ᴀɴxɪᴏᴜs ᴠɪʙᴇs || Wilderness Training

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Happy pride month everybody! Whether you're in the closet or out in the world, be proud of who you are and your identity. Whether you're questioning or certain in your sexuality, you are valid and you are loved.
I love you. Very very much. Take care of yourself and be safe 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

So, to celebrate pride month, I'm keeping up  the tradition of posting one shots of other Be More Chill ships! Heterosexual, homosexual, polyamorous, platonic, anything! Comment any ships or situations you want to see.

Also, ya'll said that you want angst. So, angst you shall get

Micheal x Evan (Hansen)

"Welcome everybody to Wilderness Survival 101! The 101 isn't in the title, but I think it adds a little pizzazz to it. Now! I have eight tables set up, two people per table. Go to your tables so we can get started" the teacher- well, he's not really a teacher. The instructor, Mr Murphy stands at the top of the room, as people awkwardly shuffle to their tables.

The desks are lined into two rows, four tables a row. Micheal Mell takes the middle desk on the right. On the table is a box, containing all sorts of survival gear; camouflage paint, compasses, rope, flint and other stuff.

Micheal picks up the compass, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. He examines it. As he turns the compass over, it slips from his weak grip, smashing onto the floor.

The top of the compass pops off, and Micheal swears under his breath. He drops to the ground, frantically grabbing the pieces of compass.

Great job Micheal. First minute on this course and you've already broken everything

"A-are you okay?" A voice squeaks above him.

Michael looks up, and his brown eyes are met with blue. A kid stands above him- well he's not a kid. He looks around Micheals age, with an open grey hoodie covering his light blue t shirt. His eyebrows are furrowed, but his wide eyes give away his nervousness.

"Yeah I just dropped the compass. May have broken it a little too. First day here and I'm already breaking things" He jokes.

The kid laughs nervously, fiddling with his hoodie hem.

"I'm Micheal, by the way" Micheal holds out his hand.

"I'm Hansen- I mean, my last name is Hansen. My name is Evan. Evan Hansen- well, technically my name isn't Evan Evan is my middle name but I go by my middle name I'm sorry I don't know why I'm still talking I'm sorry" Evan looks down to the ground, red faced and slightly out of breath.

Micheal lowers his hand with a friendly smile. "Don't be sorry it's okay. Meeting new people is always hard- and for what it's worth, you're doing a great job"

Evan's shoulders relax and he takes a deep breath. "Thanks" he says quieter than intended.

"Now that you're all settled, let's start at the very beginning with a simple fire. Using only the sticks and stones in the box under your table, i want you to construct a small fire- for the love of god, do NOT ACTUALLY LIGHT THE FIRE. I'll be teaching you how to do that later in the course" Mr Murphy explains from his top desk.

Micheal pulls out the box, pouring the contents on the table.

"So, what made you take this survival course?" He asks Evan, creating polite conversation.

"Uh my mom wanted me t-to do something. S-something outside my house I mean. She suggested doing a course at the community centre and I picked this one since I'm good friends with uh Mr Murphy's daughter so i'm used to him so this course will be easier than other ones" Evan says with more confidence than his introduction.

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