Hopefully Not [2/3]

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So. I have decided to not write smut.
BUT I think I'm going to publish the smut scene separately, along with other deleted smut scenes (*cough* the shower scene from Royalty 101 *cough*)

So stay tuned for aaaallllllllll the smut scenes that didn't make the cut
(For a while I became uncomfortable writing smut but I'm coming around to it again)

Right before we begin, I have another interactive series waiting in my drafts. Would you guys be interested in that or have we done enough interactive series already?

(This is very long and unedited btw)

Jeremy wakes up to two things the next morning.
The first is a pounding headache unlike any he has ever experienced. That headache is an after effect of his hangover. Shame hits him immediately. He knew he was going to drink to get through the wedding, but he promised himself he was only going to get a light buzz. It was a stupid idea considering he's a lightweight.

The second thing is a little more earth shattering. He rolls himself over in the hotel bed, swinging his legs over the edge with a groan. Shower. He needs to shower. He's already naked, so that helps- wait a minute.
Jeremy doesn't sleep naked. Why is Jeremy naked? Why do his knees hurt? Why is he too scared to look back at the disheveled bed? Why are fuzzy memories of tearing off Micheal's jacket and socks hitting him like a wrecking ball?

Jeremy wakes up to his roommate naked next to him. There's no need for subtlety here, you know what happened. After all, you can't spell subtext without buttsex.

To save you the literal headache, Jeremy starts screeching. This wakes up Micheal. He starts screeching too. They scream at each other in pure shock, both too surprised to cover their junk.

Micheal manages to snap out of the shock, shushing Jeremy aggressively. He reminds him that there are other people in the hotel and they can't just scream at one in the afternoon.

"So what do we do?" Jeremy presses a pillow over his crotch as if Micheal hasn't seen it all already.

"I say . . ." Micheal, on the other hand, makes no effort to cover himself. Jeremy isn't complaining. ". . . I say we get breakfast"

All Jeremy can do is stand there and make indistinguishable noises while Micheal gets dressed.
"Not to shit on your breakfast plans but are we going to address this?"

"Nope" Micheal responds, pulling his discarded shirt over his head. "We had sex- big whoop. People have sex all the time it's no big deal"

He stops, turning to Jeremy.
"That wasn't your first time, was it?"

"Wh- no. No! I had a boyfriend before you, remember?" Jeremy clarifies.

Micheal raises an eyebrow with a smirk.
"You callin' me your boyfriend?"

"Oh my go- can we go to breakfast and talk this whole thing out? Can we just do that?"

"I guess" Micheal throws Jeremy his boxers, managing to hit him directly in the face.

This hotel has good breakfast. The lavish vast hall is filled with buffet stands, each stand filled with containers of hot food. There's even a waiter in the corner serving pancakes and omelettes.
Next to all of the steaming food are circular tables. At one of the smaller tables next to the window, Micheal shovels food in his face as Jeremy watches in disgust.

After devouring half a plate of sausages, bacon and beans, Micheal looks up to Jeremy mid chew. He pulls a face.
"Why does your face look like that?" he deadpans, mouth full.

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