ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ ᴍɪᴄʜᴇᴀʟ x ᴄʜʀɪsᴛɪɴᴇ || G-U-I-D-E

541 14 35

Thank you very much to queerfanofmusicals for the wonderful request. I love platonic one shots and I'm very excited to write this one!

Also I'm taking requests for Micheal and Christine's ship name. I'm not sure if they have one already but we can still make a new one

Finally, this features the main couple from Waitress

Jim Pomatter holds the oblong pill in his hand. He takes a shaky breath in. It'll be fine. It'll be fine! There's no reason to worry. Loads of people take pills to improve their lives, why can't you?

The Mountain Dew bottle hisses as he twists off the lid. Okay. Put the pill in your mouth, check. Chug the Mountain Dew- yuck, but check. Jim clenches his eyes closed, waiting for something to happen.

Nothing happens


Jim feels a shock run down his spine. A strangled shriek escapes his throat. He grabs his arms as if that will stop the electricity running through his veins.

Target female inaccessible

What's happening?!

Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort

Jim grates his teeth as he falls to his knees. His body is on fire. His bones are turning to dust. His brain is melting.

Then it stops.

Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated

Jim takes a deep breath. His hands uncurl from his arms, slowly planting into the ground. He's okay.

Discomfort level may increase

Jim screams his throat raw. His arms give out, leaving him with a mouthful of carpet.

Accessing neural memory
Accessing muscle memory
Access procedure complete

Jim sits back on his feet, not sure if he'll catch his breath ever again. A pair of feet appear in front of him.

James Pomatter, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor

He slowly looks up, expecting to see . . . I don't know- a god or something. He wasn't expecting to see a normal looking teenager glaring down at him like he's scum.

Jim cocks his head to the side, pursing his lips. The Squip raises an eyebrow.
Unsatisfied? His voice doesn't sound robotic, in fact it sounds completely human.

"No no not at all. I just thought you'd look different" Jim insists, scrambling to his feet.

I chose this style as a default mode his Squip states. The teenage male appearance creates a sense of familiarity, reliability and trust. There are of course other options if you would prefer to take instructions from Heath Ledger's Joker, Kim or Kourtney Kardashian, a persona based of your pornography history-

"No! No no no. You look fine as you are" Jim reassures him. "Um- can other people see you?"

I exist only in your mind, I'm invisible to everyone else. Just think at me, like you're telepathic

"Oh cool!" Jim says.
Is it working? Can you hear my thoughts?

Loud and clear

Nice. Can I ask- do you have a name?

No, for I am not human. I am your Squip, I don't need a name

chill - Boyf Riends One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now