Youre Hotter Than The Pizza [1/2]

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"Okay okay okay, it's time for the important decision; Jaws or The Matrix?"

Jake nods intensely. "Yes Rich. These are clearly important questions in our modern society"

"Thank you for agreeing Jakey D. Now, what do we chose?"

Micheal enters the living room with a bathtub size bowl of popcorn, plopping himself on the couch.
It's Saturday night. That means movie night. And that means films, pizza, popcorn and other shit to binge on. Don't get me wrong, they watch movies on other days of the week too. But this is the night. It's what gets them through the week. It's their reward for surviving.

"The Matrix. Always" Jake announces, sinking further into her beanbag.

"Nah we gotta go Jaws. The Matrix is way to complicated" Micheal shrugs, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you both, but the correct answer is always........." Rich hurls a DVD box at Jakes head. "DIE HARD!"

"DIE HARD!" Micheal and Jake scream, bursting into cheers.

"Thank you Thank you" Rich grins, squishing myself on the squashy sofa next to Micheal.

These guys aren't rich. They're college students that stayed friends after high school. They have a pokey apartment that's lucky enough to have three rooms. Their kitchen is practically non existent bar a fridge and a microwave. The living room is the beating heart of their home. It has one large black sofa, and a pile of bean bags from a charity shop. In the corner they crammed a foosball table, and in the middle of it all is their life and love: the TV.
Jake emerges from his squashy nest, and pops the DVD into the player. He grabs the remote to press play when Rich exclaims,
"Wait! Guys! The pizza"

"Don't worry Micheal got it" He assures him, retreating back to his seat.

Micheal freezes.
One job. Every week he has one job. How on earth did he forget? Especially when they were gonna watch Die Hard of all movies?

"You did get it. Right Mike?" Jake says slowly, narrowing his eyes.

"Ugghhh........." Micheal laughs nervously. "Hey hey hey! Calm down I'll order it now!"
He ducks a near miss from a pillow, and jumps into the kitchen.

He pulls up his phone and taps onto his favorite app.
What's Squips you ask? Well, it's just the pizza place on the whole freaking planet. The sauce is perfect, the dough is soft but not too soft, and they always have the prefect amount of cheese. And they're cheap.
Micheal types in their usual order: two large pizzas, one half margarita half pepperoni, the other half Hawaiian half vegetarian. Oh, and a two liter bottle of Coke.

As Micheal plugs in their address, and scrolls down to press Order!, he spots the special requests section. Hey, it's been a boring week, why not make things a bit more interesting? The people at Squips will get a kick out of it anyways.

He finishes typing his request, and clicks Order!.


There's a ketchup stain on the ground.
Jeremy must've spent hours scrubbing at the god damn fucking stain, but it hasn't even budged. It taunts him from beside the fridge.
Hey ya bastard. Remember me? Well I ain't going nowhere.
It's not a nice feeling getting stood up by a condiment.

"Earth to Jeremy?"
He snaps out of his rage-filled staring contest with the floor, and straightens up.

"Sorry Christine. What's up?"

"Would you describe yourself as cute?"

Jeremy shrugs. "Cuter then you anyways"
Jeremy's sly comment earned him a noogie from his surprisingly strong friend.

"Okay okay! Stop! Stop!" Jeremy laughs, pushing Christine off. "Why does it matter if I'm cute or not?"

Christine fixes her black uniform cap. "Special request. Send your cutest delivery boy"

Christine cracks up at Jeremy's face. It's sort of intrigued, curious. But at the same time it's horrified and offended, but also gay and giggly. It's pretty hard to explain.

"Here you go cutie" Christine teases, handing Jeremy two large pizza boxes. "Go get 'em"


Knock knock!

"Yes! The pizza!" Micheal punches the air like an excited child, leaping off the couch and racing towards the door.

"DONT FORGET TO TIP!" Rich yells after him.

Micheal grabs the money from the tiny dresser next to the door, before opening it.
The delivery boy.
Even in a simple black polo shirt, with the blue Squips logo slapped on, and matching black attire, he is breath taking.
His eyes are striking. Defiantly striking. They're not your usual blue. They are almost electric, but at the same time they're deep and entrancing.
Freckles dot his pale skin, all the way from his eyes to his half smile.

"Are you okay? You haven't said anything for like twenty seconds now"

"I can't believe they did it" Micheal says breathlessly.


"Send their cutest delivery boy"
Color creeps into the shorter boys cheeks. Wow he is pretty small. Micheal eyes draw to his long-ish brown hair, which is sorta tousled in an almost sexy way.

The boy notices Micheal looking.
"Oh I had to fight the other delivery boys to get here"
Micheal laughs, and he can feel his stomach flip. Why is this guy so cute? His eyes finally reach his name tag. Jeremy.

"Oh my brave hero"


Jeremy splutters with laughter at this, as hard as he tried to hide it. Micheals cheeks flush red, and he can feel himself internally screaming.
"Time to feed the beast" he comments.

He gives Jeremy the money.
Jeremy smiles.
Jeremy leaves.
Micheal closes the door.

He turns back into the apartment, and a deep breath blows from his cheeks.
"Got something hot there do ya?" Rich smirks from the living room doorway.

Micheal turns a dark red. "Wh-wh-what? N-no he's just a delivery boy....."

Rich leans rights up to Micheals face.
"I was talking about the pizza" he whispers, yanking them from his hands.

He disappears into the living room, and Jake yells, "DIE HAAAAARD!"

My beautiful gays.
I am making a part two so prep yoselfs.
- Avery

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