Stupid Fuckin' Timers Man

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The soulmate slut returns! But this time, she had a new twist.........

(I'm so proud of this idea like you have no idea)



Jeremy itches his wrist. This is, the last time he will ever see his wrist. Or that little strip of skin anyways. From 3:15 pm on, it will be covered by a long grey timer.

The world has evolved in weird ways since high school. His life has turned into one big fanfiction. Today, everyone over the age of 18 will gather, and have timers installed in their wrists. At midnight, all the timers will activate, and count down to when each person will meet their soulmate.

Jeremy isn't scared. He has his soulmate. The same soulmate who is gripping his arm and squealing in excitement.
"Chrissy, calm down" he laughs.

"I can't calm down! My fanfiction dreams are coming true!" she gasps.

The couple sits in the community hall, surrounded by hundreds of adults. Everyone sits on a small chair in straight rows. Each chair is half a meter apart. Jeremy looks over to his fiancee with a smile. He's not worried. He knows who his soulmate is.


The Timers Project is a sophisticated system that was designed to reunite 'soulmates'. To increase happiness and lower divorce rates, timers will be installed in everyone wrists counting down until the moment they meet their soulmates. They will be installed on everyones 18th birthday. To get the timers in circulation, they will be installed to everyone over the age of 20, starting at 20 and working up. Live and love to the fullest, and enjoy life with your soulmate

                       - The Department Of Timers


The timers are about two inches long. Grey and silver, with the numbers 00:00:00:00:00:00, signifying the years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds until you meet your soulmate.
After getting them installed, Christine and Jeremy ran straight home. It's an important night and it needs to be perfect.

Fairy lights decorate the living room. Candles rest on every possible surface. Wine is on the table, pizza is on its way.

11:54:36 pm

"You nervous?" Christine asks.

Jeremy smiles. "Not at all"

They stand in the middle of the living room. Jeremy reaches out and holds his fiancées hands.

11:57:54 pm

Time seems to inch by.
Jeremy's thumb rubs against Christines engagement ring. He chose it specially to match her eyes. Although her eyes sparkle far brighter then any jewel on earth.

11:59:12 pm

Tears line their eyes. They smile to each other.
"Ten" Christine whispers.
"Nine" Jeremy replies.


There's no beeping. Christines face falls. Their breathing quickens. Where's the beeping?
Jeremy breaks eye contact first. He turns up his wrist, and his breath catches in his throat.


His stomach boils. Jeremy gags, before dropping Christines hands to run to the bathroom. Sounds of vomiting fill the apartment.
Christine just stands there. Tears silently roll down her cheeks.

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