Get A D To Pass The Class [sᴍᴜᴛᴛʏ sᴍᴜᴛᴛʏ]

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I haven't written smut in ages it's so weird to do it again. I really hope I haven't lost my knack cause that would be weird.
[wow I'm halfway through writing this and oh my god s m u t is so weird I'm so uncomfortable but fuck it I love the title of this chapter so I'm publishing it. Sasha, if you're reading this, please don't judge me for writing gay porn]

Now. Who else loves hate sex? can't just be me

Also, after the thirty years I have had this book, I still haven't decided who's taller and it's stressing me out.

(Who should be taller p l e a s e h e l p m e)



Michael head snaps over to Jeremy, his thumb mid click. His eyes narrow on the other boy, who sits at the desk, eyes wild and hair a mess.

Micheal lifts his thumb from his pen.


"for fUCKS SAKE!" Jeremy slams his palms on his desk, pushing the chair out. He storms over to the kings sized bed- where Micheal sits innocently doing the assignment. He snatches the pen out of his rivals hand, and hurls it out of the open bedroom window.

"What the shit, Heere?!" Michael exclaims, jumping from the bed and rushing to the window.

"It's bad enough I'm paired with you for this fucking assignment. I don't need that stupid fucking pen drilling into my soul" Jeremy snaps sitting back at his desk, and resuming his work.

Micheal looks at Jeremy.
Then back out the window.
Then back at Jeremy.
Then back out the window.

"I can't believe" he states, "that you threw my pen out the window"

"Fucking deal with it" Jeremy says through gritted teeth, not looking up from his sheets and sheets of paper.

Micheal glares at him. Emotion pumps through his veins like adrenaline.
"I fucking hate you, Jeremy Heere"

"Good. Cause I fucking hate you too" Jeremy states, monotone.

This sparks something in Micheal. This bubbling feeling reaches from his head to the tips of his fingers and the bases of his feet.
Micheal steps over to the desk, palm outstretched.

Jeremy looks at the palm, slowly looking up to his rivals face. He raises an eyebrow.
"You want a high five or something?"

"I want a pen"

"Excuse me?"

"You threw my pen out the window, and I don't have another one. So, you're going to give me one"

Jeremy scoffs.


"No" jeremy stands up, turning to face Micheal. Oh shit, he really didn't think this through. There's barely three inches between him and Micheal. He can feel his breath on on lips, as Micheals dark eyes bore into his own.

"You were going to town on clicking that pen. You don't deserve another one" Jeremy says.

Michael steps forward. Another bad idea. His chests bumps with Jeremy briefly, but now there's less than an inch between them.

"Dangerous fucking territory, Heere" Micheal says through gritted teeth.

Jeremy straightens up, trying to stare Micheal down. It's hard to act intimidating when all you can focus on is the hot breath on your lips and the sexual tension that has been plaguing you all day.

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