Shine Once For Yes, Twice For No [1/2]

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"He spoke to me, Chris! He used the lights! Stop looking at me like I'm crazy!" Micheal pleads desperately.

Christine takes in the........creation on his wall. Micheal had hung up three rows of rainbow Christmas lights, and sloppily painted a letter under each one.
She looks to her friend with pained eyes. Since Jeremy went missing two weeks ago, Micheal has been spiraling. Claiming that Jermey communicated to him through the lamps. That there's a monster in the walls. And now, his whole house is decked in the lights.

Christine sits down next to him on the couch. He pulls his faded red hoodie tighter around him. His hair is a mess. Dark bags under his eyes. His skin sickly. God knows how long it has been since he slept. He bounces his knee nervously.

"Micheal" the Asian girl says gently. "The entire town is looking for him. Everyone is non stop searching and we're all here to support you. But where ever he is, he's not in the lights. Or the walls"

Micheal shakes his head.
"He spoke to me, Christine"

She exhales gently, fighting off tears. First, her best friend goes missing. Then her other best friends starts to go insane. They've been through so much. She swallows, before getting to her feet.
"I promised Brooke I'd babysit for her, but I'll be here first thing in the morning, okay? Just, please, get some rest. Even a few hours"

She kisses the Filipinos curly hair gently. He doesn't react. His eyes just bore holes into the ugly wallpaper after him. Christine closes the door gently behind her. As soon as she's gone, Micheal finally breaks.

His body folds over, breaking into loud sobs. The dark halls fill with his cries. He clutches his stomach and screams.
"PLEASE JEREMY! Please just come home!"

The lights blow. Micheal jumps at the sound, enveloped in darkness. His breathing quickens. Panic runs around his mind. The Filipino stumbles to his feet, intending to go to the kitchen for a torch.
But an ominous red glow catches his attention.

On his fairy light wall, a letter lights up. And turns off.

"Jeremy?" He whispers, frozen to the spot.

The red light over the letter Y flashes.

"Y...for y-yes, right?"


Micheals hand flies over his mouth. Tears steam down his face as he smiles.
"Hey baby" he breaths. "W-where are you Jer? I'm gonna find you but I need to know where you are"

The lights flash in response.

"Right here?" Micheal looks over his shoulders, expecting his boyfriend to materialize. "Y-you're not here Jeremy. Why-why can't I see you?"

The S lights up.
Then the O.
Then the S.

SOS. "Are you safe, Jeremy?"


Micheals panic rises into his throat.
"What do I do? How do I find you how do I save you?" He cries hysterically.


A loud bang! makes Micheal scream. He spins around to his blank wall. He can hear thudding and banging, like someone's trying trying to get in. The Christmas lights start flashing insanely.
A muffled cry comes from behind the wall.

The filipino runs out of the living room to the front door. He swings it open, and runs onto his porch, expecting to see his boyfriend. But no ones there.

He spots an axe stuck in a pile of wood next to the door. He grabs it, before running back inside. The thudding is louder now, more desperate. The axe slips from his grasp, as he bangs against the wall with his palms.

"JEREMY!" He cries.
His fingernails dig under the disgusting wallpaper, stripping it off in large chunks. Instead of seeing a brick wall, he finds something strange. It's like a barrier made of red, fogged up glass. And on the other side of the glass, is the distinctive outline of his boyfriend.

"Ohmygodjeremy! ItsokayImhere!" He cries, tears falling even harder.

"Micheal?" Jeremy's voice sounds distant.

"Yes! Yes Jeremy where are you?"

"It's like home. Our home. But dark, and scary. I'm so scared Micha. I-I just wanna come home" he yells.

"I'm gonna get you home, you just need to hang in there a bit longer"

"I can't. There's......there's something in here. It's coming for me, Micheal"

"Then I need you to hide, Jer. You need to stay safe"

A distorted scream comes from behind the glass, making Jeremy jump.
"HIDE JEREMY! I LOVE YOU!" Micheal screams.

The figure runs from the glass as the scream gets louder. Micheals hands find the axe. With a yell, he starts hitting his wall. Swing after swing. Determined to find his boyfriend. But after hit. A rush of cold air hits him. But instead of seeing the world that Jeremy is caught in, he sees his front porch.


Jake patches the hole up with wood. Rich, Christine, Chloe and Brooke sit with Micheal on the couch. He's wrapped in blankets to keep him warm.
"He was right there" the shaken boy whispers. "He was right in front of me"

"He was in the wall?" Brooke says.

Micheal hesitates, before gently shaking his head. "Not the wall. Some He said it was like home, but dark.....a-and scary"

"Did he seem okay?" Christine asks.

Micheals sighs. "I don't know. But he wasn't alone. He's not safe in there"

His eyes draw up, to meet the patched up hole. Jeremy's voice rings through his ears.

"There's......there's something in here. It's coming for me, Micheal"

A tears streaks down his face.

"I'm so scared Micha. I-I just wanna come home"

"I just want him home" Micheal whispers.

Didn't plan on making this angsty.
Should I make a part two?
(Stranger Things AU)
- Avery

(Also unedited)

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