit,as they let out loud noise.Jimin surprised yet cheerful,Jin surprised and shocked to the core.He spat out half off his chocolate out.The door banged against the wall as Yoongi made an appearance.

"Did Jin propose?",he asked looking excited.
"What!! NO",So won said as she left the bed to lock him out.She turned around ti face her bestfriends who had polar opposite expressions.
"Spill the tea,It's your first kiss",Jimin said excitedly.So won closed her eyes thinking back to when she thought she will keep it to herself to the grave.So much for a plan.One week,the cat is out the bag.

"Urgh..Gosh,We kissed cause the circumstances called for it",She said it like it was a normal thing.
"I wonder what that is",Jin openly stated his concern only to be cut off by a curious Jimin,"And?"
So won cringed as she curled her fingers close to her face,"I..I think..I think I like it?"
Noone said anything for a while,just shocked faces.
"Say something",she said throwing a pillow at them.
"Confess",Jimin said as he caught the pillow,smiling widely.Jin gave him a disgusted look before turning to So won.
"I thought it was a joke,but it's clearly not.You do love him",Said Jin.

"No,I don't",So won said,"Besides he said it was a mistake".She came down to sit on the bed back to her previous position.
"What!? Some b*tch is about to catch these hands",Jin shouted.
"Na..I was the one who kissed,I just-",So won trailed off.
"Um,So won..I think you do like him but don't dwell on it.He will be engaged to In young soon",Jimin said,biting his lips.So won knew without asking that,that piece of information came from Taehyung.
"But I don't love him,though",She breathed lowly.Jin nodded,not because he agreed but he doesn't want So won to get hurt.

"So just face it like savage So won and be back in office,okay?",Jimin asked.So won nodded.Yeah,She wasn't the one to be sad over confused feelings and dimpled presidents.And for now,he will just be the guy who was her first kiss.

A/n:It's kookoo's bday in a while.Baby has grown a lot.Sniff Sniff

Hope you loved this,Am I moving too fast?

Also Jin was expected to revolt ,right?
Hehe and Jimin had his first kiss with Tae too but hush,this is about SoJoon

And who wants friends like Jinmin?? I know I do

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