Would You Rather? [ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ] [4/4]

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"Welcome to Quarantine Queers everyone!" Micheal beams from his signature spot on the couch.
"And also welcome to the final part- for now- of Would You Rather?"

"That little quarantine reference is going to be outdated really soon" Jeremy points out.

"Well maybe, but for now we're in quarantine and we're queer. So, we're Quarantine Queers" Micheal doesn't stop beaming, obviously excited for the game.

"Would you rather eat someone's face or strip in front of strangers- and before you answer, the asker kindly requested that we don't judge the question" Micheal reads.

"Don't worry I'm not judging. Actually i am judging a little but you can't judge my judgement" Jeremy says in his defence.

"Now- I cant speak for my boyfriend Heere, but I am not a cannibal. And if I strip, I have the possibility of earning some money so . . ."

"You make a great point" Jeremy says. "I agree with Micheal"

"So this one's for meeee. Ok so to Micheal, would you rather live without old sodas, or without slushies??? with three question marks" Micheal reads.

"Ooo that's a good one" Jeremy says.

"Okay. Damn. Okay. Shit. Okay. Okay. So. Okay. I really love Crystal Pepsi like I would drink that shit until I die it's awesome. But, I have a slushie every day and they are my livelihood. Fuck. Um. Okay. I think I pick Crystal Pepsi. I can't live without my old sodas"

"Wow. This is scandalous" Jeremy sips his iced Starbucks drink that he has had this whole time shut up.

"Alrighty so we have two questions left, and then it's the end of Would You Rather. Are you ready readers? Doesn't matter it's happening anyways. Jeremy. Would you rather hug or kiss Micheal?"

"Yes!" Jeremy claps his hands together, his Starbucks drink magically disappearing. "This is the wholesome content I want! And I pick kiss, b t dubs. He's a very good kisser"

"Jeremy not in front of the kids" Micheal preens. Jeremy, would you rather read a fanfiction of you two or write one?"

"Definitely read" Jeremy says. "One: I'd love to see how others interpret our relationship. Two: I'm a fanfiction reader, not a writer"

"Actually, Jeremy is a very good writer. He has written some short stories that are incredible" Micheal points out.

"Shhh Micheal no one needs to hear about that" Jeremy physically plants his hand over Micheal's mouth, pulling out his phone.
"Also, I found an old Spill or Thrill question that we never answered and I wanted to answer that here, if that's okay"

Micheal nods. He licks Jeremy's hand but it doesn't budge.

"The Spill is: we're either of you virgins the first time you did it? Mikey, you can answer that"

Jeremy removes his hand and Micheal exaggeratedly gasps for air.
"Both of us had done . . . stuff with either people before we had sex, but never all the way. So yeah we were both virgins"

"Virgins for life" Jeremy says proudly, despite the fact that he has in fact had sex.
"And finally, Dare: Micheal, let Jeremy top for a week"

Micheal bursts into laughter.
"Did you read that just so you can top?"

"Maybe- shut up. I have to top now" Jeremy murmurs.

Micheal laughs even harder, throwing his arm around Jeremy.
"Okay everybody, that is the end of Would You Rather. Thank you everyone who has sent in questions they were all hilarious. Don't worry, another interactive game is coming up soon- we know how much the author loves these. Now, if you excuse us, Jeremy and I are going to have sex"

Jeremy pinches the air in triumph.
"Fuck yeah! Literally!"

Thank you everybody for sending in Would you rather questions! This chapters are my favourite they're always so much fun.

I know I'm not really posting at the moment, but I'm preparing loads of chapters for pride month so I promise it'll be worth it.

Stay safe everybody and make sure you've done all your homework (a l l of it)

- Avery

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