Chapter 49

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"Did you know Jin has a girlfriend?" was the first question So won shot when she saw Namjoon walk in.
"He does?"
"Um,no..But I think she wants to be..I can see it and he is smitten for her"
"Oh..I thought Jin loved you",Namjoon blurted out.
"Kidding",Namjoon covered up quickly and luckily So won bought it.Namjoon slid onto her side,one arm draped over the couch behind her.
"Maybe they are already doing it,behind my back",So won said,narrowing her eyes.Namjoon got up to leave.

"Where are you going?"
"I am not spending my evening talking about your bestfriend and his non-existent girlfriend"
So won huffed and let out a groan before pulling Namjoon back onto the couch.She faced him and said,"So how was your dinner,did you see your mother and father?"
Namjoon sighed thinking of ways to control her freak out phase after the announcement about his uncle's knowledge of their relationship.A kiss could always work.

"Taehyung,you are not leaving until you wash the dishes",Mrs.Kim yells at Taehyung's retreating back to his room and Taehyung huffs,turning around.He whines as he makes his way into the kitchen.
"Mom,I'll do it in the morning",He said leaning over the counter top.
"If you are going to do it in the morning,why can't you do it now?",Taehyung's mother said as she tossed an expired Yoghurt into the trash,shaking her head.
"Mom,because-",Taehyung stopped causing his mom to catch that worry in his eyes.
"Because I don't like it when he's alone",Taehyung's voice dropped as he took his seat on a stool.Mrs.Kim sighed before she walked over to her son,She knows her son is caring and loving but mostly the tsundere kind and to see him openly voicing his concern was something she thought would never happen.She patted on Taehyung's hand.
"He is okay now,isn't he?",She said as she took a seat opposite to him.
"He says he is,he acts like he is but am still worried.I have never loved anyone like this,he means the world to me",Taehyung hung his head into his hand and sighed.

"What do you like about him?"
Taehyung looks at his mom because of the misplaced question.
"Research purposes",she gestured in the air looking serious.Taehyung smiled a little before speaking,"To pinpoint would be really difficult.Cause I like all of him,He cares for me alot,loves me unconditionally.He decided to leave me just because he thought I'll get hurt.I am the one mostly at the recieving end,now it's my turn to take care of him and I wanna do it right.Make it right for him,fix his world..ah.."
Mrs.Kim reached over to pinch lightly on his cheek.
"Aigoo,You are all grown and mature,where did my nose-picker son go?"
"Wahh!! Eomma!!I am sharing my concern and you are really gonna act like this?",Taehyung threw his hands in the air.
"sorry sorry..Taehyungah..he chose you, right? Even came over to stay with us..It means he trust you..He trusts you with his mind,body and soul.He knows you will treat him right.And if you ever plan on putting a ring on his finger,make me flower girl",Mrs.Kim chuckled.
"One time,Be serious for once mom",Taehyung said as he shook his head dissaprovingly.

So won couldn't sleep.How could someone sleep after knowing that Namjoon's uncle had asked them to join for a lunch and mother had invited for an evening tea at the estate when Namjoon's father is absent.She doesn't even drink tea. She fumbled at the edges of the blanket thinking how humans act normally in formal situations.She turned around in bed to face Namjoon,he was fast asleep,his mouth ajar and soft snore escaping them.
"Look at him sleeping",So won huffed in a low tone.So won was going to reach and pinch his nose,but ended up tracing her finger over his features.From his forehead through the dip between his eyes to the bridge of his nose and briefly halting before her fingers traced his lips.
"I know am hot,but I don't appreciate getting assualted while am asleep",Namjoon's voice interrupted her action and she retracted her hands in alarm.

"urgh,you scared me",She said clutching a hand over her heart.
"Why are you not sleeping?",Namjoon turns around to fully face So won,the moonlight through the curtain,lighting up his face.Breathtakingly handsome.So won blinked a couple of times.
"Am dreading tomorrow's lunch with your uncle",So won confessed.
"Don't worry,he stopped eating humans ages ago"
"That's not funny"

"Wonnie,He just wants to get to know you,okay?Don't worry..I love you so he will certainly like you too",Namjoon assured her and So won nodded.She went silent for a while thinking something over in her head.
"Will you marry me?"
Namjoon instantly coughed,his eyes widening.
"Don't over react.I am not asking you to marry me.Am asking a do you consider it",So won asked as if it didn't faze her.Namjoon still didn't answer.
"I mean your uncle is going to break the engagement so he might think I'll be with you long a wife.So he will ask me that right? When we meet-"
It was Namjoon's turn to blink,What is going on in her tiny double digit IQ brain?

"Namjoonah",She awards him a light slap on his hand.
"Do you consider marrying me?",Namjoon shot the question back at her.
"I..yeah,as long as you don't break my china and let me watch action movies through the night",So won said seriously.
"I can do that",Namjoon smiled as he turned to face the ceiling.

The next morning in the office brought happiness before the dread of the meeting.So won had practically ran into
the arms of Jimin crushing him in a death hug and him chuckling.Jimin's laughter was happiness,Both Taehyung and So won noted.Jimin was glowing with happiness,everything in the world seemed fine.

A/n:So I got 2K reads and 500 votes..Am so happy and as a thankyou note,the next chapter will be double my usual size...Hehe

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