Chapter 60

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"Three days,So won",Jimin said as he turned on the lights and pulled the curtains away.So won flinched from the sudden movement and pulled her blanket to cover her face.Jimin sat by the bed and started an attempt to pull the blanket off.
"You have been here for three days,You blocked out your brother saying you are busy helping me for wedding preparations,you haven't been to office saying you are sick,Jin hyung is out of grid and I don't know why.Enough is enough-"
"Let her be,Jimin",Mrs.Park called out from the living room.Jimin had moved in to his parents' place till the wedding and So won had showed up couple of days later.Jimin ignored his mother and continued pestering So won.
"Atleast talk to Jin hyung",Jimin said,finally succeeding to pull the blankets off.So won sat up hunched,silence loomed.
"I messed up",she said before looking up at Jimin.She wasn't crying but her pain was simply readable.Jimin sighed as he brushed off stray locks from So won's face.He waited for her to speak and she did.

"I thought things are fine Jiminie..But they are not.I am not.I was thinking I have got you two and I'll pull through.But I messed up..again.Jin lost Eunji cause of me and now Rachel.."
"So won-"
"Don't Jimin,I knew it all along.I underestimated that pain though but now I don't have Namjoon anymore,I understand.No matter how much reasons I could bring to justify,it is still not enough.I have no rights over Jin's life.And Oppa ,he knows something is up.He doesn't have to bear me anymore,His life is gonna change and I want him to stay happy.Not be stuck with a burden that's me.How can I tell him am scared for their lives,am scared for yours,for Namjoon's "

"So won,please tell me what's happening.Don't overthink",Jimin took her hand into his to calm her down.
"Even now..I don't think it's right that I came here,I keep running.Gosh!!I need to get my own place",So won laughed out of context but Jimin could see the tears ready to fall out.

"I failed to understand everyone is their own person,Does it make me needy,attention seeking,selfish?I am done,Jimin..Why is my happiness tied to everyone around me?I miss Oppa,I miss Eonnie,I miss Namjoon..I miss Jin",So won covered her face.Everything was out in the light for Jimin to see.But like she said,Jimin had the key to her heart.Jimin brought her down onto his chest to hug her tight.A lecture is definitely no what So won would like to hear right now.But Jimin still needs to answer her worries.He ran his fingers through her bed hair.

"I don't know what's in your mind,So won.But look,you are not being attention seeking.I'll tell you that and if you insist,let me remind you there's nothing wrong in wanting the attention and care of people you love,people who loves you.It's only human.And it's alright that your happiness rests with everyone around you.You know why?Everyone's happiness is somehow tied to someone.Cause we all love each other.

You didn't rest well when I was hurt and You smiled the brightest when I told you I was engaged.We are not blood-related,nor were we childhood friends.You just met me a few years ago when we joined as interns and helped this really awkward guy to make friends.You even made your best friend mine too.You were there for me at all the times I cried.And I wanna be there too ..for you,So please never get a place.Come to me when you are tired,down and sick of everyone else.When you are sick of me as well,Fine..You still have a room in my home and you can stay forever.And it's not just me,It's all of us.We love you to the moon and back,Wonnie"

"That's a lot of distance",So won chuckled through tears into Jimin's shirt.Jimin nodded,"It is"
"I don't deserve you"
"You do and more.Now,stop sleeping in for now.Go see Jin.Four more days,am getting married to a clueless man who thinks stars are fairy dusts spread by a giant fairy living in mars."
So won looked up at Jimin in awe.
"Don't ask"
And the duo started giggling like children.


Jungkook had left to speak with his father about In young and he is positive his father would help him.Mr.Jeon always has but none of that matters for Namjoon.Everything played in his head again and again like a freaking broken record.The girl at the bus stop in rain,the one who dared to point a finger to his face,the one who fell asleep on his office floor,the one who cared for him despite her hurt,the one who ran through the rain at midnight.

Namjoon would never believe that any of those were lies,even as he saw her cross the road and pull that guy into a kiss.If anything,he knows her action was to throw him off.He wasn't dumb but that image hurted.It sure did whatever the girl intended to do to him.Namjoon was cold now,he locked his emotions in that rusted box along with some other memories.He dare moved his eyes to scan So won's place anymore.To his knowledge,the project leader was absent.That's all.It's bordered unfair that he knows his father was the sole reason but didn't she promise she'd stay no matter what?Was that a lie then?He confronted his father about it as a last resort but the man waved him off saying he has no knowledge to anything but did say something along the lines of that he would have stopped the wedding if they weren't engaged for so long or if Namjoon had a better reason.Namjoon had simply scoffed at that,he is very aware of his father's various masks.And to rebel,what should he rebel for ?For a girl who left him?Oh,yes.But he still loved her and he knows she did too.


The first thing So won did when she got out off the bed from Jimin energy is to go to the columbarium.She needed to see her parents.She needed to start new.So won stood infront of her parents' urns,a photo by the side.She smiled at their ever widening Yoongi like smiles.

"Mom,Dad..You are going to be grandparents,did you know ? You should have seen Yoongi oppa's face.You'd see it in person soon.He will come visit you.Or has he already? I don't know.",A deep sigh and a few seconds of silence followed.

"I miss you two a lot,Like a lot.But I  am okay,I got nice people around me",So won stopped like contemplating something and continued,"Most people are nice.I do feel lonely though.I wish you were here.I am jealous of Jin and Jimin,Mom.Whenever their moms nag at them and they complain about it..I imagine how I'd react to you if you  nagged me.I won't complain though,am a good girl...Dad always told me I am.I am staying with Jimin these days and his Dad is so nice.He'd ask me to play chess with him and make sure I am not sick if I stay too long in bed..I think of you Dad,You would have practically dragged me out to the sunlight..I messed up big time Dad.I think Jin hates me now.As he should be.I keep taking his happiness away,people whom he loves away-"

"Yeah,she does"
So won turned around to see Jin standing at the door of the room.So won's mouth fell open but Jin totally ignored her and placed the flowers  infront of her parents.
"She annoys me a lot,she cries and complains.She treats me like a driver and sometimes a tenant"
So won's face fell.
"But the end of the day,she is still my bestfriend,my sister and my childhood So I'd choose her over and over again"
Jin gave So won a tight lipped smile,only to have So won slap him hard at his arm before pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you"
"I missed you more"

A/n:Who is ready for a Vmin wedding.Gosh,the number of votes is too low and you guys totally lost interest in leaving comments but aah,thats's okay..Bear with me,we are
almost the end.Did ya like it though?

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