The Better Kind Of Fluff

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Jeremys hand lands on Micheals hair.


"Jeremy, babe, the light of my life, my one and only," Micheal says. "What the ever-loving fuck are you on about?"

Jeremys hand doesn't move. His eyes stare at his boyfriends candy floss hair. The only word to truly describe Micheals hair, is fluff.

"I read a thing, right?" He stares intensely at the fluff. "People were saying what kind of stuff they liked. Angsty stuff, alternate-universe stuff, smutty stuff- stop it i can tell you're smirking. But the most popular stuff was fluffy stuff."

Jeremy gets onto his hunkers on the couch, planting both hands into Micheals hair.
"So I thought, 'whats the big deal with fluff?' So I went to the fluffiest thing I could find"

"My hair" Micheal smiles at his boyfriend. "As flattered as I am, Jer, I don't think thats the kind of fluff they're talking about"

Jeremy pulls a face, removing his hands from his hair like it's electric. He scoffs, raising an eyebrow.

"Micheal" he says. "Michael. We all know theres nothing fluffier then your hair"

"But this fluff is a different kind of fluff" Micheal sits crossed legged opposite his boyfriend. "Heere, let me show you"

Michael takes Jeremys hand. He holds it up, like he's saying 'here is your hand. Do you see your own hand?'. Eyes locked on Jeremys, he raises his hand to his lips, and plants a gentle kiss. Micheal takes his other hand, and places another kiss.

The kisses are gentle, like a butterfly landing. A warmth spreads through the brunettes body. Flowing through his hands, his bones, all the way to his nose. It sets off sparklers and bonfires and all that goodstuff.

"You see?" Micheal says softly, a smile creeping on his lips. "That's what they mean by fluff"

Jeremy looks at his hands in wonderment. His eyes are wide and his mouth ajar. The secrets to the universe lay in the invisible kisses left of his hands.

"I like this kind of fluff" Jeremy says slowly. His eyes drift back up to Micheals hair. His fluffy, dark, curly, cloud hair. "But, I like this kind of fluff better"

Jeremy hands cup his boyfriends face, tilting his head forward. He kisses the fluffy hair gently. Once. Twice. Three- no make that four times.

He travels down, kissing Micheals forehead.The tip of his nose, both of his cheeks, his chin. And finally, he softly kisses his lips. It's for barely a second. Michael cheeks go red under Jeremys hands.

"You're right" Micheals voice breaks as he tries to speak. After clearing his throat in a manly way, he continues; "That is a better kind of fluff. But, you're forgetting the best kind"

"The best kind?" Jeremy is acting like an angel who walks the earth for the first time.

Micheal nods into Jeremys hands. "Oh yeah. Camping, cuddling, hot chocolates, poetry, music, all that other good stuff"

Jeremy smiles, folding his hands in his lap. "I get why people love this kind of fluff"

"Wanna do some more fluffing?" Michael is tackled to the couch, his boyfriend clutching onto his like a koala. He giggles into Jeremys hair, wrapping his arms around his back. The boy on top (even though he's a bottom) grabs a soft blanket from the back of the couch. He drapes it around the both pf them, sighing into his boyfriends chest.

"Are you gonna fall asleep on me?" Michael asks.

"Maybe. You're very veered comfy"

"Why thank you. It's nice to know my Doritos obsession is good for something"

Jeremy nuzzles into his boyfriend, making it very clear that no force in heaven or hell will move him.

"So we're not going to have any hot chocolates? No adorable cooking sequence or singing cute songs on the ukulele?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely not. I'm staying here forever" his voice his getting tired.

"Damn. That'll have to wait till next time then"

"No next time. We're never moving"

"Wow you're a bitch when you're fluffy"

"Insert heart emoji"

"What the fuck"

"Shut up I'm going to sleep and I love you"

Yes! Fluff!
The fluffiest fluffiest fluff to ever fluff!
Thank you so much for answering the poll, so here is the much requested fluff!
Don't worry, there's A LOT more on the way!
- Avery

(Out Of curiosity, what's your favorite flavour of Pringle's? Mine is Texas BBQ)

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