The Soapy Shower Song [3/3] [ѕмυт]

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Hey guys! I love the Soapy Shower Song Series so much it's not even funny. Now, for the moment you've been waiting for.......


~Jeremy's P.O.V~

Micheal holds me desperately, like he needs me to survive. His hands start at my face, but they quickly travel down to my ass. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, intertwining my fingers through his hair.
He turns me around and slams me against the door, kissing me harder and more passionately.

Okay, can i just take a second to say hooOOOOOLY FUUUUCCcccckkkk

Our bodies can't be close enough. I pull him closer with every force in my body. His fingers hook into the belt hoops on my jeans, and he pulls them forward.

Micheal pulls away, and I immediately miss him on my lips. He kisses my cheek, then my jawline, then he moves down to my neck. He plants sloppy kisses all over it, making my breath hitch. He kissed this one spot, and I let out this huge moan.

Wtfffff I just moaned because of Micheal

I can feel him smile against my neck. He kisses that spot again, this time nibbling on it slightly. It takes all I have to repress another moan, but Micheal whispers huskily in my ear, "come on babe. I want to hear every bit of you"

And then I go back to being a moaning mess. Micheal leaves a prominent hickey right on my sweet spot, before coming up and reconnecting our lips once more.
Micheal pulls away with a smile. He looks happy, sort of dominant, and also sort of sheepish. His hands still on my waist, he just sort of stares at me, and smiles.

"What is it?" I chuckle.

"No it's nothing" Micheal replies. "I just like your face"

"Why thank you very much" I smirk in an exaggerated voice.

Micheal laughs at my idiotic joke, before finally taking his hands of me and stepping back.
Why are you stepping back I swear to god Micheal you better come back here right now and slam me against that door again.

"Well I don't know about you, but I am drenched" he says, flopping out his arms.
"I'm gonna take a shower if that's alright"

"Yes Micheal. You need my formal blessing to have a shower in your own apartment" I joke, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Just what I thought" he grins. "So uh you can make yourself at home. You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen or watch tv or borrow some of my clothes if you want to get changed"

I nod, and give him a tiny salute.
"Can do"

Micheal nods back and walks off to his bathroom, leaving me feeling sort of empty. Not because I'm alone in his apartment kind of, but because he stopped kissing me. Because his hands aren't hooked around my belt hoops or grabbing my behind. Because we aren't desperately holding each other like we need each other to survive. Because my hands aren't combing through his soft hair. Because-
Oh shit I think I have a boner.

I shake my head to keep me in reality. Micheal said to make myself at home..........and in my home I can do what I want right? And I want to do Micheal. Sooooo bad.

I creep over to the bathroom door, and give it a quiet knock before pushing the door open. Micheal is just throwing his soaked jeans on the ground, leaving him in his underwear. He looks surprised to see me, mainly considering I shouldn't be in here.

"Hey Jere. Everything okay? You need anything?" He asks, slightly concerned.

I take a deep breath, and shut the door behind me. I walk forward so that there's barely a foot between Michael and I. I slowly peel my drenched t shirt over my head, and drop it on the ground. Micheals eyes are wide. He's analyzing my every movement.

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