The Prince Who Hates Arranged Marriages

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Trying my hand at royal AU's

~Jeremy's P.O.V~

"Mom arranged marriages are stupid! Like it's crazy!"

"Oh come on honey it's not that bad! The prince is a lovely boy" Mom pulled an ancient copy of Cujo off the front room shelf, before sitting back down in the couch.

"And another thing: you arranged this marriage when we were three. How did you know I was gonna be bi? Or did you set me up with a girl and a boy just in case?"
I gaped at her, on the verge of pulling my hair out.

Mom gave me a look.
"We are an accepting family. We were prepared for all possibilities

"what if I turned out to be a furry or something?"

She sighed with a smile.
"you're not a furry, Jeremiah.

"you're a twink" dad piped up from behind his newspaper.


Dad folded down his newspaper, his jaw dropped
"it's not an insult! If anything it's a compliment"

"how is it a compliment?" Mom asked.

I sighed. "getting off track here guys."

Mom pulled me next to her on the couch, and held both my hands.
"isten Jeremiah, I know you don't like the idea but the Princes parents are extremely sweet and they seem to have a lovely son. Look, his portrait arrived this morning."

She got off the couch to pick up a large canvas from the large box of paintings in the corner of the room. The painting presented a smiling boy with dark skin, dark hair and darker eyes. He looked so........stuck up. Full of himself.

"I'm not gay but that's a nice looking Prince." Dad said.
It's really not.

"you'll be meeting him tomorrow, so please have a nice attitude." Mom asked, well, more demanded.

"but what if he's a jerk? What if I want to chose my own husband?" I complained.

Mom sighed.
"Give him a chance. That's all I ask for. Maybe it won't be that bad."


I sat idly in the throne room. It's so overly extravagant. The three thrones and the blue and gold banners scream "hey look we're rich".

I sat on my throne, picking at a splinter on the armrest. This is so stupid. Mom and Dad were super overly excited about this arranged marriage to a prince who isn't even that hot.
There's a loud fanfare, but I keep focusing on the splinter.

"NOW PRESENTING" a voice yelled at the entrance of the long throne room "PRINCE MICHEAL"

The large doors swung open, and confidant footsteps march down the centre of the throne room. I don't look up for even a second. A figure stopped in front of me, fists on his waist confidently.
He cleared his throat loudly.

I looked up.

And holy fuck.
The brown boy grinned down at me, his hair neat but aloof, and his eyes twinkling.
"Like what you see?"

"I....uh....I..." i stammer, straightening in my seat. " Your portrait doesn't do you justice"

A blush floods his cheeks, and he licked his lips.
"I think I'm going to like you, Jeremiah"

"Not like you have a choice anyways. And, please, call me Jeremy" I stood up, and there was barely half a foot between our faces.

Micheal looked over his shoulders quickly, before whispering to me,
"this place is deader then a graveyard in the apocalypse. Is there anywhere else we can chill that's less....formal?"

I chuckle, and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him out of the throne room and down some corridors. As I did, my hand slipped down his arm and ending up sliding into his hand.
Micheal interlocked our fingers and have my hand a squeeze. Thank god he couldn't see my blushing.
I took him to my favorite room in the house.

"Woah" he said, taking it in. "You have a games room?"
He gasped and pointed at a poster on the wood paneled wall.

"How can you not!" I cried, flopping down on the couch. "I mean, I'm stuck on this one level and it's driving me nuts"

"Which level?"
Micheal plopped down next to me.

"Level 9-"

"The cafetorium!" We finished together.

Micheal smiled a million-dollar smile.
"Oh my dearest prince, we are going to get on swell"

"Oh yes my dear arranged husband" I took his hand again. "We are"



Should I write more aus like this?
- Avery

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